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Winston churchill traducir español

447 traducción paralela
Winston Churchill from London.
Winston Churchill desde Londres.
- Winston Churchill, on our telephone.
- Winston Churchill, llamando a casa.
Winston Churchill was on the telephone.
Winston Churchill llamó por teléfono.
From Winston Churchill.
De Winston churchill.
You have just heard the prime minister, the Right Honorable Winston Churchill.
Acaban de escuchar al primer ministro Winston Churchill.
Not with me, but Mr. Winston Churchill. I was quoting from the speech he made not so long ago in that very building.
No conmigo con el señor Winston Churchill es parte del discurso que pronunció hace poco en ese edificio.
Do you think Winston Churchill will be knowing that the government has run out of whisky?
¿ Tu crees que Churchill sabe que en el Estado no hay whisky?
Just like Winston Churchill.
Se parece a Winston Churchill.
A relative of Winston Churchill?
¿ Un pariente de Winston Churchill?
Your name is Churchill and you are a relation of Winston Churchill.
Se llama Churchill Y es pariente de Winston Churchill.
After all, you are a relation of Winston Churchill's.
Después de todo, siendo Ud. pariente de Winston Churchill...
I have heard Winston Churchill speaks 15 languages, Herr Kommandant.
He oído que Winston Churchill habla 15 idiomas, Herr Kommandant.
He is a relation of Winston Churchill.
Emparentado con Winston Churchill.
She is a relative of Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England.
Es pariente de Winston Churchill, Primer ministro de Inglaterra.
In any case, his life and fate have best been summed up... ironically enough, in the words of Nazi Germany's sternest enemy... the honorable Winston Churchill.
En cualquier caso, irónicamente, su vida y destino tuvieron mejor reflejo en las palabras del peor enemigo de la Alemania nazi, el honorable Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill's mother, the beautifulJennieJerome.
La madre de Winston Churchill, la hermosa JennieJerome.
I tell him we're on our honeymoon and you drag out a copy of Winston Churchill.
Yo le digo que estamos de luna de miel y tú sacas un libro sobre Winston Churchill.
He looks a little like Winston Churchill.
Se parece un poco a Winston Churchill.
All new babies look like Winston Churchill.
Todos los bebés se parecen a Winston Churchill.
It's Winston Churchill.
Es Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill, Gandhi, me.
Winston Churchill, Gandhi, yo.
In the words of Mr Winston Churchill :
En palabras de Winston Churchill :
His exploits were cited by Winston Churchill as the true bedrock of the Resistance.
Su proeza fue citada por Winston Churchill...
The following day, Saturday, May 1 1, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister.
El sábado 11 de mayo, Winston Churchill asumió como primer ministro.
Winston Churchill has called on the Labour government to end what he calls... "... this squalid war against the Jews, " with all possible speed. - 500 Americans picketed...
Churchill ha pedido al gobierno laborista que concluya lo que ha llamado "esta sórdida guerra contra los judíos".
- He's named after Winston Churchill.
- Por Winston Churchill.
I reserved for you the quietest suite. It was Sir Winston Churchill's favourite.
Le he reservado el apartamento más tranquilo, el preferido de sir Winston Churchill.
Where is the responsibility of the world leader Winston Churchill, who said in an open letter to the London Times in 1938... 1938, Your Honour...
¿ Dónde está la responsabilidad del líder mundial Winston Churchill, que dijo en una carta pública en el London Times en 1938, 1938, Su Señoría...
Are we now to find Winston Churchill guilty?
¿ Ahora encontramos culpable a Winston Churchill?
It is easy to speak of the "basic flaw" in the German character that allowed Hitler to rise to power, and at the same time ignore the "basic flaw" of character that made the Russians sign pacts with him, Winston Churchill praise him, American industrialists profit by him!
¡ Es fácil hablar del "defecto básico" del carácter alemán que permitió el ascenso de Hitler al poder, y al mismo tiempo ignorar los "defectos básicos" de carácter que hicieron a los rusos firmar pactos con él, a Churchill alabarle, a industriales americanos beneficiarse de él!
And did you know that Winston Churchill was 77 when they made him prime minister in'51?
Y ¿ sabíais que Churchill tenía 77 cuando le hicieron primer ministro?
Winston Churchill is puffing an extra big cigar today.
pullas Winston Churchill es un cigarro extra grande hoy.
Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill.
But nobody ever said a bad word about Winston Churchill, did they?
Pero nunca se dijo nada malo sobre Winston Churchill, ¿ o sí?
I'm no Winston Churchill, but I like it.
No soy Winston Churchill, pero me gusta.
Johnson had called him the Winston Churchill of Southeast Asia... which is a unique tribute to Mr. Churchill.
Johnson lo había llamado el Winston Churchill de Asia suroriental... lo que representa un original tributo al señor Churchill.
Five hours sleep a night? Winston Churchill got four hours sleep a night.
Winston Churchill dormía cuatro horas por noche... y manejaba todo un país.
In Briare, Winston Churchill and Anthony Eden met with their allies for the last time.
En Briare, Winston Churchill y Anthony Eden se encontraron con sus aliados por última vez.
"... to read Mr. Winston Churchill's new book, The Malakand Field Force... "... it is fascinating to imagine the great warrior's reaction to it.
Winston Churchill, The Malakand Field Force sería fascinante imaginar la reacción del gran guerrero.
Mr. Winston Churchill war correspondent, author, recently resigned from the Army and candidate for Parliament for Oldham at the age of 23.
Mr. Winston Churchill corresponsal de guerra, autor, recientemente licenciado del ejército y candidato al parlamento por Oldham a la edad de 23.
" Young Mr. Winston Churchill's first attempt to enter politics...
" El primer intento del joven Mr. Winston Churchill para entrar en política ha acabado en fracaso.
"Our special correspondent, Winston Churchill... "... who distinguished himself before his capture... "... has, in a fashion as yet undisclosed, escaped. "
"Nuestro enviado especial, Winston Churchill que se había distinguido antes de su captura Ha, de una manera todavía desconocida, escapado."
" A reward of 25 pounds is offered for the capture of Winston Churchill.
" Se ofrece una recompensa de 25 libras por la captura de Winston Churchill.
My name is Winston Churchill.
Mi nombre es Winston Churchill.
You're young Winston-bloody-Churchill.
Es el maldito Winston Churchill.
Pretoria. "Mr. Winston Churchill has given himself up."
Pretoria. "Mr. Winston Churchill se ha entregado."
"It is announced here that Winston Churchill has been recaptured... "... dressed as a woman. "
"Se ha anunciado que Winston Churchill ha sido capturado de nuevo vestido de mujer."
Well, I suppose Winston knows what he's doing.
Bueno, supongo que Churchill sabrá lo que se hace.
My Early Life by Winston Spencer Churchill.
My Early Life por Winston Spencer Churchill.
"Your loving son, Winston S. Churchill."
Vustro amante hijo, Winston S. Churchill. "
Victoria, by the grace of God Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India to our trusty and well-beloved Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill gentleman, greeting.
Victoria, por la gracia de Dios Reina, Defensora de la Fe, Emperatriz de la India a nuestro fiel y querido Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill caballeros, saludos.

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