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Bankruptcy traducir francés

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However, I never felt unhappy. Despite being axed from the company, despite the company's bankruptcy for which I would have to shell out 30 billion won to start anew ; I was fine.
je ne me suis jamais senti malheureux. J'allais bien.
And if he doesn't get it, he goes into bankruptcy and throws 900 men out of work.
S'il ne l'obtient pas, il fait faillite et 900 hommes sont sans emploi.
They've been on the verge of bankruptcy for a year.
Ils sont au bord de la faillite depuis un an.
- Sounds like a bankruptcy proceeding.
- On se croirait aux impôts.
You'll run us all into bankruptcy!
- Vous allez nous ruiner!
You're in bankruptcy now, you fathead!
- Vous l'êtes déjà, idiot!
Those Lynbrook gentlemen are facing bankruptcy.
Ces gentlemen de Lynbrook sont menacés de banqueroute.
Evidently you don't read the bankruptcy notices.
Vous ne lisez pas les nouvelles sur les faillites.
Maybe you can get him to go into bankruptcy.
Vous le convaincrez peut-être de déposer le bilan.
There's a bill up in Congress now to give us a uniform law of bankruptcy.
Le Congrès est en train d'examiner un projet de loi sur les faillites.
It's a good thing we're not playing for money, or I'd have you in bankruptcy.
Une chance qu'on joue pas pour l'argent, je vous aurais ruinés.
Otherwise you'll lead me to bankruptcy...
Si tu le fais, je serais bientôt en faillite...
You must satisfy your creditors or show cause why Mildred's Inc should not be taken away from you. If you resist, your creditors force you into bankruptcy. It's as simple as that.
À moins d'un argument décisif, il ne vous reste plus... qu'à vendre... ou à déposer votre bilan.
It means bankruptcy and scandal and prison!
Ça signifie la banqueroute, le scandale et la prison.
Harry says this sort of thing is a kind of mental bankruptcy.
Pour Harry, il s'agit d'une débâcle mentale.
- It will cause your bankruptcy?
- Il causerait votre faillite?
- No, not our bankruptcy, but if you lose customer confidence, we will be forced to close our subsidiaries.
- Non, pas notre faillite, mais si on perd la confiance des clients, on sera forcés de fermer nos filiales.
To lose Toad Hall was, of course, unthinkable, and yet it was no secret that Toad's follies had brought him to the brink of bankruptcy.
Perdre la Maison Crapaud était, évidemment, impensable, mais tous savaient que les folies de Crapaud l'avaient poussé aux limites de la faillite.
But I've learned something now about bankruptcy.
En tout cas, je viens d'en tirer une leçon.
Listen, Arnold. I'll do anything within reason. But we'll just have to put up the shutters and file a bankruptcy petition.
Je ferai mon possible, mais on va devoir fermer boutique et déposer le bilan.
How many men have you sent into bankruptcy?
Combien de faillites humaines?
I was broke, facing bankruptcy.
Je suis ruiné.
It's only two syllables from Banks to bankruptcy.
J'espère que ma ruine te divertira.
That spells bankruptcy for a small company like yours.
De quoi mettre en faillite n'importe qui.
Half the chaps who get into the bankruptcy court are called Algernon.
La moitié des types de la Haute Cour s'appellent Algernon.
Then I went through bankruptcy And lost my whole menagerie
Pour payer mes dettes, j'ai vendu mes bêtes
The man's raiïs on the people of seal herds have brought the Alaskan Fur Company to the verge of bankruptcy.
Ses attaques sur les troupeaux de phoques des Pribilof mènent la Compagnie pelletière alaskienne au bord de la faillite.
If that order doesn't come, we will be very close to bankruptcy.
La commande n'arrive pas. Nous sommes au bord de la faillite.
It is absolutely essential to arrange it for tonight, or it is bankruptcy for my company.
Il faut absolument tout arranger ce soir, sinon c'est la faillite pour notre société.
To save her husband from bankruptcy, your niece sold me the earrings.
- Mme votre nièce, .. pour éviter que son mari ne soit mis en faillite, m'a vendu les coeurs.
bankruptcy, ruin for your family.
C'est la faillite, la ruine pour ta famille.
She was overwhelmed by our potential bankruptcy.
Notre possible faillite l'avait anéantie.
- Yes. So can bankruptcy happen.
- Oui, tout comme la faillite.
I fell in that cellar, I slept in that cellar... and I awoke to this catastrophe. Lawyers, law costs, publicity, ruin and bankruptcy.
Avocats, frais judiciaires, mauvaise publicité, la ruine et la banqueroute!
- A company in bankruptcy.
- Une entreprise en faillite.
He's advancing right into bankruptcy.
Il fonce droit vers la faillite.
We were in the financial crisis, bankruptcy, political turmoil, corrupt liberalism...
La crise boursière, les faillites, ce libéralisme gâté, superficiel...
I don't know anything about the firm, its.. Corporative set up. Its reasons for bankruptcy.
Je ne sais rien de l'entreprise ou des raisons de sa faillite.
And, yesterday, they went into bankruptcy.
Et, hier, ils ont fait faillite.
You forced them into bankruptcy?
Tu les as mis en faillite?
Then, bankruptcy.
Vive le roi, quand même!
Scarcely the place to give you all the details but I would advise you that Tibbs Company... -... is on the verge of bankruptcy.
L'endroit se prête mal à une exégèse, mais sachez que Tibbs Cie est au bord de la faillite.
Don't bother with Tibbs Company and verges of bankruptcy and all that.
Oubliez donc Tibbs et les bords de la faillite. C'est du vent.
Bankruptcy or prosperity.
faillite ou prospérité. Que choisirez-vous?
Before we're cornered into bankruptcy, I must ask you all to resign from the company.
Avant que nous ne soyons acculés à la faillite, je dois vous demander de quitter l'entreprise.
Arthur... we're just around the corner from bankruptcy.
- Et toi? Arthur, nous sommes au bord de la faillite.
It can also lead to bankruptcy, too, if he breaks enough stuff.
Cela peut aussi provoquer la ruine des parents!
Yes, and I'm facing bankruptcy...
La troisième.
We're here because the company's facing bankruptcy on account of the idiotic treaty with the Sioux.
Nous sommes ici car la Cie connaît une banqueroute à cause de ce stupide traité! À qui le dites-vous!
The numbers banks exploded into bankruptcy
Les banques des nombres dans le rouge Les banques firent naufrage, les parieurs gagnèrent.
Of course, anyone holding the mortgages is in a position to foreclose them. Thereby forcing yourself and the school into bankruptcy.
Cela mènerait l'école et vous-même à la faillite.

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