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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You've earned it

You've earned it traducir español

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You've earned it.
Te lo has ganado.
- Mr Verloc, you will be paid your money when you've earned it.
- Sr. Verloc usted obtendrá su dinero cuando se lo gane.
Because you've earned it.
Se lo ha merecido.
Sure, you've earned it.
- ¿ Dos semanas? Claro, te las has ganado.
You've earned it. Thank you, sir.
Gracias, señor.
You've earned it.
Lo habéis ganado.
- You've earned it.
- Se la ganaron.
- What do you say? - Yes, I reckon you've earned it all right.
¿ Qué crees?
And I think you've earned it.
Te la has ganado.
I must say, you've earned it.
Te lo has ganado.
I wouldn ´ t do this for anyone else, Terpsichore but I think you ´ ve earned it.
No haría esto por nadie más, Terpsícore pero creo que se lo ha ganado.
You've earned it.
Se lo ha ganado.
Go on, you've earned it.
Vamos, a descansar.
- You've earned it.
- Te lo has ganado.
I think you've earned it.
Te Io has ganado.
Your turn will come. You've earned it.
- Ya llegará vuestra vez, lo merecéis.
How long has it been since you've earned that much?
¿ Cuánto tiempo hace que no ganas tanto dinero?
You've really earned it.
Realmente lo ha ganado.
Keep it. You've earned it.
Guárdatelo, lo has ganado tú.
I've earned it for you!
Lo he ganado para usted.
Stop at my house, Ricu', I'll give you the lamb. You've earned it!
Ven a mi casa, te daré un cordero, te lo has ganado.
You've earned it. - Thanks.
¡ Gracias!
Here, you've earned it.
Toma, te lo has ganado.
Now, look, we'll let you sit here and listen to Mr. Kilmer's story, and then we'll decide whether you've earned it or not.
Vamos a sentarte aqui y oiras la historia del Sr. Kilmer, y entonces decidiremos si te lo ganaste o no.
You've earned it.
Te la has ganado.
- You've earned it.
- Se lo ha ganado.
We're overdue for some good clean fun, you've earned it, sir.
Nos la hemos ganado.
Go on, apply your teeth, you've earned it!
¡ Ande, déntrele, con ganas!
You've earned it.
Te lo mereces.
You'll wear a scalp lock when you've earned it, boy.
Tendrás un mechón cuando te lo ganes.
You've earned it, Blackey.
Te lo mereces, negrito.
You've earned it, Reddy.
Te la mereces, doradito.
You've earned it and deserve the best.
Te hace falta y te mereces lo mejor.
When you've earned it.
Cuando te lo hayas ganado.
You've earned it.
Te la mereces.
- Well, I think you've earned it.
- Bueno, creo que te lo has ganado.
Now you've earned your... your jot and you shall have it.
Ahora que has ganado tu... la jota y la tendrá.
It keeps them off the streets, and you give them a bit of fun and you've earned your keep.
El caso es que no anden por las calles, que lo pasen bien, y que una se gane el sueldo.
You've earned it.
Te la ganaste.
- Laddie, you've earned it.
- Te Io has ganado.
You've earned it.
Te lo ganaste.
Come on. You've earned it.
Adelante, te lo has ganado.
Well, now, don't keep her waiting, and enjoy your week off. You've earned it.
Bueno, no la hagas esperar y que disfruten de estas vacaciones.
I think we've all earned it, don't you?
Lo hemos ganado todos, ¿ no crees?
You know, you don't get to be a high-ranking officer... to run an O.R., to command respect... unless you've earned it.
No se llega a ser una oficial de alto rango... ni se dirige un quirófano, ni se impone respeto si no se lo ha ganado.
Here, son, it's a militia captain's beret - -- you've earned it.
Toma, hijo, es la boina del capitán del somatén, te la has ganado.
You've earned it, Irina.
Te lo has ganado Irina.
You've earned it.
te lo has ganado.
You've earned it.
Se la ha ganado.
Go for it, you've earned it.
Ve a por ella, Gib. Te la has ganado.
Here, go and enjoy yourselves. You've earned every dollar of it. Come on, guys.
ahi tienen... vayan a disfrutarlo, se lo han merecido totalmente vamos muchachos!

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