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Windermere traducir español

153 traducción paralela
Why, Lady Windermere's fan!
El abanico de Lady Windermere.
If I may say so, Lord Windermere, you're wise to be guided by Mr. Graham.
- Lord Windermere, siga los consejos del Sr. Graham.
- Lord Windermere is mistaken.
- Lord Windermere se ha equivocado.
Lady Windermere's birthday is the 21st of April.
Su cumpleaños es el 21 de abril.
- Lord Windermere said the 24th.
Él ha dicho que era el 24.
But I can't help thinking that Lord Windermere would know better than anybody.
Pero lord Windermere lo sabrá mejor que nadie.
Well, my most innocent vice is reading the news of London society. There's been so much about Lady Windermere's birthday ball on the 21st.
Mi vicio más inocente es leer sobre la alta sociedad de Londres, y he leído mucho sobre el baile de cumpleaños de su esposa.
Perhaps Lord Windermere wishes that he did.
- Quizá le gustaría que así fuera.
- I'm sure we have met. - No, Lord Windermere.
- Seguro que nos conocemos.
Now I'm supposed to imagine an intimate little supper with Windermere pouring out all his confidences as well as the champagne?
Y debo imaginarla en una cena íntima, con Windermere derrochando sus confidencias y el champán.
- Windermere, the model husband
Windermere, el esposo modelo.
- Windermere, the model husband.
Windermere, el esposo modelo.
Including yours, Lord Windermere.
Incluido Vd.,
I'm not at all outraged, Mrs. Erlynne.
- lord Windermere. - Yo no estoy escandalizado.
Is Lady Windermere going?
¿ Irá lady Windermere?
Yes you did, dear Lord Windermere.
Sí lo ha dicho, querido Windermere.
Probably at the fencing match, Lord Windermere.
Probablemente en el torneo de esgrima.
I want to apologize, Lady Windermere.
Quiero disculparme, lady Windermere.
No, but I want YOU to take me seriously, Lady Windermere.
El mundo no. Pero usted sí, lady Windermere.
Lady Windermere, it would have been much kinder to me if you'd come heavily veiled and swathed in thick shawls.
Lady Windermere. Ojalá hubiera venido cubierta con un espeso chal.
And there is Lady Windermere.
Y ahí está lady Windermere.
Touché, Lord Windermere.
Touchée, lord Windermere.
But Lord Windermere will sign the lease this afternoon.
Lord Windermere firmará hoy el arriendo.
Help me decide, Windermere.
Ayúdeme a decidirme.
It rained the other day, Lord Windermere... for you.
El otro día llovió, lord Windermere, para usted.
You let the lies come to you, and then used them most adroitly in your attempt to break up the Windermere marriage.
Y luego las utilizaba para intentar destrozar su matrimonio.
Look, Agatha. There's Lady Windermere.
Mira, es lady Windermere.
Agatha, tell Lady Windermere how delighted you are to see her.
Agatha, dile que estás encantada de verla.
I suppose we shall see you at Lady Windermere's ball.
Supongo que asistirá al baile de lady Windermere.
Everyone looked on Windermere as such a model husband.
Y lo peor es que todos consideran a Windermere un esposo modelo.
She must have got a great deal of money out of somebody. It seems she arrived in London a few weeks ago without anything to speak of. Now she has a charming house, drives a pony in the park every afternoon and all this since she's known poor dear Windermere.
Ha debido de sacarle mucho dinero a alguien porque llegó a Londres hace unas semanas sin nada y ahora tiene una bonita casa, y va en pony al parque cada tarde.
Happy birthday, Lady Windermere.
Feliz cumpleaños, lady Windermere.
- Lord Windermere has been waiting.
Lord Windermere lleva esperándola un rato.
There was a check of 10,000 pounds from Lord Windermere to be rid of me.
Un cheque de 10,000 libras para que Windermere se librara de mí,
And there was an invitation to her birthday ball from Lady Windermere.'
Y una invitación de lady Windermere para su fiesta de cumpleaños,
- Good evening, Lord Windermere. - My dear Countess!
- Buenas noches.
Manners before morals, Lord Windermere.
Los modales antes que la moral.
Good evening, Lady Windermere.
Buenas noches, lady Windermere.
I congratulate you, Lord Windermere.
Enhorabuena, lord Windermere.
And with all my heart, I congratulate you, Lady Windermere.
Y la felicito a usted de todo corazón, lady Windermere.
Oh, Mr. Graham? Have you seen Lady Windermere?
Sr. Graham, ¿ ha visto a lady Windermere?
Look for Lord Darlington if you wish to find Lady Windermere.
Busque a lord Darlington si desea encontrarla.
And look for Lady Windermere if you wish to find Lord Darlington.
Y búsquela a ella si desea encontrarlo a él.
Would you take me to Lady Windermere, please?
¿ Dónde está lady Windermere?
He attended Lady Windermere's ball tonight.
Fue al baile de lady Windermere.
Lady Windermere, you must leave here.
Tiene que irse de aquí.
This is Lady Windermere's fan.
Es el de lady Windermere.
Will you please return this to your wife, Lord Windermere?
¿ Se lo devolverá a su esposa, lord Windermere?
Or perhaps it was because I'm very fond of you, Lady Windermere.
O tal vez porque le tengo cariño, lady Windermere.
Yes, I tore up Lord Windermere's check.
Sí, rompí el cheque de lord Windermere.
Goodbye, Lady Windermere.
Adiós, lady Windermere.

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