Wouldn't it traducir español
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Why wouldn't you go through with it?
¿ Por qué no quieres?
Making that booty clap just wouldn't mean as much without you there to share it.
Hacer ese baile no significaría lo mismo sin ustedes para compartirlo.
Yeah. If it knew how to escape it wouldn't be here.
Si supiera cómo escapar no estaría aquí.
We survived it. Why wouldn't she?
Hemos sobrevivido a ella. ¿ Por qué no lo haría?
I guess it wouldn't hurt to meet some fans and make a little extra money.
Supongo que no haría daño conocer a algunos fans y tener un poco de dinero extra.
I wouldn't even call it a crib.
Ni siquiera lo llamaría cuna.
If the police do some digging and find those tapes, it wouldn't look good.
Si la policía investiga y encuentra esas cintas, no quedaría bien.
I wanted to show you what's good about this life so you wouldn't want to destroy it.
Quería enseñarte lo bueno que tiene la vida para que no quisieras destruirla.
Even if I were to believe you, it wouldn't be the first promise broken by an emperor.
Incluso si tuviera que creer, no sería la primera promesa rota por un emperador.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Yo no me preocuparía.
You wouldn't know it, but this used to be a great city... before.
Nadie lo diría, pero esta solía ser una gran ciudad... antes.
It would have been over, wouldn't it?
Oh, se habría terminado, ¿ no?
That it wouldn ´ t be the two of us left for dead? That it wouldn ´ t be the two of us left for dead?
¿ Que no quedaríamos nosotros dos ahí muertos?
It's over now, so wouldn't it be great if our fight was over as well?
Ya se acabó, ¿ no sería estupendo... que nuestra pelea también acabara?
You wouldn't guess it looking at her.
Nunca lo dirías al mirarla.
He wouldn't have if it wasn't for Sarah.
No habría fallado si no hubiera sido por Sarah.
Our town was just about wiped out, so if you had been sick... It wouldn't be good.
Nuestra ciudad estuvo a punto de ser barrida, así que si has estado enferma... no sería buena cosa.
- Well, you wouldn't give it to me, right?
- Bueno, no me lo daría, ¿ verdad?
If it weren't for that cold-blooded killer, that inhuman Cao Shaolun, All those children wouldn't be orphaned!
Si no fuera por ese asesino de sangre fría, ese inhumano Cao Shaolun, todos esos niños no estarían huérfanos.
If you would put oil in it beforehand, you wouldn't be in the middle of the road!
¡ Si le hubieras puesto aceite de antemano, no estarías en medio de la carretera!
Isn't it true that the One Wayers wouldn't even exist without your office creating them?
¿ No es verdad que los de un solo camino ni siquiera existirían si su oficina no los hubiera creado?
It wouldn't feel right to do it without you... buddy.
No parecería correcto hacerlo sin ti... amigo.
See, it's Christmas and she's actually divorced. So it wouldn't be imposing, right?
Verás, es Navidad, y ella está divorciada, así que no estarías abusando.
Yeah, but then it wouldn't be so special, would it?
Sí, pero, entonces, no sería tan especial, ¿ no?
Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a standoff, but yes, I was there.
Bueno, yo no lo llamaría atrincheramiento exactamente. pero sí, estaba ahí.
It wouldn't be easy for me to do this mission without her having my back on the ground.
No sería fácil para mí hacer esta misión sin ella cubriéndome la espalda en el suelo.
And Helen wouldn't be annoyed to hear it.
Y a Helen no le molestaría oírlo.
So if word were spreading, I wouldn't be finding out about it from him.
Así que si se estuviera corriendo la voz, no me enteraría a través de él.
Harvey, Kevin wouldn't even be in here in the first place if it weren't for Cahill.
Harvey, Kevin no estaría aquí en un principio si no fuera por Cahill.
You wouldn't even have those obligations, Stu, if it weren't for us.
Ni siquiera tendrías esas obligaciones, Stu, si no fuera por nosotros.
I tried to sleep on it, and all I could do was picture a life without you and your beautiful unborn baby and it just made me crazy to think I wouldn't be part a of it.
Traté de pensarlo pero todo lo que conseguí fue imaginarme una vida sin ti y tu hermoso bebé nonato y me volví loco con solo pensar que no sería parte de eso.
People said it wouldn't work.
La gente dijo que no funcionaría.
They wouldn't get it.
Que no la entenderían.
It... it wouldn't be wise to put you through that when we couldn't expect results.
No... no sería prudente que pasaras por eso cuando no podemos garantizar los resultados.
Well, it wouldn't have worked without Talaikah or Angie, but... thank you, James.
Bueno, no habría funcionado sin Talaikah o Angie, pero... gracias, James.
But if it hadn't been for the fact that it began with a group of people defined by race, that we as a nation have learned not to care about, we wouldn't be talking about two million people behind bars today.
Pero si no hubiera sido por el hecho de que comenzó con un grupo de personas definidas por una raza que como nación hemos aprendido a desestimar, no estaríamos hablando de dos millones de personas tras las rejas hoy.
I'd wish you luck with your SEC troubles, William, but I wouldn't mean it.
Te desearía suerte con tus problemas con la Comisión, William, pero no lo diría en serio.
This wouldn't have anything to do with the incident after class the other day, would it?
Eso no tiene nada que ver con el incidente del otro día cuando terminó la clase, ¿ o sí?
Yes, I thought you might need a little relief, but I wouldn't be offering you this if I didn't think you'd earned it.
Sí, pensé que necesitabas un pequeño descanso, pero no te ofrecería esto si no pensara que te lo has ganado.
What it doesn't say in there, is that the earnings aren't gonna grow, because the CEO doesn't give a shit, which makes it a value trap dressed up like a princess, and I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
Lo que no dice allí, es que las ganancias no van a crecer, porque al director ejecutivo le importa un bledo, convirtiéndola en una trampa de valores vestida como una princesa, y yo no la tocaría ni con una vara de tres metros.
Because I wouldn't be doing my job, if I didn't inform you that actions have consequences, and you seem to think that the only consequence of what you're doing is getting out of here early, but it's not.
Porque no estaría haciendo mi trabajo si no te informara que las acciones traen consecuencias y parece que crees que la única consecuencia de lo que estás haciendo es salir de aquí antes de tiempo, pero no lo es.
You've been giving me this song and dance about not colluding, and it didn't matter what I said back to you, as long as it was something to let you believe we wouldn't.
Me has dado esa falsa historia de no confabular, y no importó lo que te dije antes, siempre y cuando hubiera algo que te hiciera creer que no lo haríamos.
It was the only way I could see to stop the case from getting dismissed, but he wouldn't take it.
Fue el único modo que vi para evitar la desestimación del caso, pero no lo aceptó.
Yeah, well, I made it my goddamn business because there is a freight train headed right at you, and if I didn't do everything I could to stop it, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Sí, pues ya lo hice de mi maldita incumbencia, porque hay un tren de carga que viene hacia a ti y si no hacía todo lo posible por detenerlo, no podría vivir conmigo mismo.
Not until you understand that if you are sorry for me, you wouldn't have taken this case on in the first place instead of using it to make a name for yourself.
No hasta que entienda que si de verdad lo siente por mí, no habría tomado este caso para empezar en lugar de usarlo para darse a conocer.
You think I wouldn't find out that you recorded me and played it for my daughter?
¿ Crees que no me enteraría de que me grabaste y que se lo mostraste a mi hija?
If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have any of this.
Si no fuera por ella, no tendría nada de esto.
Look, Rick, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anybody about this for now, huh?
Rick, te agradezco que no les diga a nadie.
- I knew you wouldn't go for it!
- ¡ Sabía que no lo aceptarías!
I couldn't live in the house, but I kept it so others wouldn't make the same mistake and then a slight reversal of fortune made me a little short when property tax time came around and you two were unlucky enough to buy it at auction.
No podía vivir en la casa, pero la conservé para que otros no repitieran el error, y luego un leve revés de fortuna me dejó corto de fondos cuando llegó el impuesto de propiedad y ustedes fueron lo bastante desafortunados de comprarla en subasta.
I don't... I don't want to speak for Dr. Choi, but while putting him on ECMO might protect his lungs, it wouldn't be addressing the inflammation affecting the rest of his organs.
No... no quiero hablar por el Dr. Choi, pero si bien ponerlo en oxigenación podría proteger los pulmones, no estaría solucionando la inflamación que afecta al resto de sus órganos.
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it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
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it is good 116
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it's okay 22028
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it's ok 4874
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itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
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