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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ B ] / But how did you know

But how did you know traducir francés

432 traducción paralela
But how did you know I was like that?
Mais comment saviez-vous que j'étais comme cela?
But how did you know?
- Comment le savez-vous?
But how did you know my name, sir?
Vous me connaissez?
I was, but how did you know?
Je l'étais, comment le saviez-vous?
But how did you know?
Mais comment le savez-vous?
You were right but how did you know those two got in?
Tu avais raison, comment savais-tu qu'ils étaient là?
But how did you know I was here?
Où as-tu eu mon adresse?
But how did you know I wanted a shop?
Comment as-tu su?
Say, but how did you know I wanted the train so bad?
Mais comment as-tu su que je voulais tellement ce train?
But how did you know?
Mais comment le sais-tu?
- But how did you know?
- Comment as-tu deviné?
But how did you know about it?
- Comment avez-vous su?
But how did you know?
Mais comment saviez-vous?
But how did you know?
Mais comment se fait-il?
- But how did you know - - You were saying?
- Comment avez-vous su...
But how did you know my nickname is Nell?
Mais comment connaissez-vous mon surnom?
But how did you know I would come.
Mais comment savais-tu que je viendrais?
But how did you know I'd get in that way?
Mais comment avez-vous su que j'entrerais de cette façon?
- Yes. But how did you know?
- Comment le savez-vous?
But how did you know I'd be at the Greeks?
Mais comment as-tu sais que je serais chez les Grecs?
- But how did you know?
- Comment le vous saviez?
Not that it matters, but how did you know about Quinlen?
C'est pas vraiment important, mais comment tu as su pour Quinlen?
But how did you know?
Comment le savez-vous?
- But how did you know what was happening?
Comment avez-vous su?
How did you know...? You make a lot of fuss for even a small matter, but you were out of reach after going out to dump garbage, and came back one day later.
Comment le savez-vous? Mais vous avez été injoignable après avoir sorti les poubelles et vous êtes revenue un jour plus tard.
You're right, but how the dickens did you know?
Vous avez raison, mais comment diable le saviez-vous?
Well, but, uh- - How did you know?
Mais- - Comment tu sais?
I should have told you a long time ago, I know, but I did not know how to say it.
J'aurais dû vous le dire, mais je ne savais comment m'y prendre.
I know, but how did you happen to become a writer of lyrics?
Mais comment en êtes-vous arrivée à écrire des chansons?
Yes, but how did you know?
- Oui. Mais comment...
My brother was drowned in August. I know how that must have saddened you, but did it affect your love for Ellen? Yes, I...
Un coup douloureux.
I am sorry I did it like this, but I didn't know how to tell you.
Je ne savais pas comment te l'apprendre.
But you didn't know who Vivian was so how did you know where she lived?
Si vous ne la connaissiez pas, comment saviez-vous où elle habitait?
But I love you just as much as I ever did and I'm worried about you, and I don't know how to help.
Mais je t'aime... et je suis inquiète.
Can't be done. But a guy did it. You know how he did it?
Comment m'ont-ils surpris?
I don't know how you did it, but you made me feel about that big.
Je ne sais pas comment vous faites, mais je me sentais toute petite.
But tell me, how did you know of my need to see this man?
Dites-moi, qui vous a dit qu'il m'est précieux?
But tell me, how did you know about tonight?
Comment étiez-vous au courant pour ce soir?
Well, she did her best to make it, but you know how these things are. Such short notice.
Elle a voulu l'annuler mais tu vois, c'était trop tard.
I don't know how you managed it, but you did me a favor.
Qu'importe, tu m'as fait une faveur.
I don't know how, I don't know why. But I did love you.
Je ne sais pas comment ni pourquoi, mais je t'aimais.
I don't know how the word got out that I'd sent for you but somehow it did.
J'ignore comment ils ont su que vous deviez arriver. Mais ils l'ont su.
But, how did you know it was so extraordinary?
En quoi est-ce si extraordinaire?
I thought so too... but how did he know I called you?
C'est ce que je me suis dit aussi... mais comment a-t-il su que je t'avais téléphoné?
I don't know how you got here, but I'm sure glad you did.
J'ignore comment tu es arrivée, mais je suis ravi.
I know, but how did you think of it?
- Mais comment y avez-vous pensé?
I wanted to talk to you, but I did not know how to come in.
Je voulais vous parler, mais je ne savais pas comment faire.
I can assure you. Yeah, but how did he know?
- Oui, mais comment a-t-il su?
But... how did you know that I was coming this way?
Tu m'attendais ici?
I'm happy to know that, but how can you prove that he did?
Mais comment pouvez-vous le prouver?
I don't know how you two black bastards did it, but you tricked me.
Je ne sais pas comment, salauds de Noirs, mais vous m'avez trompé.

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