At this rate traducir francés
801 traducción paralela
My unit will break apart at this rate!
Mon unité va se détruire à ce rythme!
At this rate, what if the broadcasting accident ( going blank ) happens?
A ce rythme que fait-on si un accident de diffusion survient?
At this rate, what if there is a broadcasting accident?
Et que faire s'il y a un accident?
At this rate, what if the last episode can't be aired?
Et si le dernier épisode ne pouvait pas être diffusé?
What if you miss the flight at this rate?
Et si tu rates l'avion?
At this rate, you'll end up thin as a rake.
Continue comme ça et tu vas devenir maigre comme un stoquefiche.
At this rate, we'll have to leave the country to save our faces.
À ce rythme-là... on va devoir quitter le pays pour sauver la face.
How will you get to New York at this rate?
Comment irez-vous à New York de ce pas?
- At this rate, they won't finish before dark.
A ce rythme, ils finiront à la nuit.
We won't be ready for Easter at this rate.
Oh le beau zinc!
He knows that it took billions of years to put it here and if we keep taking it at this rate before long, there won't be any oil left in the good old U.S.A.
Ce qui prend des millions d'années à se faire ne doit pas être prélevé à ce rythme si nous ne voulons pas épuiser notre pétrole.
Gee, at this rate you could keep up a nice home.
Avec ça, vous pourriez acheter une maison.
At this rate we'll never get married.
A ce train-là, on se mariera jamais.
At this rate, you'll have to dig up the whole mountain.
À ce rythme-là, tu vas devoir creuser toute la montagne.
At this rate Lysias will soon ruin himself, with your help.
À ce train, Lysias va se ruiner, et tu l'y aides.
He can't keep it up at this rate. That horse won't last half a day.
À ce train-là, son cheval ne tiendra pas une demi-journée.
At this rate, I'll be here all night.
Je vais y passer la nuit, à ce rythme.
- At this rate, we'll never get home.
- On n'arrivera jamais chez nous.
At this rate, I'll be 60 before you get to the point.
À ce rythme, j'aurais 60 ans avant avant l'heure.
If they can reproduce at this rate, another 24 hours, a few days...
S'il se reproduit aussi vite, encore vingt-quatre heures, quelques jours...
At this rate, by the time we turn 80, we'll have spent about 3 days together.
A ce rythme, à 80 ans, on aura bien passé 3 jours ensemble!
- But we'll pass right through at this rate.
- mais on va la dépasser.
At this rate, I won't catch anything.
si ça continue, Amelie tintin...
But at this rate, we'll have to kiss our fish fry goodbye.
oui, mais dis donc, hé! Si ça continue, on va se mettre la ceinture pour la friture, hein!
At this rate, you can't last more than a couple of months.
A ce stade, vous ne pouvez pas perdre plus de deux mois.
At this rate, you'll be finished without Mr Dennis.
A ce rythme-là, vous serez foutu sans même l'aide de M. Dennis.
At this rate, I'll gain pounds.
A ce rythme-là, je vais prendre du poids.
We'll never get to eat at this rate.
On ne déjeunera jamais.
We'll be here for ten years at this rate.
Nous serons ici pendant dix ans à cette vitesse.
At this rate we oughta be able to spot more than 30 by the end of the day.
D'ici ce soir, nous aurons dépassé les 30 espèces.
At this rate, when you find the Chamberlain, I'll be a 70-year-old.
Au rythme où ça va, d'ici â ce qu'on retrouve le Gouverneur, je ne serai plus Sanjuro mais Shichijuro ( Septantenaire )...
This Cho Yeong Eun seems like a weird writer. At any rate, more and more news articles are coming out, and if she's already started applying for an injunction, this is getting real serious...
Cette Cho Yeong Eun ressemble à une étrange écrivaine.
At any rate, I think this is meaningful in so many different ways.
je pense que cela a un sens de tant de façons différentes.
At any rate, Writer Lee, the last week of Morning in Kyeongseong will be full of this Kang Hyun Min's impactful acting spirit, just you wait.
la dernière semaine d'" Un matin de Kyeongseong Attendez juste.
How can you make it all into nothing like this? ! Hyun Min, at any rate, now that it's been decided, let's go for 30 % of viewership rating, and get more money for the extended episodes.
Comment peux-tu changer tout cela en rien! Et gagner plus d'argent avec les nouveaux épisodes.
Not at this school, at any rate.
Pas ici, en tout cas.
At the rate he's going, he's probably crossed two state lines by this time.
Au pas où il allait, il aura traversé deux états maintenant.
It'll only be a minute now, Mr. Chan, while they regulate the speed... so that the roller holding the picture in Chicago is revolving at the same rate... as the roller holding the negative in this cylinder.
Ça ne sera pas long, M. Chan, ils doivent ajuster la vitesse... pour que le rouleau tenant la photo à Chicago tourne à la même vitesse... que le rouleau tenant le négatif dans ce cylindre.
At the rate of $ 1 million a year I'll have to close this place in 60 years.
À raison d'un million par an, je devrai m'arrêter dans... 60 ans.
At any rate, I must report on this case to the medical journals.
Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois signaler le cas aux journaux médicaux.
At any rate, when I pulled myself together this morning it was already 10 : 30.
- Que la chance continue. - Espérons. - Au revoir.
At this rate, we'll be busier here...
- De quel parti étais-tu?
If you carry on at this rate, it'll take you a hundred years.
Tu voudrais tout emporter d'un coup?
One thing is certain at any rate : It'll be settled this afternoon down in Maryland.
On sera fixés cet après-midi, à l'hippodrome du Maryland.
At this rate we'll never get there!
Oh, on n'y est jamais arrivés.
At the rate they are going, they should reach Leo by this time tomorrow night.
A cette vitesse, ils devraient atteindre Léo demain soir à la même heure.
If anyone did rob our van, well, it's virtually impossible to dispose of stolen bullion, In this country, at any rate. Yes.
Un voleur ne pourrait rien faire de l'or, s'il le garde en Angleterre.
At any rate, this is what I have known
Voilà ce que j'aurai connu.
If the same thing is happening to him at the same rate or speed, if absorbing those mice could do this... I know. There is no living thing on earth that stands a chance against it.
S'il lui arrive la même chose à la même vitesse, si engloutir ces souris est aussi facile, aucune créature vivante ne peut lui résister.
Well, at the rate this stuff spreads destruction, Martin, when you write your story, there may not be anybody around to read it.
Au rythme de destruction de cette chose, il ne restera peut-être plus de gens pour lire votre histoire.
Not sure why I'm so calm this morning but at any rate, if I go on with this kid, doctor, he's gonna have me running up walls.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi je suis si calme ce matin, mais... Si je continue avec ce gamin, il va me faire grimper aux murs.
at this stage 63
at this point 786
at this very moment 61
at this moment 173
at this age 20
at this time 248
at this time of day 16
at this time of night 45
at this 20
at this hour 158
at this point 786
at this very moment 61
at this moment 173
at this age 20
at this time 248
at this time of day 16
at this time of night 45
at this 20
at this hour 158
rate 104
rated 52
rated movie 22
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
rated 52
rated movie 22
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47