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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You could have said

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" You could have said :
" Por ejemplo :
You could have said "Garibaldini"!
Podrías haber dicho al menos "Garibaldinos"!
You could have said anything.
Podrías haber dicho cualquier cosa.
- You could have said so.
- ¿ Podría haberlo dicho
If you didn't like it you could have said.
Si no te gustaba ¿ por qué no lo dijiste?
If you weren't happy with us, you could have said so.
Si no estabas contento en casa, ¡ Podías haberlo dicho!
But you could have said hello to me.
Pero habrías podido decirme hola.
- You could have said that.
- La verdad era oportuna.
You could have said something to me, at least, before you left.
Podías haberme dicho algo, al menos, antes de irte.
That's too bad, because you could have said something to her about it.
Es una lástima, porque usted podría decírselo.
Hey man, you could have said so.
¡ Hombre! haberlo dicho antes.
You could have said no.
Podrías haber dicho que no.
You could have said so, I'd have gone.
Haber avisado, que iba yo.
Maybe we could have done more to save our family. You always said our marriage was a prison for you. - It's bullshit.
tal vez hizo lo que debía para salvar a nuestra familia usted fue el que le dijo a todo el tiempo que nuestra boda fue el que la prisión mierda y cuando se concibe, Al considerar la queratosis?
You also said I would have a concert and could earn a lot of money with it.
Me dijiste también que daría un concierto y que ganaría un montón de dinero.
I said you Could have it -
Dije que te lo quedarías si -
You said I could have my say.
Dijo que podría decir lo que pienso.
I wish you could have heard what that judge said.
¡ Ojalá hubieses oído lo que dijo el juez!
I wish I could have given you the news you wanted to hear. But I will conclude with what the prisoner said when the hangman couldn't find the rope.
Me habría gustado poder decirles lo que tanto querían escuchar... pero como no pude, sólo concluiré diciendo... lo que el prisionero dijo cuando el verdugo no encontraba la soga :
When I brought you this money, you said it was a safe investment. That I could have it back the moment I needed it.
Me dijo que me devolvería el dinero si se lo solicitaba.
"When I have a child," she said, " neither you nor anyone else could ever prove it wasn't yours.
"Cuando tenga un hijo", me dijo, " ni tú ni ninguna otra persona podrá probar que no es tuyo.
The doctor said, as long as you were used to brandy, you could have an ounce a day.
El médico ha dicho que puedes beber 3 cl al día, si tienes costumbre.
I asked you if I could have it, and you said yes.
Le he preguntado si podía comerla y ha dicho que sí.
all this you said about my career... you don't think I could have it if I was innocent?
¿ No creen que- - todo esto que dijeron sobre mi carrera- - no creen que podría tenerlo si fuera inocente?
You could have dropped in backstage and said hello.
Pudiste haber ido al teatro para saludar.
But I thought you said I could have one shot.
Creí que habias dicho que tendría una oportunidad.
He said there were 3 or 4 people who could prove where he was that night. Have you tried them all?
Tres o cuatro personas pueden decir dónde estuvo aquella noche, ¿ ha hablado con ellas?
- How could you have said it?
¿ Cómo has podido decir eso?
- You said I could have anything.
- Dijiste que podía tener lo que quisiera.
And it could have been you, Anzelmo said.
YAnselmo dijo que pudo haber sido Ud.
She said you were so attractive, You could have any man you wanted, And you wanted her man.
Ella decía que eras tan atractiva que podías tener al hombre que quisieras.
It's like you said, Dallow. I'll have to see the world, travel. - I could take to other things.
Como decías, Dallow,... me gustaría ver el mundo, viajar y algunas cosas más.
No prophet of old could have said a finer thing than you have just said.
Ningún profeta pudo haber dicho algo mejor que lo que Ud. dijo.
- He said you could have it!
- ¡ Le ha dicho que se la tome!
¿ Cómo escuchaste lo que dijo?
- The manager said you could have it.
El gerente dijo que puedes ocuparla.
You said I could have it. - Give it to me!
Dijiste que me la darías. ¡ Dámela!
I said you could have my couch.
Te dije que podías quedarte mi sofá.
Then what you said to me back there on the river was a lie about how you never could have done it alone and how you'd lost your heart and everything.
O sea que lo que me dijiste en el río era mentira. Me dijiste que no hubieras podido solo y que habías perdido la cabeza por mí.
If I'd said one word or made one gesture instead of another! Can you see how tragic it is that a word you can't ever take back could have led to Michel's death?
Si yo hubiese dicho una palabra o comprendido un gesto en lugar... de otro. ¿ No se da cuenta lo atroz que es que una palabra que ya no puede borrarse haya sido lo que provocó la muerte de mi hijo?
You could at least have said you loved her.
Al menos, podrías haberle dicho que la amabas.
He wants you have another woman, so I could cheat you with him. He said so!
Lo que ese bribón quiere es que tú te vayas con otra mujer, para que yo te engañe con él, así me lo dijo.
They said I could have you.
Me han dicho que puedo llevarlo a usted.
I said you could say it again. That doesn't mean you have to repeat it.
Te he dicho que puedes decirlo otra vez, no que lo repitas.
You couldn't have said all those things without meaning some of them, could you?
No pudo decir todo lo que dijo sin sentirlo.
- You said I could have anything... -
- Dijiste que me darías cualquier cosa...
Remember, you said if you could only have it....
Recuerda, dijiste que si lo tuvieses...
He said you'd told Virginia and your father to stay out of your life, that they could have the signed papers.
Me dijeron que les pediste a Virginia y a tu padre que salieran de tu vida, que firmarías los papeles.
Grandpa saw to it that the will said... I could only have what you saw fit for me to have.
El abuelo puso en el testamento... que sólo podría tenerlo cuando me vieras preparado.
Tell her how you said anybody could have her.
¡ Tú has dicho que cualquiera podía conseguirla!
I could've lied to you. I could've filled your head with lies. I could have said that I wanted the kid, that I'd take him to the States with me.
Pude mentirte, llenarte la cabeza de mentiras, decirte que quería al niño, que le llevaría a Estados Unidos y otras mentiras.

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