You two traducir español
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Wish I could say it was good to see you two, but I'm not so sure.
Me gustaría poder decir que también me da gusto verlos, pero no estoy tan seguro.
You two... take him to Olivia.
Ustedes dos... llevarlo a Olivia.
I'll leave you two alone.
Los dejaré a los dos solos.
You two okay?
¿ Están bien?
You two, helmets on. You're with me.
Vosotros dos, poneos los cascos.
So sweet, you two.
Son encantadores los dos.
And thanks to you two, now I have earache as well!
Y gracias a Uds. dos, ahora me duelen los oídos también.
You two both go home, have a nice cup of tea.
Las dos vayan a casa, tomen una buena taza de té.
What do you two think you're doing?
¿ Qué creen Uds. dos que hacen?
Oh, you two don't need to let me.
Uds. no necesitan dejarme ganar.
I'll let you two...
‐ Los dejo.
What are you two doing?
¿ Qué estás haciendo?
All right, enough, you two.
Está bien, basta, las dos.
You two get Patterson!
¡ Vosotras dos coged a Patterson!
You two sure know how to make a guy feel good about himself.
Ustedes dos saben cómo hacer sentir bien a alguien.
I thought you two were working together.
Pensaba que los dos ibais a trabajar juntos.
I just spoke to you two days ago.
Hablé contigo hace solo dos días.
I mean, you two go way back.
Ustedes dos ya se conocian.
I don't get it. Why you two?
No lo entiendo. ¿ Por qué vosotros dos?
It should have at least been fun, but you two were so busy arguing about how to teach or not teach students that you forgot that you had one in here!
Y debería al menos haber sido divertida, pero vosotros dos estabais demasiado ocupados peleándoos sobre cómo enseñar o no a alumnos, que habéis olvidado que teníais a uno aquí mismo.
Ah. You two taking a vacation?
¿ Vosotras dos cogiendo vacaciones?
Even if Minnick's program was good, the way you two went about implementing the entire thing had zero respect for the history of this institution, certainly no respect for Dr. Webber.
Incluso si el programa de Minnick era bueno, la manera en que vosotras dos implementasteis todo tuvo cero respeto por la historia de esta institución, ciertamente nada de respeto para el Dr. Webber.
You two figure out a way to work together long enough to put that heart into that baby.
Vosotros dos, descubrid una manera de trabajar juntos el tiempo suficiente para poner ese corazón dentro del bebé.
Look, you two got to be careful here.
Mira, los dos tenéis que tener cuidado.
So when are you two getting married?
¿ Y cuándo os vais a casar?
Who joined you for years on a sequence of heists and schemes until the two of you were forced apart by circumstance, and also because you ran off in the middle of the night with a bunch of her valuables?
¿ Qué te acompañara durante años en una secuencia de atracos y ardides hasta que las circunstancias los alejaran, además del hecho de que te fueras con algunos valores suyos?
You smell like Two Buck Chuck.
Hueles a vino barato.
- Because he could get you back in the carpenter's union in, like, two minutes.
- ¿ Para qué? - Porque podría recuperarte En la unión del carpintero en, como, dos minutos.
- You remember that Marina job two years ago?
- ¿ Recuerdas ese trabajo de Marina hace dos años?
It's got to be two years since I've seen you.
Tiene que ser dos años desde que te he visto.
- I'll be a day or two behind you, stop.
- Estaré un día o dos detrás de ti, para.
Well, you know, when we changed places, it was over, like, two hours, and, you know, I had to pee and...
Ya sabes, cuando cambiamos de lugar, duró como dos horas y, bueno, tuve que mear y...
Next time, they'll be waiting for you, and one of two things will happen.
La próxima vez, te estarán esperando y una de las dos opciones va a ocurrir.
You got room for two more?
¿ Tenéis sitio para dos más?
Lights out, curtains drawn, until at least two in the afternoon, before I can even look at you, you fucking piece of shit! "
Apaga las luces y corre las cortinas por lo menos hasta las dos de la tarde, antes de que te mire a la cara, ¡ pedazo de mierda! ".
I had a dream two years ago that still haunts me. You know?
Hace dos años tuve un sueño que todavía me persigue.
" I mean, I loved that gorilla, too, but goddamnit, you cannot have two species working together.
"Me caía bien el gorila, pero maldita sea, es imposible que haya cooperación entre dos especies".
Listen, two minutes ago, I was sitting in my bedroom and now I'm in a video game. So you're going to have to give me a second.
Escucha, hace dos minutos estaba sentada en mi cuarto y ahora estoy en un videojuego, así que vas a tener que darme un momento.
You know, your mom says the difference between the two of us is that you were born with money and I had to earn it.
, tu madre dice que la diferencia entre tú y yo es que tú naciste con dinero y yo tuve que ganármelo.
How are you gonna be responsible for two?
¿ Cómo vas a responsabilizarte de dos personas?
Here you go, two jam burgers as requested. - Hmm. - Oh, wow.
Aquí tienes, dos hamburguesas con mermelada, como querías.
What do you know about Phase Two?
¿ Qué sabéis sobre la Fase Dos?
It's like I come in, two seconds, you're both running out quicker than two shakes of a lamb's tail.
¡ Dios! Entro, y dos segundos después, ambos tratan de huir en menos de lo que canta un gallo.
Jackson, you and I are two very different people.
Jackson, tú y yo somos dos personas muy diferentes.
I never wanted to come between the two of you... you and Jackson.
Nunca quise entrometerme entre vosotros dos... Jackson y tú.
All your pre-op tests came back looking terrific, so just two more things before we get you home for some much needed rest, okay?
Todos sus exámenes preoperatorios salieron muy bien, así que solo dos cosas más antes que la mandemos a casa para algo de necesario descanso, ¿ sí?
You're saying two people can't have a long and happy marriage?
¿ Estás diciendo que dos personas no pueden tener un feliz y largo matrimonio?
How much you make from your last fight, two nights ago?
¿ Cuánto ganaste por tu pelea la última noche, hace dos noches?
You just showed it, not two breaths ago!
Acabas de demostrarla, ¡ no hace ni dos bocados de aliento!
Take a vacation... a week, two weeks, wherever you want, within reason.
Tómate unas vacaciones... una semana, dos semanas, a cualquier parte, dentro de lo razonable.
Those of you unclear about the schedule, each portion of the exam will consist of two sections.
Aquellos que no tengan claro el procedimiento, cada parte del examen consta de dos secciones.
you two deserve each other 24
you two are 22
you two have fun 42
you two have met 17
you two go 19
you two stay here 42
you two were close 16
you two know each other 195
you two go ahead 16
two hours later 53
you two are 22
you two have fun 42
you two have met 17
you two go 19
you two stay here 42
you two were close 16
you two know each other 195
you two go ahead 16
two hours later 53
two hours 343
two and a half men 29
two hours ago 92
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two years ago 477
two years later 88
two months ago 182
two hearts 28
two and a half men 29
two hours ago 92
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two years ago 477
two years later 88
two months ago 182
two hearts 28
two more 130
two beers 79
two thousand dollars 17
two o'clock 76
two days ago 368
two seconds 191
two hands 45
two arms 16
two years 509
two and a half 63
two beers 79
two thousand dollars 17
two o'clock 76
two days ago 368
two seconds 191
two hands 45
two arms 16
two years 509
two and a half 63
two people 83
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two things 153
two sugars 100
two words 186
two weeks 445
two men 105
two tickets 43
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two things 153
two sugars 100
two words 186
two weeks 445
two men 105
two tickets 43