Get him traducir francés
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We're gonna get him home, sir.
On va le ramener.
- I'll try and get him to call you later.
- Je lui demanderai de vous appeler.
- How did you get him in the boot?
- Vous l'avez porté?
- Get him! - I got him!
- Attrapez-le!
We have to get him out of our gravity.
On doit le sortir de notre gravité.
Get him some water.
- Va lui chercher de l'eau.
Get him his uniform. Quick.
Prends vite son costume.
Get him out of here.
Sortez-le d'ici.
If he's in the car, I'll get him here.
S'il est dans la voiture, je l'aurai d'ici.
And I told him where I'm going, so if he comes after me, I'll get him there.
Et je lui ai dit ou je vais, Donc si il arrive après moi je l'aurais la-bas.
Can you get him for me?
Pouvez-vous me le passer?
I'll get him.
Je vous le passe.
And other people may... Were maybe gonna find him, and he wanted to go to a different place, and so he asked us to get him numbers.
D'autres gens pourraient... peut-être le retrouver, il voulait aller ailleurs, il nous a donc demandé de lui trouver des nombres.
Now go get him!
Et tout de suite!
Get him!
Get him up.
We gotta get him out of that place.
Il faut le sortir de là.
Let's get him out of here!
Sortez-le de là!
We need to get him to a hospital.
Il faut l'emmener à l'hôpital.
I mean, we gotta get him to a hospital.
Il faut l'emmener à l'hôpital.
Gentlemen, get him on a gurney.
Messieurs, placez-le sur un brancard.
Let's go get him.
Allons le chercher.
- Let's get him patched up.
- Allons le soigner.
Breeders are a very informed bunch, they know what's going on here, they're just gonna wait until there's a fire sale and try and get him for cheap.
Les éleveurs sont bien renseignés. Ils sont au courant. Ils attendent une vente au rabais pour l'avoir à bon prix.
Quick, get him outside!
Vite, fais-les sortir. Hé!
Basically he trashed himself on drugs so that you'll help him, so that you'd have something to do, something doctory, you get that now, don't you?
En gros, il s'est bourré de drogue pour te distraire, pour que tu le soignes. Tu l'as compris.
Trust me, one day you're gonna get to know this little guy... and you are gonna love him with all of your heart.
Tu apprendras à connaître ce petit bonhomme. Et tu l'aimeras de tout ton cœur.
Maybe they can return him to the store... and get their money back!
Ils peuvent le rendre et se faire rembourser!
Get him!
If you care about him... you need to get me out of these bonds.
Tu dois me détacher.
And tell him to get his ass over here to drink with me.
Et dis-lui de pas faire l'idiot et de venir boire avec moi.
Get off him!
Lâche le.
Dougie took right over, and he just chopped him right in the throat and said, "You get off," and I kicked him, and I punched him, and that was it, and... and Dougie just took care of business.
Dougie a foncé. Et a frappé directe à la gorge. Et dit, "toi dégages", et je l'ai shooté, mis un coup de poing, c'est tout, et Dougie a géré.
You should get to know him.
Apprenez à le connaître.
So, I'll keep him busy while you sneak into that vent and get the Projector.
Moi, je l'occupe. Tu passes par l'aération, tu prends le Projecteur. Bien reçu.
Don't let him get you. Don't let him get you.
Ne le laissez pas vous avoir.
No, I didn't get him.
- You need to get away from him right now.
Il faut t'éloigner de lui.
All right. Just... just get rid of him.
Débarrasse-toi de lui.
Let's get ready for him.
Yeah, but I don't get a ton of alone time with him.
Oui, mais je le vois pas souvent seul.
Get me to him.
Mène-moi à lui.
Mr. jt used to get 25,000 to breed him on account of the stakes winning.
M. JT demandait 25 000 dollars pour ses saillies parce que c'est un gagnant.
You get three words out of him in the next three months, that'll be an earful.
Si vous entendez un son sortir de sa bouche, c'est qu'il est fâché.
If you can't get your hands on that horse, how are you gonna saddle him?
Si t'arrives pas à le toucher, comment tu vas le seller?
How am I supposed to get my hand on him, - if he keeps running around like that?
Comment je fais s'il arrête pas de courir dans tous les sens?
Hey, get off of him! Get off!
Now I want you to get on your phone and call Frank... and tell him to get me out of here!
Je veux que vous appeliez Frank pour lui dire de venir me chercher!
Trying to get picked up by him.
J'essaie de le séduire.
Don't let him get away.
Ne le laissez pas sortir.
I'm gonna get a little close and I ped him.
Je me rapproche de lui je vais le rattrapé.
get him in 33
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him away 23
get him down 71
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him away 23
get him down 71