Distractions traducir francés
883 traducción paralela
people are looking for distractions, it's gonna fly big!
- Le monde est en manque de distractions, ça va marcher à l'os.
There's gonna be entertainment, sandwiches and the auction.
Il y aura des distractions, des sandwiches et les enchères.
London offers many amusements for a gentleman like you, sir.
Londres offre bien des distractions à un monsieur comme vous.
And besides, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Et puis, sans distractions, l'homme devient morose.
I'll be able to finish my monograph without any distractions.
Je pourrai finir ma monographie sans aucune distraction.
God give us humans lots of ideas about good-timing.
Dieu nous a appris des distractions.
What would you like in the way of entertainment?
Que pensez-vous des distractions?
Well, we must see that you have a very amusing time.
Eh bien les distractions ne manquent pas.
We must cling to this clear thought as this trial progresses... through the man-made maze of distractions, diversions, duplicities.
C'est une idée à ne pas perdre de vue pendant ce procès... malgré les distractions humaines... les diversions, la duplicité.
What is there here to interest a woman?
Il y a si peu de distractions par ici.
Our entertainment's enough.
Nous avons assez de distractions.
You're a good performer. Those fellas could use a song and dance, and you...
Les gars, là-bas, ont bien besoin de distractions.
My colleagues, in search of diversion.
Ah, mes collègues en quête de distractions...
They feed us, they shelter us, give us clothes, they even entertain us.
On est nourris, logés, habillés et on a des distractions.
You have serious distractions.
- Vous avez des distractions sérieuses.
If you have enough money to have fun and forget, you don't need a conscience.
De l'argent et des distractions aucune conscience ne résiste à ça.
There are other "entertainment".
Il y a d'autres "distractions".
No distractions. We're at 170,000.
Nous sommes à 170 pour la robe.
You can make the pleasures That surround you
Profitez des distractions Qui vous entourent
No, I cannot waste my time in distractions.
Non, je ne peux passer mon temps à me distraire.
They like excitement.
Des distractions.
We always have a little entertainment and I thought that perhaps you might...
La cérémonie comporte quelques distractions et je me disais...
In keeping with the policy of the Golden Garter which strives to bring to Deadwood the best in entertainment regardless of the expense it is my great pleasure to present to you now that lovely star, that toast of New York, Miss Frances Fryer!
Conformément à la politique de la Jarretière Dorée, qui s'efforce d'amener à Deadwood les meilleures distractions, sans regarder à la dépense, j'ai le grand plaisir de vous présenter maintenant la plus belle, la coqueluche de New York, Mlle Frances Fryer!
He hath left them you and to your heirs forever. Common pleasures, to walk abroad and recreate yourselves.
Il les laisse à perpétuité à vous et à vos héritiers pour votre plaisir à tous, vos promenades et distractions.
A month ago, I was buying a bra at Macy's. Now I'm studying gorillas yet.
II y a un mois, j'avais d'autres distractions... que des gorilles!
This is a people that does not offer distractions.
Il n'y a aucune distraction, ici.
For all Harry's being too, too tiresome and my loving you to distraction, I still wouldn't want to see him done in.
Bien que Harry m'ait ennuyée ce soir et mon amour pour les distractions, je ne souhaite tout de même pas sa mort.
Signor Trilli would appreciate having Maria to himself without distractions, I think
Le signor Trilli voudrait travailler seul avec Maria.
Oh, he has diversions.
Il a des distractions.
By now supervision of the work by pigs was hardly necessary. So they had time for less laborious pursuits.
N'ayant plus besoin de contrôler les travaux, les porcs se livrèrent à des distractions plus distinguées.
You should have fun like this more often.
Vous n'avez pas de distractions?
Sorry, but my work leaves no time for distractions.
Désolé, mon travail me prend tout mon temps.
Checkin'the action.
Je vérifiais les distractions.
Look at this!
D'autres distractions.
No distractions.
Pas de distractions.
You realize that such diversions can end up in a hospital.
Ce genre de distractions peut finir à l'hôpital.
" for such pleasant diversions as bridge luncheons...
" pour les distractions comme les déjeuners de bridge,
The important thing is to find sources of entertainment.
- Le tout, c'est de trouver des distractions.
Swimming, fishing, that sort of thing?
Avec bain, pêche et autres distractions?
Oh, by the way. What you do for entertainment around here?
Quelles sont vos distractions par ici?
You are not bored by our primitive pastimes?
Nos distractions primitives ne t " ennuient pas?
Don't you think there is too many distractions?
N'y a-t-il pas assez de distractions?
Is London only good for a week's entertainment?
Londres ne permet-elle que ce genre de distractions?
And the Chief's mess gave him kind of a testimonial... and I figured a party is no good without entertainment... and they got this girl dancer at the tavern.
Fallait un peu de distractions... Et au cabaret il y avait cette danseuse...
And many of you have fun?
T'as beaucoup de distractions à part celle d'en bas?
Let's hope you find some distractions.
Esperons que vous trouverez quelques distractions.
We hope for the worst with so few distractions.
On espère toujours le pire, quand on a si peu de distractions.
I see from this you only just got that license for that great big bike of yours.
Chacun ses distractions.
As time passed by the little house was blessed with new additions and distractions.
Comme le temps passait, la petite maison disposait de nouveaux ajouts et de distractions.
You should be where it's quiet, with no distractions, so you've got a chance to do what you do best, and that's write novels.
Tu y ferais ce que tu fais le mieux : écrire des romans.
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distribution 19
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