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Would you like to see traducir español

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Would you like to see the rest of my place?
¿ Quiéres conocer el resto?
Would you like to see it come true?
¿ Quisieras que se haga realidad?
Would you like to see?
¿ Querrías mirarlo?
Would you like to see why you can never exhibit that picture?
¿ Te gustaría ver por qué nunca puedes mostrar ese retrato?
- Would you like to see it?
- ¿ Quieres verlo?
Which child would you like to see first?
¿ Qué niño les gustaría ver primero?
Would you like to see your room?
Espera, déjame intentarlo.
Would you like to see my picture album?
¿ Quieres ver mi álbum de fotos?
Would you like to see the final spurt?
¿ Te gustaría ver el esfuerzo final?
Would you like to see russian cutaway gag?
¿ Te gustaría ver gag corte de Rusia?
How would you like to see another sunset?
¿ Cómo te gustaría ver otro atardecer?
Would you like to see a male psychiatrist?
¿ Le gustaría ver a un psiquiatra masculino?
Hey man. Would you like to see any of them?
Hey hombre. ¿ Le gustaría ver alguno de estos?
We isolated rat R.N.A. using T.R.I. Reagent. Would you like to see it?
Aislamos ARN de rata con el reactivo TRI. ¿ Te gustaría verlo?
Would you like to see her, America?
Te gustaria verla, America?
Would you like to see my darning?
¿ Te gustaría ver mi zurcido?
Would you like to see your husband now?
¿ Te gustaría ver a tu marido ahora?
Nope. Would you like to see
No. ¿ Te gustaría ver
Would you like to see?
¿ Te gustaría verlo?
So, if you would like to see me again, then give me a call.
Así que, si quieres volver a verme, me llamas.
And third... would you like, by any chance, to... see me later?
Y tercero... ¿ Te gustaría, por casualidad, ver... verme luego?
Esther, Jonas would like to see you.
Esther, Jonas quiere verte.
I would like to help you, but I have not seen my son in over a month. I don't expect to see him anytime soon.
Me gustaría ayudarlo, pero no he visto a mi hijo en más de un mes, y no espero verlo pronto.
Oh yes, I would like to see you, facing fifty thousand Polacks.
Sí, me hubiera gustado verlos enfrentarse con cincuenta mil polacos.
Conrad would like to see you.
Conrad quiere verte.
- I would like to see you try!
Voy a encontrar la manera de hacerlo todo por mí misma.
I just wanted to see what it would be like, you know, with a nice guy.
No, el rato con el bebé estuvo bien. Me hizo pensar.
I just wanted to see what it would feel like to be you for just a day.
Sólo quería saber cómo se sentiría ser tú por un día.
How would you like to go swimmin and see something like that in the water with you, huh?
Cómo le gustaría ir nadando y ver algo así en el agua con usted, ¿ eh?
And when we get to the car, would you like a donut to sit on? You see?
¿ Quieres un almohadón con agujero para sentarte en el auto?
Who would you least like to see win this game?
¿ A quién no te gustaría ver ganar este juego?
Then you would like to see the Company implode.
Y a ti te gustaría ver a la Compañía crecer?
Ladies and gentleman, I would like to dedicate this gig to a very special lady, and an old friend of the man you have come to see play his trumpet tonight.
Damas y caballeros, me gustaría dedicarle esta pieza a una mujer muy especial, y una vieja amiga del hombre al que han venido hoy a ver tocar la trompeta.
I suspect that the 2 of you are intimately involved so if you happen to see Mr. Houdini, would you please let him know that I'd like very much to speak with him?
Sospecho que ustedes están involucrados íntimamente. Entonces, si ve otra vez al Sr Houdini, ¿ Le diría que me gustaría mucho hablar con él?
Echo, Topher would like to see you for a treatment.
Eco, Topher quiere hacerte un tratamiento.
Mr. Oliver, Mr. Randall would like to see you in the conference room.
Sr. Oliver, el Sr. Randall quiere verlo en la sala de conferencias.
Oh, when you are set up, Miss Hulka would like to see you in her office, okay?
Cuando se acomode, la señorita Hulka quiere verlo en su oficina, ¿ está bien?
Do you suppose that he would like to see that happen to his girlfriend?
¿ Crees que le gustará ver que le pase eso a su novia?
I'd like you to see it, if you would.
Quisiera que lo vieras, si quieres.
I would like your daughter to see how you change her drawing into money.
Me gustaría que su hija vea cómo le vende un dibujo suyo...
Matron would like to see you, Nurse Bennett, in her office.
La matrona quiere verle en su oficina, enfermera Bennett.
I believe you are envious of my professional relationship with Dr. Culpin and would like to see us split apart.
Creo que estás celosa de mi relación profesional con el Dr. Culpin y que querrías vernos separados.
His Majesty would like to see you.
Su majestad quiere verte.
Thought you priest types would like to see something.
Creí que ustedes sacerdotes querrían ver algo.
So I would like to see you all tomorrow after breakfast by the Basilica of the Rosary.
Por lo tanto, quedan todos citados, después del desayuno delante de la Basílica del Rosario.
Now, you see, it's not my business but now that we are alone, I would like to discuss something with you.
Ya, verá, no es que no me interese pero ahora que estamos a solas me gustaría hablar de algo con usted.
I understand that " you would like to see me.
- Mira, Jacinta, entiendo que no me queréis ni ver, pero...
I would immensely like to see you all married like myself, and anchored.
Quisiera personalmente, veros a todos casados, como yo, y anclados.
To see if, you know, you would want to live in a place like this.
Para ver si, ya sabes, tu querrías vivir en un lugar como este.
Some of us would like to see you off.
A algunos de nosotros nos gustaría verlos partir.
For the record, I would never have given you to Russell. Go back to hell where you came from, you fucking dead piece of shit. I'm sorry to see you suffer like this, but I thought you had the right to know.
nunca te hubiera entregado a Russell. puto pedazo de mierda muerta. pero pensé que tenías derecho a saberlo.

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