You had it traducir español
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And you had it?
¿ Y tú lo tenías?
Yeah, I wasn't sure if you had it in you.
Sí, no estaba segura de que fueras así.
You complain and complain, I make the problem go away, and you had nothing to do with it.
Yo no lo robé. Ya veo hacia dónde va esto. Te quejas y te quejas, hago que el problema desaparezca... y tú no tuviste nada que ver con eso.
Excuse me, but it's pretty obvious you want to know if I thought that Anna had a sexual relationship with Jakob.
Perdonen, pero es bastante obvio. Quieren saber si sospecho... que Anna tenía relaciones sexuales con Jakob.
Had you been more helpful it would have been different.
Si usted hubiera sido más útil habría sido diferente.
If we had children, would you like it if they were twins?
Si tuviésemos niños, ¿ te gustarían si fueran gemelos?
It's more than you had 20 seconds ago.
Es más de lo que tenía hace 20 segundos.
I told you I had it.
Te dije que lo tenía.
- You had a nervous breakdown, right? - It was not a breakdown.
- No fue una crisis nerviosa.
I have to say, it would have been a big morale boost here for our teams to have met you had you actually been Dr. Cassandra Railly.
Tengo que decir que hubiera sido una gran inyección de moral para nuestros equipos conocerla si hubiese sido de verdad la Dra. Cassandra Railly.
I had to talk to you about it first.
Tenía que discutirla con usted primero.
You told the insurance company that the boat didn't sink, that the wave had nothing to do with it.
Dijisteis a la compañía de seguros que el barco no se hundió, que la ola no tuvo nada que ver con ello.
Well, you two were both outside, so maybe they hacked into satellite imagery, or had access to it, or know someone who has access to it.
Bueno, ustedes dos estaban afuera, así que quizás hackearon las imágenes de un satélite, o tuvieron acceso a él, o conocen a alguien que tiene acceso a él.
It's like when you had the party and the invitation said, "Whites only."
Es como cuando tuviste esa fiesta y la invitación decía : "Solo blancos".
It is a very painful, complicated idea to confront, but if you are even beginning to consider that you might have had a part in this, conscious or not, that is a huge, very positive step.
Es un muy doloroso, complicada idea de confrontar, pero si ya empiezan a considerar que podría haber tenido un papel en esto, consciente o no, que es un gran paso, muy positivo.
You know, it's hard not to think about the fact that things maybe could've been different had I gone to see that counselor with her. I don't know.
Sabes, es difícil no pensar en el hecho de que las cosas quizás hubieran podido ser distintas de haber ido con ella a ver a ese consejero.
Well, Doc... if you had a chance to save 1,000 people at once... put'em down and then wake'em up... through some magical, like, procedure that you believed in and knew how to make it work... you'd do it, right?
Bueno, doctor... si tuvieras la oportunidad de salvar a 1000 personas a la vez... poniéndolos a dormir y después despertarlos... en una especie de proceso mágico en el que creyeras y supieras cómo hacerlo funcionar... lo harías, ¿ no?
And I thought she had done it deliberately. To trap me, make sure I could never go back to you.
Pensé que lo había hecho a propósito para retenerme para asegurarse de que nunca volviera contigo...
I've had it with you!
He tenido con usted!
Had it not been for you, I might've ran away today.
Si no hubiera sido por ti... podría haber huido hoy.
It's not such a great leap to think that if you saw Charlotte Konig as an obstacle, you might have had her removed.
No es un gran salto tales pensar que si usted vio Charlotte Konig como un obstáculo, que podría haber tenido la quitó.
Does it concern you that you would be sacrificing your son to the man who had you shot?
¿ Le preocupa como para sacrificar tu hijo por el hombre que hizo que le dispararan?
That argument you had with Eli... what was it about?
Ese argumento que tuvo con Eli... ¿ qué se trataba?
I had to make sure you weren't trying to cheat me. I told you not to use it.
Te dije que no lo usaras.
Well, if you'd have had a bowl of cereal with me, it would've settled your stomach.
Bueno, si me hubieras dejado traer un plato de cereal, eso habría asentado tu estómago.
I'm guessing you tried to destroy it when you heard we had figured out Grace had to have been poisoned.
Supongo que intentó destruirlo al enterarse... que habíamos descubierto que Grace fue envenenada.
♪ That's not all you've had, now, is it?
* Eso no es todo lo que has tenido, ¿ verdad? *
Everything we had you do, and it's a privacy issue which gets your panties in a twist?
Todo lo que tenía que hacer, y es una privacidad cuestión que se pone su ropa interior en un giro?
You listened to his book on tape on the way to work, which means I had to listen to it.
Escuchaste a su libro en la cinta en el camino al trabajo, lo que significa que tenía que escucharlo.
I walked away, and I should have stayed there and had it out with you right then and there.
Debería haberme quedado allí y aclarar las cosas contigo en aquel momento.
So about 20 years ago Winston had a three-year-old dib, he never acted on it, and now you're the bad guy?
Así que, ¿ hace 20 años, Winston tuvo una pertenencia de tres años, nunca se lo hizo saber y ahora tú eres el malote?
So if you had a post office like that of course you would use it, right?
Si tenías una oficina de correos como esa... claro que la usarías, ¿ no?
That was one of the key things that spurred this research... realizing that it was too dangerous for humans to go in but if you could have had a robot go in and just do some simple things, straightforward things that the humans were unable to do : open valves to change the cooling flow patterns, maybe turn on pumps again. That would have made all the difference in preventing the hydrogen build-up and the subsequent explosion.
Ese fue uno de los puntos claves que estimuló esta investigación... darnos cuenta de que era demasiado peligroso para los humanos... pero, si lograbas que entrara un robot e hiciera cosas simples... cosas directas que los humanos no pueden hacer... como abrir válvulas... para cambiar el flujo de los patrones de refrigeración... o quizás encender bombas... eso habría hecho una diferencia... para prevenir la acumulación de hidrógeno... y la explosión posterior.
If you had to define your job, how would you define it?
Si tuviera que definir su trabajo, ¿ cómo lo haria?
You Know, The Jacksons Have Had It.
Los Jackson se hartaron.
As general counsel, Leonard, you were to be put up for membership here or the Jonathan Club if it had been your preference.
Abogado principal, Leonard, te hubiera hecho socio de este sitio o del Club Jonathan si hubieran sido de su agrado.
I wish that someone had contacted me when I had needed it, you know?
Ojalá alguien me hubiera contactado cuando lo necesité.
It's frightening when you had a square down here on the corner, full of people, lecturing about what a hellhole this is, you know.
Es aterrador cuando tienes la plaza de la esquina llena de gente que te dice que este lugar es un infierno.
And it would, you know, fascinate me, but I had no idea why.
Y eso... me fascinaba. Pero no tenía idea por qué.
There's no risk, if you've already had it.
Si ya lo hizo, no importa, no hay riesgo.
But when Iris Lightman told you the name of the monster who had caused you all this grief, it was the final straw.
Pero cuando Iris Lightman le dijo el nombre del monstruo quien le había causado toda esta pena, fue el colmo.
Then when Mrs McCarthy came to the garden, you put it in your tea, knowing that she would confirm George had made it.
Entonces cuando la Sra. McCarthy llegó al jardín, usted lo puso en su té,... con la seguridad de que ella confirmaría que George lo había hecho.
Somebody gassed a family and raped a young girl, and I think you had something to do with it.
Alguien gaseados una familia y violó a una chica joven, y creo que tenía algo que ver con ello.
If you had a superpower, and spent your whole life being told to suppress it, when you finally decide to embrace that power, why hide in isolation?
Si tuvieras un súperpoder, y pasas toda tu vida diciendo que debes anularlo, cuando finalmente decides aceptar ese poder, ¡ ¿ Por qué ocultarlo en aislamiento?
Sorry for eavesdropping, but did you know they actually had the song "Let It Go" in place before they finalized the story?
Lo siento por escuchar, pero, ¿ sabían que ya tenían lista la canción "Libre Soy" antes de que finalizara la historia? Sí, eso es cierto.
My mother gave it to me, and I had been thinking about giving it to you, but then we broke up.
Mi madre me lo dio, y había estado pensando en dártelo, pero luego terminamos.
So it was not until you had Rabbi Steiner's account of him being attacked - by Bloom that you returned.
Entonces no fue hasta que tuvo conocimiento de que Bloom había atacado al rabino Steiner que regresó.
Once we understood that you had created a facsimile of Nick Farris'office, it was just a matter of locating it.
Una vez que comprendimos que había creado un facsímil de la oficina Nick Farris, que era sólo una cuestión de la localización de la misma.
The only way you can open up a diplomatic pouch is if you had a suspicion it contained a dead body.
La única forma en que puede abrir una valija diplomática es si has tenido una sospecha que contenía un cadáver.
Or if you had some suspicion that it could potentially contain an explosive.
O si ha tenido alguna sospecha de que podría potencialmente contener un explosivo.
The only way that you could have had it was if you saw Alexander after the funeral.
La única manera en que usted podría tenerlo fue si usted vio a Alexander después del funeral.
you had it coming 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had no idea 21
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had no idea 21