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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ A ] / And we'll take it from there

And we'll take it from there traducir francés

71 traducción paralela
We'll go there fairly and simply take it from them.
On ira là-bas et on leur prendra, voilà.
Tell us where that policeman was headed and we'll take it from there.
Dis-nous où est parti le policier.
We'll get blood gases first and then take it from there, okay?
On va d'abord attendre le résultat des gaz et on verra après, d'accord?
Okay, uh.... l'm gonna order a pregnancy test, and we'll take it from there.
Je vais faire faire un test de grossesse, puis on avisera.
Just take down the information and pass it along. We'll take it from there.
Contentez-vous de transmettre les informations que je vous donne.
If you can pull a visual ID on the guy, we'll have you do a lineup and take it from there.
Si vous voyez le gars, j'ai une rangée de suspects à vous montrer.
Let's just go home... straighten Jason out, and then we'll take it from there.
Rentrons. - On va s'entendre avec Jason.
Just write down everything that happened at the hospital, and we'll take it from there.
Ecris tout ce qui s'est passé à l'hôpital... et on verra après.
Let me see what's going on, and we'll take it from there.
Je vais voir ce qui s'est passé, on verra ensuite.
'Cause if you want to just come here and then we'll just take it from there. And you know where it is?
Parce que si tu veux venir ici Tu sais où c'est?
So I'll call you, you give me the layout, and we'll take it from there.
Donc, je t'appelle, tu me donnes les repères, après ça, c'est parti.
We'll find out his status, we'll get the CT, and then we'll take it from there.
On voit d'abord où il en est, on fait le scan! Et seulement après, on avisera.
Tell me what he told you and we'll take it from there.
Commencez par me dire ce qu'il vous a dit de me dire.
Why don't I tell you everything I know, and then we'll just take it from there, OK?
Je vais te raconter tout ce que je sais, et puis on va tout reprendre.
These test results will come back in a few days... - and we'll take it from there.
On aura les résultats dans quelques jours.
Just tell me what you remember, and we'll take it from there.
Commence par me dire ce dont tu te souviens.
So, um, we'll keep you, uh, where you were for another month and then we'll take it from there, OK?
Alors, on ne change rien pendant encore un mois et on fera le point, ok?
And we'll take it from there. So...
et, euh, on reviendra ici, donc... euh...
And we'll take it from there.
Et nous reprendrons tout cela.
All right, Eden, how's about 400 for 40 and four more lines and then we'll take it from there?
D'accord, Eden. Et si on disait 400 pour 40, quatre lignes de plus et on verra le reste après?
Well, Dr. Grey's going to check on the X-rays and then, then we'll take it from there.
Le Dr Grey va vérifier les radios et on verra à partir de là.
Then, I'll give you a graduate degree in English, and we'll take it from there.
Je vais te donner une spécialité en Anglais et on verra.
Let's just start with a date, and we'll take it from there.
On va commencer par un dîner, ensuite on verra.
Let's just take the test, and we'll figure it out from there.
Faisons le test, et d'ici là on trouvera une solution.
Well, then, we'll hang out here for a while and, if you start to feel better, we'll take it from there.
Ben, on va rester ici un moment, et quand ça ira mieux, on partira.
And we'll take it from there.
Et mon mariage. Et on verra après.
Let's just see how that goes and we'll take it from there.
Montre-moi ce que tu sais faire et on verra après. Tu ne seras pas déçu.
( HESlTANTLY ) We'll wait for the call from the Pignatos, and once they give you the location of the money drop, - we'll take it from there.
On attend l'appel des Pignato, et quand tu sauras où déposer l'argent, on s'occupera du reste.
Well, why don't you tell me what you already know, and we'll take it from there.
Dites-moi donc ce que vous savez déjà. Et je continuerai à partir de là.
Get it to the lab, and we'll take it from there, okay?
I'll work out a budget, and then we can take it from there.
Je vais préparer un budget et ensuite on verra.
Ce sera un début.
Look, if you're serious, why don't we go out on a date and we'll take it from there, yeah?
Si t'es sérieux, ayons un rendez-vous, et on verra ce qui se passe?
You set things up, and we'll take it from there.
Tu pose les bases, on s'occupe du reste.
Meet me under the railway bridge after school and we'll take it from there.
Rejoins-moi sous le pont et tu verras.
He can give me his personal details and I'll make a frank appraisal and then, We can take it from there.
Il pourra me donner ses détails personnels et Je ferai un diagnostique sincère et puis, nous pourrons partir de là.
Let's see what happens, and then we'll take it from there.
Voyons voir ce qui arrive et on verra ce qu'on fait.
Why don't you just give us the address, and we'll take it from there?
Donne-nous simplement l'adresse et nous nous en occuperons.
Dave, why don't I just tell you what I know and we'll take it from there.
Je vais vous dire ce que je sais, et on partira de là.
So we'll cut you back to ten every other day on the prednisone and take it from there.
Donc, nous allons vous réduire à dix tous les deux jours sur la prednisone et à partir de là.
And then we'll take it from there.
Et alors nous le sortirons de là.
Look, I'll start off with a circus drop and then we'll take it from there.
Regardez, je vais commencer avec une manchette du cirque et on improviser à partir de là.
You just hold on tight till we get you to the clinic and we'll take it from there, all right?
Tenez bon jusqu'à la clinique. Ensuite, on prendra le relais.
Look, let's get you bailed out and we'll take it from there, all right?
On va déjà s'occuper de votre liberté sous caution, d'accord?
She'll do an appraisal and we'll take it from there, okay?
On décidera après, d'accord?
Okay, then give us the IP address and the wire info, and we'll take it from there.
Okay, alors donnez-nous l'adresse IP. et des informations sur les connections, et nous allons démarrer de là
I'll fill in the parts I need to fill out, and we'll just take it from there, okay?
Après, je remplirai ma partie et on verra ça.
Why don't you just tell me what you know, and we'll take it from there?
Pourquoi ne commencez-vous pas par le début et nous aviserons ensuite?
Let's just see how this goes with your mother, And then we'll take it from there.
Voyons comment ça va se passer avec ta mère, et après on prendra le relai.
What do you say we get your fingerprints taken, and we'll take it from there?
Que diriez vous que l'on prenne vos empreintes digitales et puis à nous de jouer.
We'll do the testing, wait till we get the results, and we'll take it from there, okay?
On va réaliser les tests, attendre les résultats, et nous verrons par la suite, OK?

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