But there it is traducir francés
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Yeah, and he should be in junior high school with his arm around a cheerleader, not fighting a damn war, but there it is.
Ouais, et il devrait être au lycée, à traîner avec les pom-pom girls, Pas combattre dans une putain de guerre, mais c'est comme ça.
But there it is.
Mais on n'y peut rien.
Most foreigners think that it is dangerous to walk around the streets of Kabul, but as you can see, there is no danger... for us, anyway.
Souvent, les étrangers pensent qu'il est dangereux de se promener dans Kaboul, mais comme vous pouvez le constater, il n'y a aucun danger... pour nous en tout cas.
I don't want to get your hopes up, but there's definitely been an improvement in the last couple of days, and to be honest, this is very unexpected... it's quite a turnaround really.
Je ne veux pas me réjouir trop tôt mais son état s'est beaucoup amélioré. Franchement, c'est inespéré... un vrai revirement.
It's, uh, just too difficult for Orson to live with me and my new boyfriend, and I know you broke up with him, but... Is there any way he could stay here until he finds a new place?
Il est trop difficile pour Orson de cohabiter avec mon petit ami, et je sais que vous l'avez quitté, mais est-ce qu'il pourrait vivre ici, le temps de se retourner?
- There's no way of knowing, but if it is, we'll put some up around the office.
Je ne sais pas, mais si ça l'est, on en accrochera dans le bureau.
I, uh, know there have been some questions about his qualifications... But, uh, I can attest to the fact that he is, uh, very intelligent, very, uh, very tenacious, and, uh, we thought it'd be useful for him to get some, uh, experience
Des questions ont été posées sur sa compétence, je peux vous assurer de sa grande intelligence, c'est un homme volontaire.
If I said yes, it would mean my parents would be alive. But I'd be back there and know none of this, and the thing is,
Cela impliquerait que mes parents soient en vie et que je ne connaisse rien de ma nouvelle vie.
I know I'm not allowed to know where the kennel is but you know where it is. And, um, well, you saw Phoebe there two days after the arrest.
J'ignore où est le chenil, mais vous, vous le savez, et vous y avez vu Phoebe après son arrestation.
But there is this one place I would like to take you... on the way, if it's okay with you.
Mais il y a un endroit où j'aimerais t'emmener en cours de route... si ça te va.
It'll be like an oven in there, too, but Brody is working on refrigerating our original hydroponics compartment so there'll be plants to start over.
Ce sera un four là aussi, mais Brody travaille à réfrigérer notre compartiment hydroponique original pour que les plantes repoussent.
If it's a moment of indecision just one of those things, then you can drop it, but if there is a problem, you need to find out what it is, and you need to fix it.
Si ce n'était qu'une indécision, ça va, on n'en parle plus, mais s'il y a un problème, arrangez-vous pour mettre le doigt dessus et vous en occuper.
But honestly, it's the best thing there is.
Mais honnêtement, c'est la meilleure chose qui soit.
But one good thing that came out of it is being back around all that Maryland scene there was people down there who were just you know willing to help him out and got together and got him psyched again about playing music
mais une bonne chose qui a découlée de ça c'est qu'il est de retour dans les allentours de la scène du Maryland il y avait des gens là bas qui voulaient juste, tu vois lui venir en aide
Look, I know that the cost of this has been high, but if there's even the slightest chance that somewhere under this mountain is the ultimate cure... then as far as I'm concerned, it's worth it.
Le prix à payer est déjà cher. Mais si on peut trouver un remède sous ces roches, alors pour moi, ça vaut le coup.
And the story, also, is talking to people who say this is a problem with the industry, this is wrong. But then there's people who are like, "How could it be wrong? " It's where we started in television.
Ça s'adresse à ceux qui pensent que ce système est immoral, tout comme à ceux qui disent que la télé a commencé comme ça.
The individual writer on the individual show, if that show is successful, has more power than the individual brand, but overall there is going to be a moment, and I don't think it's very far off,
L'auteur d'une série à succès a plus de pouvoir qu'une marque isolée.
There is some sort of reaction, but it isn't satisfactory yet.
Il y a une réaction, mais pas encore satisfaisante.
But there is a great... blemish upon it.
Mais il y a un vilain défaut dessus.
And there is vodka in it, but not that much.
Il y a un peu de vodka dedans, mais pas beaucoup.
But is there some sort of- - kind of can you sort of expand on that and kind of give it a name?
Et tu sais, tu devrais pas mettre ton ordi sur tes cuisses. Ça chauffe trop.
It means all sorts of subtle stuff if you know modern biology, but for most people out there, what it winds-up meaning is :
Cela veut dire toutes sortes de choses subtiles, si vous connaissez la biologie moderne, mais pour la plupart des gens ça signifie :
Then it starts to come up again but what we have now is this area where there's no more ability to produce cheap energy.
Puis, elle remonte encore, mais ce que nous avons maintenant c'est une période où il n'y a plus la possibilité de produire de l'énergie bon marché.
You know, I know it's a lot to ask... but is there any way that I can go in there for like half a second?
Y a vraiment pas moyen que j'entre le voir vite fait?
Chances are the grow house is a bust, but we fill out the boring paperwork, and Jerry lets us check it out, and maybe, just maybe, we get lucky, find something there.
Des chances que la plantation soit un leurre, mais si nous remplissons la paperasse et que Jerry nous laisse vérifier, et peut-être, seulement peut-être, nous sommes chanceux, nous allons trouver quelque chose là-bas.
For example, everybody thinks that prostitution is illegal, but there are ways around it.
Tout le monde croit que la prostitution est illégale. Mais c'est faux!
Which is what the police say. But where's the evidence? There's no evidence she even threatened it.
Mais il n'y a pas la moindre preuve de chantage.
- All right. - Pulse is thready, but it's there.
Il a le pouls filant, mais il y en a un.
You know how you always think the grass is greener, but you get there and it's not?
On croit toujours que l'herbe est plus verte, alors que non, hein?
At some point in your life you'll think all it ever does is rain and rain, but you have to hold out because there will be sunshine in the end.
A un moment dans ta vie tu penseras que tour ce qu'il fait est pleuvoir et pleuvoir, mais tu dois tenir bon parce qu'il y aura le soleil à la fin.
Strawberry land is berry sheltered, but it's big world out there, and others might have berry different opinions about what constitutes an appropriate name.
Une putain d'histoire vraie, mesdames et messieurs... que par conséquent Dieu devait haïr les milk-shakes.
It is brutal, but hang in there.
C'est dur, mais tiens bon.
It has been confirmed that Secretary Miller has stepped down, there is speculation due to sharp criticism from the Right concerning the ongoing situation in Calgary, but the White House denies any connection.
Il y a des spéculations dues à la vive critique de la Droite, concernant la situation actuelle à Calgary. Mais la Maison Blanche dément tout rapport.
It's a junk case, but there is a guy that got five years for smacking a little kid on an airplane last year.
C'est un cas bidon, mais un gars a fait cinq ans pour avoir giflé un gamin dans un avion l'année dernière.
I don't know what's going on there, Rox, but whatever it is, it's got to stop.
Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe ici, Rox, mais il faut que ça s'arrête. Maintenant.
There is precedent. We work that way with some of Cosa Nostra boys, but Mary, your personal life - with your witness, it's...
Il y a un précédent avec des types de la Cosa Nostra, mais mêler ta vie privée et celle d'un témoin...
This is the story of love, but there will be a murderer, and it's up to you to guess who that murderer is.
Ceci est une histoire d'amour, mais il y aura aussi un meurtrier, et c'est à vous de deviner qui est ce meurtrier. Indice.
Did X-rays. Looks like there's a mass in his liver, but the conductive metal rod in his ribs is blocking it.
Il a une masse au foie, mais le métal dans ses côtes a bloqué les rayons.
Emma, once she's taken on the darkness and she's sort of reborn into it, but then she's struggling with it, and there's times where the darkness is more powerful than the light in her, and there's times where the light is more powerful than the dark.
Une fois, qu'Emma a pris les ténèbres elle renaît de nouveau, mais lutte ensuite contre ça, et par moments les ténèbres sont plus puissantes que la lumière en elle, et par d'autres la lumière est plus puissante que les ténèbres.
But tonight, there is a distinct smell in the air, and it smells like murder.
Mais cette nuit, il y a cette odeur distincte dans l'air, et c est celle du meurtre.
Now, again, if nobody had known anything had happened, no one would have any reason to ask why the guards weren't there. But that's not how it worked out, is it?
Si c'était passé inaperçu, nous n'aurions pas à nous poser la question du garde, mais ça ne s'est pas passé ainsi.
Of course, sex is the natural way of doing it, but- - there is a place for the pharmaceutical approach.
Bien sûr, le sexe est la façon naturelle de le faire, mais il y a de la place, pour l'approche pharmaceutique.
I planned to get it down to once a week and give them only the cheapest cuts, but it is my money, and I don't know how much - Now, hold it right there!
J'avais prévu une fois par semaine et je leur donne les morceaux les moins chers, mais c'est sur mon argent et je ne sais pas combien
You can't find what you need, but don't panic, because it is still there.
Vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous voulez, mais pas de panique, c'est toujours là.
But there is something that I have to do by the time it's 12 : 00, which is soon.
Mais je dois faire un truc avant minuit, c'est-à-dire bientôt.
But it has to be a fuckload easier to sit there and listen to stats than it is to present them. It is.
Mais ça doit être plus facile de rester assis et écouter des stats que de les présenter ça l'est.
There is a youth vote, but it isn't big, not in a primary.
Le vote jeune existe. Mais pas dans une primaire.
Now, I apologize if that image is too pansy for you, but I'm comfortable enough with my manhood to put it out there.
Je m'excuse si l'image est trop chochotte pour vous, mais j'ai suffisamment de virilité pour le dire.
I get that, all right? But there is a line that is crossed when it comes to my wife.
Mais la ligne à ne pas franchir est ma femme.
Normally, there's an upgrade fee for the square, but as rent is due, I'll waive it.
Normalement, c'est plus cher côté place, mais je vous offre la différence.
Don't get me wrong. Shoe shining has been a pretty wild ride, but is it possible there's something more out there for me?
Attention, cirer des chaussures, c'est assez cool, mais...
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
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but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
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but there you go 27
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but there's no time 25
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
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but there we are 16
but there isn't 28
but there you are 27
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but there's 84
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