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But he did it traducir francés

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He'd mess up the experiments sometimes, but he did it on purpose just to make class a little more fun.
Il foirait les expériences parfois, mais il le faisait exprès pour rendre le cours un peu plus marrant.
No, I don't like it either, but he did it.
Non... je n'aime pas ça non plus, mais il l'a fait.
He deserved what will happen to him, but it did not seem right.
Il a mérité ce qui va lui arriver, mais ça ne me semble pas bien.
I did, but now that he said yes, it's become so... real.
Oui, mais depuis qu'il a accepté, c'est devenu tellement... réel.
It took quite a while to talk him into taking up medicine. But he did.
Il nous a fallu du temps pour le convaincre de faire médecine.
Not only did he try to interfere with our efforts to take down the minefield, but, as I understand it, he's also the diabolical genius who came up with the idea of self-replicating mines in the first place.
Il a tenté de saboter nos efforts pour désactiver le champ de mines et c'est lui qui, m'a-t-on dit, a eu l'idée géniale et diabolique de synthétiser le champ de mines.
But Odysseus had been warned that these women, the sirens, sang a song so beautiful that any man who heard it would be lured to his death. So how did he get the ship past them?
Ulysse avait été prévenu que le chant de ces sirènes était si beau que tout homme qui l'entendrait serait entraîné vers sa mort.
But even if it did, he couldn't talk through it.
Et quand bien même, il ne pourrait pas parler avec.
But how did he live through it?
Oui, mais comment?
Plus, King Kong can climb the Empire State Building but he can't climb this wall did they coat it with KY jelly or something, it doesnt make sense.
Et il escalade l'Empire State Building, mais pas le mur? Ils l'ont badigeonné de vaseline? ça n'a pas de sens.
But why did he do it? Did he think Cashmere would be so honored she'd never tell?
LL croyait que McLeod serait si fLattee qu'eLLe trahirait pas Le secret?
Right, Libby? But where did he score? How could he keep it quiet?
Comment il se fournissait, une fois gouverneur?
He did it very casually... but I knew that our peace was about to be shattered.
Le geste était discret, mais j'ai senti que ça allait exploser.
Couldn't swear to it, but I'm pretty sure he did.
Je le jurerais pas, mais presque.
But all it did was make him bonkers... every time he heard electric guitar.
Mais ça n'a réussi qu'à le faire disjoncter au moindre son d'une guitare électrique.
- But he did not have to die for it.
- Mais il ne fallait pas qu'il en meure.
But he didn't say it, did he?
- Mais il n'a rien dit.
It may seem rude to ask but why did he adopt you in the first place?
Il fait beau, Maître.
A lot of the mates he fought with never made it home but he did, and in one piece.
Beaucoup de ses camarades y sont restés, mais pas lui. Il est revenu indemne.
I may be nuts, but I don't think Scott Ross died the way it says he did.
Je suis peut-être timbré, mais je ne crois pas que Scott Ross soit mort comme ça.
But did he see it because he was disturbed, or was he disturbed because he saw it?
L'a-t-il vu parce qu'il était dérangé, ou était-il dérangé parce qu'il l'a vu?
- He was there, but it doesn't prove he did it.
- Sa présence ne prouve rien.
He saw the Horseman come towards... me with his sword unsheathed, -... but it is I who govern the Horseman, and Baltus did not stay to watch.
Il l'a vu marcher sur moi, l'épée brandie. Mais le Cavalier m'obéit, ma chère. Et Baltus n'a pas attendu.
Who would have thought he'd put it in a diary? But he did.
Qui pouvait penser qu'il tenait un journal?
I know it's not good manners to ask the magician how he did it... but inquiring minds are desperate to know.
Ca ne se fait pas d'interroger le magicien mais la soif de savoir me guide.
Joey, it's not like he actually did anything.
C'est pas comme s'il avait atteint son but.
But when Petty Officer Lopez asked him why he did it, he told her.
Lorsque Lopez lui a demandé pourquoi il avait fait ça.
He did have some anger issues, but I told him what I learned in my 12-step programme, let it go.
II semblait en colère mais je lui ai dit de suivre ma méthode et de tourner la page.
But did he really have to figure it out quite so damn fast?
Mais est-ce qu'il devait vraiment tout comprendre aussi vite?
I'm inclined to agree that Tony Reed did not commit murder, but I think he saw who did, and he's covering up for it.
Tony Reed est peut-être innocent, mais il couvre les coupables.
He did it to keep me from testifying. And he's who we're focused on, but there's no sign of a kidnapping, there's no ransom note.
Il n'y a pas de preuve d'enlèvement, pas de demande de rançon.
It was just that night, I mean, I would say that even if he did but - take drugs, I mean - but he wasn't like that.
Une fois n'est pas coutume. Je dirais ça de toute façon, mais... la drogue, c'était pas son style Il n'a pas...
- Mr. Rodman... it's a shame that your client didn't use as much sense... in choosing what he planted... as he did in choosing his attorney, but, lately, the only variation...
M. Rodman... il est dommage que votre client n'ait pas eu le même bon sens... pour choisir ce qu'il plantait... que pour choisir son avocat.
He really did. But tonight it'll be Martel leading Washington against Dallas.
C'est vrai, mais ce soir, c'est Martel qui joue contre Dallas.
But what did he want to do with it?
Mais que voulait-il en faire?
But what did he say? That's it.
- Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit?
But he wouldn't be into it if I did.
Il serait contre.
But the bad news is not only did Officer Boyer send your car to the impound he tagged it for auction and it was sold this afternoon.
La mauvaise nouvelle, c'est... que l'agent Boyer l'a envoyée ici... en déclarant qu'elle était à vendre. Et on l'a vendue.
He didn't say much, he hardly ever did but he let it be known that it wasn't wise to go around saying bad things about Hitler.
Il n'a pas dit grand-chose... - il parlait peu - mais j'ai compris qu'il ne fallait pas critiquer Herr Hitler.
- Why did he do it insurance, source for spare parts
Dans quel but? Une assurance. Une source d'organe de remplacement.
Look, I don't know how he did it, but what you saw on there is not true.
Je ne sais pas comment il a fait, rien de ce que vous avez vu n'est vrai!
But the one thing that he did say... was that if there's something in your gut... that you know you feel is right... you got to go after it, no matter what.
Mais ce qu'il m'a dit, c'est que si on a une certitude, qu'on n'a pas le moindre doute, il faut chercher à l'avoir. Coûte que coûte.
He might be one of yours, but he murdered one of ours, and he did it here.
Peut-être, mais il a tué l'un des nôtres et ici même.
But in my assessment, the minor... he knows it was wrong, but at the time he pulled that trigger, he did not.
Mais de mon point de vue, même s'il sait cela, au moment oû il a tiré, il ne le savait pas.
But he said he never lost any sleep over it because he did the right thing.
Cela ne l'a jamais empêché de dormir car il avait fait ce qu'il fallait.
He did confess before he was warned, but it was an excited utterance.
Il a avoué avant, mais sous le coup de l'excitation.
But I know he did it.
Mais je sais qu'il l'a fait.
All that stuff he did, it was his cry for help, but Mom could never reach out to him.
Les trucs qu'il faisait, c'était un appel au secours, mais Maman n'a jamais été là pour lui.
- No idea. I don't know how he did it, but witnesses say he really knew what he was doing.
J'ignore comment il a fait, mais selon les témoins, il était compétent.
How did he know? How did Kennedy know to be tough with the Russians early but later to hang back and play it safe, even after they shot down the U2?
Comment Kennedy a-t-il su jouer les durs avec les Russes, puis faire marche arrière même après l'attaque de l'U-2?
But you did it to Max when he was captured.
Mais tu l'as fait avec Max, il était prisonnier.

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