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And who would that be traducir francés

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And who would that be?
Et de qui s'agirait-il?
- And who would that be?
Un autre personnage de votre petit théâtre?
Really? And who would that be?
Et qui auriez-vous choisi?
And who would that be, Galen?
Et qui pourrait-il être, Galen?
I was saying that it would be better to think less about him and a bit more about someone who suffers because of you.
Je disais qu'il vaudrait mieux penser moins à lui et davantage à quelqu'un qui souffre à cause de vous.
Only it occurred to me that the man who laid the air track to Rio when the whole world said it couldn't be done, and did a lot of other things that nobody else would tackle, well, that man would hardly be the one to wait for a piece of paper
Mais je me disais que le premier homme à atteindre Rio quand tous disaient que c "était impossible, et qui a accompli tant de choses que personne n" a osé faire, eh bien, que cet homme ne serait pas du genre à attendre un bout de papier
And the future of our families, the young men who one day want to be called the pride of England, it's not that they would hiss and boo that harlot, no, they applaud her!
Et la fine fleur de notre jeunesse, les garçons qui seront la fierté de l'Angleterre, croyez-vous qu'ils huent cette courtisane? Non, ils l'applaudissent!
Since I'm the one who's going to have to worry about the stampedes and things... I figure that a fair price for your beef would be...
Puisque c'est moi qui vais devoir me soucier des voleurs, un bon prix pour votre bétail serait de
And then there were those who said that there'd be a tiny little foot and ankle, and then it would grow till it got to be full sized.
D'autres optaient pour un petit pied de bébé qui grandirait normalement.
I got a very good job as a secretary... and my job brought me in contact with a lot of nice men... one of whom might have turned out, I thought, to be the one... who would give me all the things that you dream about when you ´ re 20 and lonely.
J'étais très heureuse de mon travail de secrétaire, cela me permettait de rencontrer des tas d'hommes charmants, l'un d'entre eux aurait bien pu devenir, me disais-je, celui qui m'aurait offert toutes les choses dont on rêve à 20 ans quand on est seule.
And who would that someone be?
Et qui le nommerait?
A long, agonizing route through a maze of bottles. Al Denton, who would probably give an arm or a leg or a part of his soul to have another chance. To be able to rise up and shake the dirt from his body and the bad dreams that infest his consciousness.
Al Denton, qui pourrait donner un bras, une jambe, ou son âme... pour avoir une seconde chance, pour se relever, et nettoyer la boue qui le souille, pour éloigner les vapeurs d'alcool qui embrument son esprit.
Stay away... these are the invaders - the tiny beings from the tiny place called earth who would take the giant step across the sky to the question marks that sparkle and beckon from the vastness of a universe only to be imagined.
Gresham et moi... Ne vous approchez pas. U.S. AIR FORCE
They're betting on who'll see your body first, and I bragged that it would be me.
J'ai parié avec les gars que je serais la première à te voir torse nu.
In the face of growing hunger riots, it is very possible that dwindling supplies of food would finally be kept as a form of bonus, for those who perform the precarious maintenance of law and order.
Au vu du nombre grandissant d'émeutes, il est possible que la nourriture, sans cesse plus rare, soit réservée comme récompense à ceux chargés d'assurer l'ordre public vacillant.
That is why it would have been good for Refusis to be inhabited again by life and the signs of life, provided that the beings who come to take our place are peaceful.
Il aurait donc été bien que Refusis soit de nouveau peuplée de vie et de signes de vie, à condition que les êtres venus prendre notre place soient pacifiques.
A man who is so totally and utterly wonderful, that I would rather be sealed in a pit of my own filth, than dare tread on the same stage with him.
Un homme tellement merveilleux, que je me ferais sceller dans un puits avec mes propres déjections... plutôt que d'oser marcher sur la même scène que lui.
And that would be the man who tried to kill you. The one you found murdered.
Ce complice pourrait être l'homme qui a voulu vous tuer, et que vous avez retrouvé mort.
And even I knew that one day when the people came to their senses and swept the Conservatives back into power it would be these men who, and together with my father would form the Government.
Et même moi, je savais qu'un jour, quand les gens retrouveraient leur bon sens et réinstalleraient les conservateurs au pouv oir, ces hommes et mon père formeraient le gouvernement.
Mr. and Mrs. Rita Trondheim, Reginald Bosankway who would be next to Norway in a rhyming dictionary if it included proper names and if he pronounced his name like that.
L'ÂGE D'OR DU BALLON L'ÂGE D'OR DU LAVAGE DE L'INTESTIN M. et Mme Rita Trondheim, Reginald Bosankvège, qui seraient près de Norvège dans un dico de rimes si celui-ci incluait les noms propres et qu'on prononçait comme ça.
That would be a sin, and who do you think would stand for it?
Ce serait un péché et qui pourrait se le permettre?
And if you had to select one number from one film that would best represent the MGM musicals I have a feeling that the vote would be unanimous especially among the people who worked here and that's why we've saved the best for the last.
Si un seul numéro devait représenter le "musical" MGM tout le monde serait d'accord, surtout parmi les anciens de la MGM pour choisir le ballet de :
I was thinking more of the crew, sir. You know, members of the band. Someone who would know the girl... and who would know that she would be in her cabin during the break.
Je ne suis qu'un simple passager et je veux pas vous importuner mais il y a eu un meurtre et il faut fouiller le navire.
But I tell you, I feel as though my life would be wasted if I didn't love deeply with a man whose mind I respected, whose spirituality equaled mine and who had the same, oh, lustful appetite for sensual passion that drives me insane.
J'aurais le sentiment de gâcher ma vie si je n'aimais pas un homme dont je respecte la pensée, dont la spiritualité équivaut la mienne et qui a la même concupiscence que moi pour la passion charnelle qui me rend dingue.
And m duvall? Who would that be?
Et qui est M. Duvall?
But the main thing is for people who have dogs... and they don't breed them... the most intelligent thing I would recommend would be... when the dog is, I suppose the same for cats... about two or three years old... that is the time to make a decision to have them...
Pour les gens qui ont des chiens et qui ne font pas d'élevage, la chose la plus intelligente à faire, quand le chien a, ça doit être pareil pour les chats, deux ou trois ans, c'est le moment de les faire...
The only person who could do that would be me. Then my brother would know that I'd betrayed his confidence, and read his letters.
La personne qui pourrait le faire,... ça serait moi.
And in case you've got the idea that a woman would be afraid to shoot you, just forget it,'cause you wouldn't be the first one I've had to shoot either. I took care of one jerk who thought he was tough enough to rape me.
Et si tu penses qu'une femme n'oserait pas tirer, détrompe-toi, parce que ce ne serait pas la première fois.
I see clothing. I see a pile of blankets on a chair... a lot oftoys that weren't put away... and your favorite over-the-hill teddy bear... who would probably be a lot happier - Who would probably be a lot happier in bed with you.
des vêtements, des couvertures, des jouets qu'on doit jeter, et ton nounours préféré qui serait bien mieux... qui serait bien mieux au lit, près de toi.
Who would think that so pretty a toy could be a purveyor to the gallows and the prison?
Qui aurait cru qu'un si joli ornement mènerait des hommes en prison et à la potence?
Refusing to lie would be much the same as telling an eminent colleague from Laval University... who's devoted years to the history of Catholicism in Canada... that he can take... Bishop Bourget's sermons... roll them very tightly... and slowly shove them up his ass.
Refuser le mensonge serait aller... au prochain congrès voir un éminent collègue de l'Université Laval... qui est passé 20 ans sur l'histoire du catholicisme canadien... et lui dire que, les mandements de Monseigneur Bourget... il peut se les rouler serrés et se les fourrer lentement dans le cul.
I had hoped that I would be able to save up some money, so I could buy a small house and maybe find a woman who could take care of us. So we could get coffee in bed on Sunday mornings, Pelle, but...
J'espérais avoir assez de sous en arrivant pour acheter une petite maison prendre une femme qui nous servirait le café au lit le dimanche tu comprends, elle?
I would fantasize that I had an older brother named Chip... and a little sister named Sally... and my name would either be Happy or Buffy or Babe... one of those big, sexy blondes who plays a lot of volleyball.
Je rêvais que j'avais un grand frère qui s'appelait Chip et une petite sœur, Sally, et que je m'appelais Happy, Buffy ou Babe, une de ces grandes blondes sexy qui jouent au volley.
I was blindsided by the raging fist of my incarcerator who informed me that Walt Whitman's homoerotic, unnatural pornographic sentiments were unacceptable and would not be allowed in an institution dedicated to reforming the ill-formed.
de Walt Whitman, cette pornographie contre-nature, étaient inacceptables et ne seraient pas admis dans une institution spécialisée dans le redressement des mauvaises graines.
Since I couldn't see the hunters I feared that the monster was ripping open my father and I pleaded with God to direct the monster towards my uncle who believed in heaven and who would thus be more willing to die.
Ne voyant rien, je craignis que le monstre n'éventrât mon père. Je priai Dieu de le diriger plutôt contre mon oncle, qui croyait au paradis et mourrait plus volontiers.
There was a concern amongst businesses and the military that Labour'd be re-elected and moderates would be replaced by left-wingers. who in turn would be opposed to NATO and nuclear weapons.
Les industriels et l'armée craignaient que le parti travailliste soit réélu, se radicalise, et s'oppose à l'OTAN et aux armes nucléaires.
And please add that if he is unable to provide us with a ship, then I am sure there are others in the Klingon Empire who would be willing to help me.
Et veuillez ajouter que s'il ne satisfait pas à ma demande, je suis persuadé que d'autres que lui dans l'Empire seront disposés à m'aider.
And if you were confronted with a suspect who was reaching for something that might be a gun, what would you do according to these guidelines?
Si vous étiez confronté à un suspect qui attrape quelque chose qui pourrait être une arme, que feriez-vous selon les directives?
But the only ones who'd understand it would be you and me... and that includes your teacher.
Mais il n'y a que toi et moi qui pourrions comprendre. Même ta maîtresse ne comprendrait pas.
And there are... a lot of people who would be very interested in knowing that.
Et il y a plein de gens qui seraient intéressés de l'apprendre.
And that you are a great warrior Who would not be afraid To face
Et que vous êtes un grand guerrier qui n'aurait pas peur de les affronter
I believe that Mr. Gorbachev- - The man who ran Russia for so long? I believe that he would still be in power today if he'd done... what many people suggested and had that big purple thing taken off his forehead.
Je crois que M. Gorbatchev, l'ex-président de la Russie, je crois qu'il serait toujours au pouvoir si, comme on le lui a suggéré, il avait fait enlever son truc violet sur le front.
I mean, to think that these disadvantaged youngsters... who I had taken under my wing and spent my time with... and who would only stand to ultimately benefit from my media savvy... to think they might be responsible for this heinous crime!
Penser que ces jeunes défavorisés, que j'avais pris sous mon aile, à qui j'avais offert mon temps, et qui n'ont fait qu'abuser de ma naïveté... Penser qu'ils pouvaient être responsables d'un crime aussi odieux.
- And who would that be, Captain?
- Qui ça?
And I'm just supposed to get him to say who killed his wife? Yeah, that would be perfect.
J'aimerais dédier une chanson au futur marié... qui me semble de circonstance.
I had to wait for a time when mankind... would not repeat my mistake and let tyranny thrive. When there would be those who remembered the Once-ways... remembered that even in the darkness there is still light.
Je devais attendre le jour où les hommes ne répèteraient pas mon erreur et éviteraient la propagation de la tyrannie, où certains se souviendraient de la Voie d'autrefois, se rappelleraient que même dans l'obscurité, il y a toujours de la lumière.
If it doesn't do something with it... like make some kind of change... or make some kind of difference... this group of people who feels this certain way... this group of people who, like, thinks these things... that the underdogs we've all met and lived with think... if they finally get to the forefront... and nothing comes of it, that would be the tragedy.
Si ça ne permet pas de changer les choses, de faire la différence... Tous ces gens qui ont cette sensibilité, ces gens qui ont cet état d'esprit... Si tous les "paumés" qu'on a tous côtoyés ont réussi à être au premier plan et que rien ne se passe...
They believe that a man who was once captured and assimilated by the Borg should not be put in a situation where he would face them again.
Ils estiment qu'un homme qui a déjà été assimilé par les Borgs ne doit plus y être confronté.
If I was a superhero who could fly and be invisible that would be the best.
J'aimerais être un super-héros qui vole et qui soit invisible. Ce serait le pied.
I once took pictures of a man who ate his own legs and you would be the black sheep of that family.
J'ai pris un homme [br] qui mangeait ses jambes. A côté de lui, tu es le mouton noir.
We are then left with the alternative, that they are not slaves and therefore cannot be considered merchandise but are, rather, free individuals with certain legal and moral rights, including the right to engage in insurrection against those who would deny them their freedom.
Il ne nous reste qu'une alternative : ce ne sont pas des esclaves, donc ils ne sont pas de la marchandise mais sont plutôt des individus libres, ayant certains droits légaux et moraux, y compris le droit de s'engager dans une insurrection contre toute personne leur ayant refusé leur liberté.

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