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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ D ] / Don't you worry about that

Don't you worry about that traducir francés

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You don't need to worry about that.
Tu n'as pas besoin de t'inquiéter à ce sujet.
That way you don't have to worry about her not being included.
Comme ça tu n'auras pas à t'inquiéter qu'elle soit exclue.
I was just wondering about calling you, too... Don't worry. I heard that the Writer was critically ill.
J'allais justement vous appeler... j'ai entendu que la Scénariste était malade.
Oh, that's all right, sir John. Don't you worry about Doucie and me.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour nous.
Don't you worry about that.
Ne vous en faites pas.
Oh, no, you're awake, all right. Don't worry about that.
Tu es éveillée... et bien éveillée.
You don't have to worry about that.
Soyez tranquille.
- I owe you such a lot of money already... - Don't worry about that.
Je vous dois tant d'argent...
Don't you worry about that.
- Ne te fais pas de souci pour ça.
CHIEF : Now, don't you worry about that, old man, we know he's one of the men who robbed the bank and we'll send him up the river for a long stretch.
Ne vous en faites pas avec ça, on sait qu'il a cambriolé la banque et on l'enverra en prison pour longtemps.
I mean, what I've done to you, coming between you and - oh, don't worry about that.
Venir entre vous et...
Now, Betty, don't you worry about that.
Betty, ne t'inquiète pas.
But you don't have to worry about that.
Ne t'inquiète pas pour ça.
Don't you worry about that.
Ne te donne pas cette peine.
Tried to tell you that there's plenty more girls, that you don't have to worry about that...
Des filles, il y en a d'autres. Celle-ci, tu n'as qu'à l'oublier...
But with me handling'their case... don't look like you'll have much to worry about on that score.
D'ailleurs, si c'est moi qui les défends, vous n'avez pas de souci à vous faire.
You don't have to worry about awkward because when I tell Bijou who is the boss, she knows that I'm the boss and I'm going...
Ne vous inquiétez pas de ça, car quand je lui dis qui est le patron, elle sait que je suis le patron et que je vais...
Don't you worry about that character, Mr. Kendrick.
Ne faites plus attention à ce personnage, M. Kendrick.
- Don't you worry about that.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
Oh, don't you worry about that. You'll arrive.
Ne t'en fais pas, tu vas arriver.
Don't you worry about that. Sunshine's doing all the interviewing.
Ne t'en fais pas, Sunshine va aller les convaincre.
I do hope you won't say anything about it to my wife, not that I have anything to conceal, but I just don't want to have her worry about my hair.
Surtout, pas un mot à ma femme. Je ne voudrais pas qu'elle s'inquiète pour mes cheveux.
But, Colonel, I don't understand... suppose these two did have a romance, that's nothing you have to worry about.
Mon colonel, je ne comprends pas. S'ils ont eu une aventure, ça ne doit pas vous inquiéter.
You don't have to worry about that.
Ne t'en fais pas.
Where'd you get the clothes? Don't you worry about that.
D'où ça sort?
You don't have to worry about that fella, honey.
Ne t'en fais pas pour lui.
And I just want you to know that I'll bring him back, Dorinda. He's going to be all right, Dorinda. Don't worry about it.
Mais je veux que tu saches que je le ramènerai et que tout ira bien, ne t'inquiète pas.
You don't have to worry about that stuff. I make it myself.
Vous inquiétez pas, je le fais moi-même.
Thank heavens you don't have to worry about things like that.
Dieu merci, ce n'est pas un gros problème pour vous.
You don't have to worry about that, you know!
Il ne faut pas te mettre en peine, va!
Don't you worry about that.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
Well, you don't need to worry about that, Ma.
Ne t'en fais pas.
Don't worry about us. As long as you feel better, that's a comfort for us.
Ne t'en fais pas, on est rassurés de te voir mieux.
- You'll get your dough, all right... don't worry about that, when we get back to Tampico.
- Tu la toucheras. T'inquiète pas. Au retour, à Tampico.
Don't you worry about that. Your contract's good.
Ne vous en faites pas pour ça.
Don't worry yourself about things that don't concern you.
- Le sergent Johnson l'a entrepris.
Don't you worry about that and be a good guard.
Non, ne te tracasse pas pour moi et monte bien la garde.
I'm the best judge of that. Don't you worry about him.
- Laisse-moi seul juge de ça.
That's very sweet of you, baby, but you don't have to worry about Doc.
C'est très aimable à vous, mais ne vous inquiétez pas pour Doc.
Don't you worry about that.
Ne t'en fais pas pour ça.
You don't have to worry about that.
Il ne faut pas t'en inquiéter.
- You don't have to worry about that.
– Ne vous inquiétez pas. – Vous les avez vendus ou mis au clou?
Don't you worry about that, Bobby.
Ne t'inquiète pas, Bobby.
You don't want to worry about that.
- Ne t'inquiète pas.
You're a girl so I don't have to worry about that
Toi, tu es une fille, donc cette question ne se pose pas.
Now, don't you worry about that.
Vous en faites pas pour ça.
Why don't you let me worry about that? Oh, quiet.
Tu vas réveiller les enfants.
Don't you worry about that, Russ.
Ne vous en préoccupez pas, Russ.
- You don't have to worry about that, honey.
- Qu'il se rassure.
Oh, you don't have to worry about that.
Tu n'as pas à t'en inquiéter.
I'll get out, all right. Don't you worry about that.
Je m'en vais, ne craignez rien!

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