You'd like him traducir español
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I'd put him immediately before the firing squad. If you like power, you have no right to live.
Si te gusta el poder, no tienes derecho a vivir.
I'd like it if you could tell me how to get in touch with him.
Me gustaría que me dijeras cómo ponerme en contacto con él.
You'd like him, Joey.
Te gustaría Joel.
Dad wants to know if you'd like to go on a hike with him.
Mi papá quiere saber si quieres ir a caminar con él.
You'd really like him.
Te gustaría.
I would think you'd like a chance to explain yourself to him.
Creería que usted quiere darle una explicación.
Now, if you'd like to discuss it with me, I will personally... go over the issue with him and get a letter out to you.
Ahora si usted lo discute conmigo yo personalmente... se lo informare y le escribire una carta a Usted.
I'd like you to have a look at him.
Quiero que lo vigilen.
Said if he hurt Ned again, you'd come kill him like you killed the U.S. Marshal in'70.
Dijo que si seguía torturándolo, vendrías a matarlo...
If you paid him more attention, he'd like you better.
Si le prestaras más atención, le caerías mejor.
I'd like you to take care of him.
Quiero que te ocupes de él.
And I believed that I'd never meet another man like him again, until I met you.
Y yo creía que no conocería a un hombre como él otra vez,... hasta que te conocí.
The doctor's here, if you'd like to see him, Lady Balcombe.
El doctor está aquí, por si quiere verlo, Lady Balcombe.
You know, a friend of mine has a watch just like that. I'd love to replace it for him as a gift.
Un amigo tiene uno igual y quiero darle otro como regalo.
I really think you'd like him, Bart. His name's Jimbo.
Creo que te caerá bien, Bart. Se llama Jimbo.
I'd like you to talk to him about your fascination with humanity.
Me gustaría que le hablara de su fascinación por la humanidad.
he's not entirely how you'd like him to be not entirely, what's missing?
No es exactamente como querrías que fuera. No exactamente... ¿ Qué le falta?
He said not to say, but that you know him and he'd really like to talk to you.
Me ha dicho que no lo dijera, pero que le conoces. Y le encantaría hablar contigo.
I'd like you to transfer Aaron to somebody else's class... because I have done all I can with him.
Me gustaría que transfiriera a Aaron a otro salón... porque ya he hecho todo lo que podía hacer con él.
I'd like you to look after him.
me gustaria que lo encontraras.
There is a machinist outside... who'd like to thank you personally for giving him a job.
No es un mecánico fuera de... a quien le gustaría darle las gracias personalmente para darle un trabajo.
If you'd like to know who my husband is working for... I suggest you ask him.
Si quiere saber para quién está trabajando mi marido ahora, sugiero que se lo pregunte.
Anything you'd like to say to him now?
¿ Algo que le gustaría decirle?
Yeah, I'm just saying that, not a partner thing, but when you interrogate him I'd like to sit in.
Sí, sólo digo que, no como compañero, pero me gustaría estar presente durante el interrogatorio.
I want to talk to him again, and I'd like you there, Mr Neely.
Quiero hablar con él otra vez, y me gustaría que usted estuviera allí, Sr. Neely.
It'll be just like when we were kids and someone was mad at you and I'd beat him up.
Va a ser como cuando éramos niños Y alguien estaba enojado con usted y me le daba una paliza.
I'd like you to speak to him.
Me gustaría que hables con él.
I was afraid that if you were like him, I'd have to dismantle you, too.
Tenía miedo de tener que desmontarte también a ti si salías igual que él.
Creo que quiero quebrarlo a él. - Sí.
So, um, they'd like to come over and drop me off there... and talk to - possibly to Charles... about maybe filming him if you're not up -
Les gustaría venir y dejarnos caer... y hablar con Charles... de la posibilidad de filmarle si tú no...
You'd better follow him, careful-like.
Tú mejor siguelos, con cuidado.
You'd like to see him again?
¿ Te gustaría volver a verlo?
I'm talking to you... as I would talk to my son... because that's what I'd like him to have that I never had.
Te estoy hablando porque quiero que tenga lo que yo nunca tuve.
He'd like you to be there with him just to clear up a few things.
Quiere que estés allí con él, para aclarar unas cuantas cosas.
No, it'd be someone like him, and one's enough, thank you very much.
No, sería alguien como él, y uno es suficiente, muchas gracias.
I'd still like one thing. Your permisson to call AIden and tell him to forget Eastern Europe. To keep you on as a consultant.
Pero igual, quisiera... quisiera tu permiso... para pedirle a Alden que olvide el asunto de Europa Oriental... y que te mantenga como asesor de redacción. ¿ Me dejas hacer eso?
A complaint has been lodged and I ´ d like to ask you all to give him your support.
Ha surgido este asunto en esta casa y querría pediros a todos que le apoyéis.
Unless you'd like me to have him call back later.
A menos que quiera que le diga que llame más tarde...
The point is, if you were gonna set me up... ... I'd Iike to think it'd be with somebody like him.
La verdad es que, si voy a emparejarme con alguien, me gustaría pensar que sería con alguien como él.
You know, I'd really like to talk to him again.
Realmente quisiera volver a hablar con él.
Well, I told him that you have something that you'd like to say to him.
Bueno, Le dije que usted tiene algo que quisiera decirle.
You'd like to make him happy.
Te gustaría hacerlo feliz.
You understand, I knew Harry was lying, saying this wasn't any good but holding on to it like, man, you'd have to break his fingers to get it away from him.
Sabía que Harry mentía al decir que era malo. Por otro lado lo retenía tanto que sólo rompiéndole el brazo lo hubiera soltado.
Oh, well... Oh, I think you'd like him.
Pues yo creo que te gustaría.
I bet iI could whip him with both hands tied behind my back. I'd like to see you try.
Te apuesto a que podria azotarlo con ambas manos atadas a mi espalda me gustaria verte probar
If you'd like, I can talk to him see if he has an opening for a Lieutenant Commander.
Si quiere, podría preguntarle si tiene algún puesto libre de teniente.
Your husband's been moved upstairs, if you'd like to see him.
A su esposo lo pasaron arriba, si desea verlo...
I'm sorry, I am expecting him if you'd like to leave a message.
Lo siento, le estoy esperando si quiere le puede dejar un mensaje.
Mm-hmm. I take it you'd like to have him eliminated.
¿ Te gustaría que Io liquidáramos?
Decent and caring, you'd like him.
Decente, cariñoso...
I'd like you to go to Jan and pray for him to be cured and to rise from his bed and walk.
Quiero que vayas con Jan y reces para que se cure, y se levante y ande.
you'd like it 22
you'd like that 138
you'd like her 33
like him 125
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
you'd like that 138
you'd like her 33
like him 125
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
you'd 62
you'd better watch out 24
you'd better 93
you'd better come in 34
you'd do the same for me 34
you'd better be 34
you'd better believe it 24
you'd be surprised 231
you'd better not 25
you'd 62
you'd better watch out 24
you'd better 93
you'd better come in 34
you'd do the same for me 34
you'd better be 34
you'd better believe it 24
you'd be surprised 231
you'd better not 25