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Cavalry traducir francés

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the Indians rise the american flag and whit flag of surrender never than lees, the Cavalry attacked massacreing 500 Indians moor than half of home were women and children over 100 scalps will tacken..
Sous-titres fait à la main pour la mémoire des barbares qui continuent leurs atrocités et celle des pauvres victimes. traduit par Treponem Pal
Uxbridge, move the cavalry to Charleroi.
Uxbridge, déplacez la cavalerie vers Charleroi.
Now is the time for the heavy cavalry, I think.
Il semble que l'heure de la cavalerie lourde a sonné.
They are the noblest cavalry in Europe.
C'est la plus noble cavalerie d'Europe.
He's concentrating his cavalry.
Il concentre sa cavalerie.
How can the cavalry go forward without infantry support?
Comment peut charger une cavalerie sans support d'infanterie?
Shall I order the cavalry That they may hide themselves in the wood, o caesar?
Dois-je commander à la cavalerie de se cacher dans la forêt, Ô César?
On dry land, Alcibiades had the archers and cavalry of Thrace, and with those more numerous soldiers he would have defeated the Spartans and followed them as far as the sea.
Tu délires! Non, pas du tout. Sur la terre ferme, Alcibiade avait les archers et la cavalerie thraces.
Why didn't you bring Scotland Yard, Swinburne, and half the Household Cavalry as well?
Pourquoi ne pas avoir ammené Scotland Yard, Swinburne, Et la moitié de la cavalrie tant qu'on y est?
If you have any objections... I'm gonna locate the Union cavalry... and tell'em about some of the goodies... especially the bedding-down variety.
Et si vous vous y opposez, j'irai dire aux Nordistes que vous cachez des trésors, surtout dans le genre "coucheuses"!
Reputed to have been a cavalry soldier, but not to the personal knowledge of his confederates.
Soit-disant ex-soldat de la cavalerie, mais pas au su de ses complices.
'Early on in the Korean War, as a colonel commanding armoured cavalry,'
Pendant la guerre de Corée, à la tête d'un régiment de cavalerie armée,
Now, if they'll just wait till the cavalry arrives.
S'ils pouvaient attendre que Ia cavalerie arrive.
Just like the cavalry and the Boy Scouts, Valachi.
Comme la cavalerie et les boy-scouts, Valachi.
Just like the cavalry and the Boy Scouts.
Comme la cavalerie et les boy-scouts.
I'm Hubert de Rochecahin, cavalry lieutenant.
Hubert de Rochequin, lieutenant de cavalerie.
- No, cavalry.
— Non, non.
The cavalry will attack in 20 minutes.
La cavalerie attaquera dans 20 minutes.
I'm Lieutenant Mulvey, Third Cavalry.
Lt. Mulvey, 3ème Régiment de Cavalerie.
The cavalry and the rurales could stop him if they'd cooperate but neither side lets the other cross the frontier.
La cavalerie et les Rurales pourraient l'arrêter... s'ils coopéraient, mais ils refusent. Aucun ne laisse l'autre passer la frontière.
The engines on this ship have more total horsepower than all the cavalry Napoleon used to conquer Europe.
Les machines de ce bateau ont plus de chevaux... que toute la cavalerie de Napoléon!
You merely scraped into the Cavalry which everybody knows is the mark of a third-rate pass.
Tu es dans la cavalerie. Tout le monde sait que c'est un résultat médiocre.
Are you enjoying the Cavalry, dearie?
Est-ce que la cavalerie vous plaît?
During the mopping-up operations the next day I took part in what was destined to become the last full charge ever of British Cavalry.
Surant les opérations de nettoyage du lendemain, je pris part à ce qui allait être la dernière charge de la cavalerie britannique.
I was in the 7th Cavalry, with Captain Jeffrey.
J'étais dans le 7ème de cavalerie, avec le Capitaine Jeffrey.
Cavalry had to be called to make this town safe.
On a fait appel à la cavalerie pour être en sécurité.
Because my mama done give me a pair of them cavalry boots.
Ma mere m'avait donné une paire de bottes.
Jackson, a carriage and escort of cavalry for Mrs. O'Reilly..
Jackson! Une escorte pour Mme O'Reilly!
Sir, you didn't go to the cavalry practice this morning, do you also want to miss the appointment with Mr Beeckman?
Vous n'êtes pas allé aux exercices de cavalerie. Vous voulez manquer le rendez-vous avec M. Beeckman?
Nearby are the remains of basing house Burned down by cromwell's cavalry in 1645...
Non loin des ruines de Basing House,
"To the Cavalry Captain of the Fourth Squadron Sixth Schwolische Regiment."
"Au capitaine de cavalerie de haute naissance... " du sixième régiment de chevaux-légers. "
There was a Richard Paley in the 1 st Air Cavalry, but he's dead.
II y a bien eu un Richard Paley dans l'aviation, mais il est mort.
That's some job for a cavalry officer!
Enterré, le glorieux cavalier rouge?
A bedraggled squad of cavalry trapped on a hilltop encircled by a swarm of Indians.
Imaginez des cavaliers bloqués sur une butte, encerclés par des Peaux-Rouges.
"I didn't feel it, I'm a soldier of the 5th Cavalry."
"Je n'ai rien senti, car je suis un soldat du 5e de cavalerie."
- I'm a soldier of the 5th Cavalry.
Je suis un soldat du 5e de cavalerie.
- I'm a soldier of the 5th Cavalry.
Pourquoi? Je suis un soldat du 5e de cavalerie.
Don't forget, you're a soldier of the 5th Cavalry.
Allons, vous êtes un soldat du 5e de cavalerie.
A Turkish cavalry officer cast aspersions on it.
Un officier de cavalerie turc le remettait en question.
Gurkha foot soldier, not cavalry.
Gurkas sont fantassins, pas cavalerie.
The war is over. The US Cavalry lost again.
La guerre est finie, la cavalerie a encore perdu.
- A cavalry charge?
- Un fait d'armes?
Yes, we have French infantry and German cavalry. Our currency is Spanish, but my nephew is the sultan of Morocco.
Nous avons l'infanterie française, la cavalerie allemande... de l'argent espagnol, mais mon neveu est sultan du Maroc.
Well, if you wish it to stay that way then I implore you to send your French infantry and your German cavalry into the Rif and bring our people back.
Si vous tenez à ce que rien ne change... je vous adjure d'envoyer vos fantassins français et... vos cavaliers allemands dans le Rif pour ramener nos amis.
In days there will be Marines, cavalry and artillery to enforce my demands.
Sous peu, nos soldats appuieront mes exigences.
The bashaw has only his household cavalry and guard here.
Le pacha ici n'a que sa garde.
The life of a cavalry guard's not long, Hence it's the sweetest in the world.
La vie du cavalier de la Garde est brève, c'est ce qui en fait le grand charme.
I would gladly pardon you, Cavalry Guard.
Vous, cavalier de la Garde, je vous épargnerais volontiers.
Aulus has taken the Ninth Cavalry in pursuit.
Aulus le poursuit avec la cavalerie.
And a great deal of auxiliary cavalry as well
Oui. Avec un grand renfort de cavalerie.
- Don't you worry my friend, I've already called the cavalry.
N'ayez crainte, mon ami, j'ai déjà fait appeler la cavalerie.

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