As it goes traducir francés
797 traducción paralela
Well, that's as far back as it goes.
Tu peux toujours courir.
It gets better as it goes along.
Ça s'améliore en progressant.
They'll let it go. They'll even salute it as it goes by.
- Ils laissent sortir le colis,... et le salueront au passage!
That's as far as it goes.
Et ça ne va pas plus loin.
As it goes, Morigi?
Comment ça va, Morigi?
Is that as far as it goes?
C'est tout?
- It's true, as far as it goes.
- C'est vrai, jusqu'ici.
On the contrary, I think it's an excellent idea, as far as it goes. But why shoot only five hostages?
Au contraire, à moi semble une excellente idée alors, pourquoi en fusiller seulement cinq?
- No, no, it's very sound as far as it goes.
- Il est sensé jusqu'à présent.
So long as it goes on, they will multiply, getting stronger and stronger.
Tant qu'elle fonctionnera, ils se multiplieront, et deviendront de plus en plus puissants.
Same Se.or acts as the lightning and it doesn't warn when he / she goes he / she is necessary to wake up the trial in the heart of a man
Les voies du Seigneur sont impénétrables. Il ne prévient pas quand Il va frapper le coeur d'un homme.
As far as that goes, yes, it is.
Oui, effectivement.
"The way the ocean comes in and goes all white as it swishes down."
"L'océan déferler et se briser en écume lorsqu'il roule sur lui-même."
Why not? It won't cost me anything, as the saying goes.
Ça ne me coûtera rien, comme on dit.
You agree to lend some dough as a token from a friend one day and so it goes.
Un jour, on accepte un prêt d'ami et puis ça continue.
It's been my idea to make a few thousands early in the game and then quit for as long as it lasts and try to find out who I am and what goes on now, while I'm young and feel good all the time.
J'avais envie de gagner quelques milliers d'entrée de jeu, puis de m'arrêter tant qu'ils dureraient pour découvrir qui je suis et le but de la vie, maintenant, tant que je suis jeune et en bonne santé.
Still, it all goes to show that I'm on the right lines, as usual.
Tout confirme que je suis sur la bonne voie comme toujours.
I like a bit of fun, as the saying goes but when a bloke grabs you with nasty notions in his head it's time to put your foot down.
J'aime bien m'amuser... mais quand un gars se met à avoir des idées, je me laisse pas faire!
You deserve it. He goes first.
- Tu l'as gagné, vas-y le premier.
until it ended in tears but what can one do if love goes as it comes?
Un très beau souvenir, mais des larmes ont encore coulé. Que faire quand l'amour est bohème?
It has become a farewell melody. You are right as far as the music goes.
la romance restera inachevée, ce sera notre "mélodie des adieux"!
As the saying goes, "It was fun while it lasted."
Comme on dit, "Maintenant, fini la rigolade".
If it should come and I have not as yet returned... it is not wise, perhaps, to speak so far in the future but the world goes bad and who knows how long that will last.
S'il arrive, et que je ne suis toujours pas revenu... il n'est pas sage, peut-être, d'anticiper à ce point, mais le monde tourne mal, et qui sait combien de temps cela durera?
If I wouldn't touch that money for them, I wouldn't for you. It goes back with me as it is.
Je n'ai pas pris d'argent pour eux, alors pour vous... il retourne avec moi tel quel.
As it goes, Meynet?
- Comment ça va, Meynet?
- That's about as far as it goes. - I like it.
Ça me plaît.
My illness is incurable. Naturally, it grows worse as time goes on.
Mon mal est incurable, il empire donc avec le temps.
The night air goes to your head like dope, don't it.
Tu as du gruyère en guise de cerveau?
It goes'round and'round like a merry-go-round and gets just about as far. ( MEN LAUGHING )
Ils tournent en rond sur leurs chevaux de bois.
It goes without saying that it is just as important for the State's Attorney to use the great powers of his office to protect the innocent as it is to convict the guilty.
Il va sans dire qu'un procureur se doit d'utiliser les pouvoirs de sa charge pour protéger l'innocent autant que pour confondre le coupable.
I hope it goes as smoothly as you expect.
J'espère que ça se passera bien.
It goes on to you making love to man's daughter to get her to turn against her own father.
Ensuite, tu as séduit une fille pour la monter contre son père.
Then goes he to the length of all his arm, and with his other hand thus oer his brow, he falls to such perusal of my face... as he would draw it.
il étudia mon visage comme pour le dessiner.
When he is drunk, asleep or in his rage, or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed, at gaming, swearing or about some act that has no relish of salvation in it. Then trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven, and that his soul may be as damned and black as hell whereto it goes.
Quand il sera saoul, qu'il jurera, en son lit incestueux, sans le moindre espoir de salut, alors frappons-le... et qu'il aille en enfer!
There are days and days of routine, of tedious probing... of tireless searching... fruitless days, days when nothing goes right... when it seems as if no one could ever think his way... through the maze of baffling trails a criminal leaves.
Il y a des jours de routine, d'enquêtes fastidieuses, de recherches sans fin, des jours vains, des jours où tout va de travers, où il semble que personne ne peut raisonner dans l'amas de pistes brouillées laissées par un criminel.
The sun goes down in the same lovely sky, just as it did yesterday, and will tomorrow.
Le soleil se couche dans le même ciel splendide qu'hier, et demain il en sera encore ainsi.
It's very difficult to tell you how much this means to me, but as time goes on it will mean just as much to you.
Ce bébé est si important pour moi. Avec le temps, il le sera pour toi, j'ai vu ça...
That goes against God's law and it's your fault for poisoning him against me!
C'est de ta faute! Tu l'as monté contre moi! - C'est pour ça qu'il me défie!
But I am the Baron... and what goes with the barony must and will be recognized by all of you... just as it was recognized 10 minutes ago by the United States government.
Mais je suis le Baron... et la baronnie devra être et sera reconnue par vous tous... tout comme elle a été reconnue il y a 10 minutes par le gouvernement des Etats-Unis.
How come it isn't out of bounds for Tatum? How come he goes in as much as he wants to?
Comment se fait-il que Tatum entre et sort quand il veut?
It looks as though he wears one suit and goes to sleep in the other.
C'est comme s'il n'avait qu'un costume pour sortir et un autre pour dormir.
I'll return it as soon as the stock goes up.
Je vous la rendrai dès que le marché remontera.
As far as the people being frightened goes, Mr. Lydell, maybe your newspaper has something to do with it.
En ce qui concerne les habitants effrayés, M. LYDELL, Votre journal y contribue.
I'm thinking if something goes wrong, and you don't meet up with us, I stand to gain from it as much as Roy here.
Si quelque chose vous arrive et que vous ne nous rejoignez pas, j'en bénéficierai autant que Roy.
It goes with the check.
- Quand as-tu trouvé ça?
One goes on and on feels as if one's up against a brick wall forever and then suddenly, it's as if a light flashes on and everything slips into place.
On a parfois l'impression d'être bloqué devant un mur de briques et puis soudain, on dirait qu'une lumière clignote et tout se met en place.
It goes you better as custom!
II vous va mieux que du sur mesure!
It's as if it goes right over her.
C'est comme si ça ne la touchait pas.
It's the same as before, wherever he goes.
C'est toujours pareil, partout où il va.
When Louis goes on trial, in case you get summoned as a witness. You'll be too sick to show up. That will prove it.
Au cas où vous seriez appelé à témoigner au procès, vous serez excusé.
As soon as the sun goes down, it gets cold.
Dès qu'il n'y a plus de soleil, il fait froid.
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it turns out 330
as it stands 27
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it turns out 330
as it stands 27
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16