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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ G ] / Get him in the car

Get him in the car traducir francés

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Get him in the car! Quick!
Mettons-le dans la voiture!
Get him in the car.
Vide. - On l'embarque.
It took four of us to get him in the car one night. No kidding.
Un soir on s'y est mis à quatre pour l'embarquer, sans blague.
Get him in the car
Mettez-le dans la voiture.
Rumyantsev, get him in the car!
Roumiantsev, en voiture!
Come on, get him in the car.
Allez, mets-le dans la voiture.
Let's just get him in the car.
Mettez-le dans la voiture.
Get him in the car!
En voiture, en voiture!
Let's go. - Stacy. Stacy, help me get him in the car.
Stacy, aide-moi à le porter dans la bagnole!
Stacy, A-Wax! Help me get him in the car!
A-Wax, aide-moi à le porter, man!
- Tie his wrists and get him in the car.
Attache-lui les poignets.
Get him in the car.
Mets-le dans la voiture.
So we get him in the car.
- On le met dans la voiture...
Let's get him in the car.
Portons-le dans la voiture.
Right, I'll help you get him in the car.
Bon, ben, je vais vous aider à le mettre à l'intérieur.
Putyour head in! Get him in the car, Tommy!
Rentre-le dans la bagnole, Tommy!
You've got to get used to him and get to like him, because you're going to see a lot of him in the next few months.
Apprends à l'aimer, car tu le verras beaucoup ces prochains mois.
We have witnesses who saw him get in the car.
Des témoins l'ont vu monter en voiture.
Get in the car and I'll tell you about him.
Non merci.
We'll get the car and after they're in bed, we'll bring him in through the window.
Quand elles dormiront, on le passera par la fenêtre.
I'll take care of him. Get Scheherazade in the car.
Vous allez me répondre!
I can take him in the car and when we get to a very lonely spot hit him on the head with a hammer, pour gasoline over him and the car and set the whole thing ablaze.
Emmener la victime en voiture dans un coin tranquille... l'assommer avec un marteau, tout arroser d'essence... et y mettre le feu.
Get him his case, Sergeant. Send the car in please.
Allez chercher sa mallette dans la voiture.
And the driver, sir, the chap in the other car, did you get a look at him?
Et avez-vous vu l'autre chauffeur?
I said to him, "Ben, get in the car."
Je lui ai dit simplement : "Ben, monte!"
Now, if Dave gets you home before I get there, I want you to sit in the car and wait with him, all right?
Si Dave te ramène plus tôt, attendez-moi dans la voiture.
I'll get in the car and look for him.
Je vais prendre la voiture et le chercher.
If he won't get in the car, jam his tie in the door and drag him.
S'il ne monte pas dans la voiture, coincez sa cravate dans la portière et traînez-le.
You come and get us. You get him out of the truck, put him in your car and take him -
Tu le sors de son pick-up, tu le mets dans ta voiture et tu l'amènes.
I would then get the pet out of his car... lay him out in the driveway, and proceed to clean him up... brush him out, make him as presentable as possible.
Alors je sortais l'animal de sa voiture, je l'allongeais dans l'allée, et je le nettoyais, je le peignais, je le rendais aussi présentable que possible.
Well, get in your car and drive down to the goddamn pier and get him!
Sautez dans votre voiture, rendez-vous au fichu quai et ramenez-le!
- You bring him in, I'll get the car.
J'amène la voiture.
lynnie, let's get in the car... drive around the neighborhood one more time... and see if we can find him.
Comment je me comporte? Généralement, tu fais des choses répugnantes.
Get in the car and run him over.
- Écrase-le avec la voiture.
Get in the car and get after him!
Prenez la voiture et attrapez-le!
right. y ou jumped in the back seat of a pervert's car? y ou playing hard to get? If I had a dog with a face like yours, I'd shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards.
Il fallait la retirer quand on filmait les échelons, mais autrement... c'était bien plus confortable.
Let's get in the car and go look for him.
On va prendre la voiture.
- Get him! - What do we do? - Get in the car!
Qu'est-ce que je fais?
You just ask him for a lift, then you get in the car and take out your revolver.
Vous faites juste du stop, puis vous montez dans la voiture... et vous prenez votre revolver.
Get him all the way in the car.
Mettez-le dans la voiture.
We have to get him in a car and take him over to the house.
Une voiture radio va l'emmener.
- If the victims I.D. Him in a lineup, Norval... we'll try to get Vice to give you your car back.
Si la victime l'identifie, on interviendra auprès de la mondaine.
get him in the yellow car. come on. let's go, let's go.
Faites-le monter dans la voiture jaune.
Just get him in the RV.
Mets-le donc dans le camping-car.
- My father was a legend. He was killed making a routine traffic stop in daylight... by some punk who didn't want no ticket... when his partner was to get out of the car and back him up, he didn't.
Un super-flic tué au cours d'un contrôle de routine par un connard qui voulait pas de P.V.
Your poor Senen Corchado... would be very grateful if you were to help him... not to get stuck halfway in his career because... the truth is, ma'am, on one's own in Administration... one doesn't get anywhere.
Si, si, si... Votre pauvre Senén Corchado verrait d'un bon œil que vous l'aidiez à ne pas rester à mi-chemin dans sa carrière, car, à vrai dire, l'Administration tout court ne mène à rien.
Get out of the car and shoot him in the head!
Descendez et tirez-lui dans la tête.
- How do we get him to the boat? - In a car.
- Comment l'emmener au bateau?
So, I think we should get in the car... pick up Steven and move him back in with us and feed him... and... and clothe him... and love him.
Alors on devrait monter dans la voiture... chercher Steven, le ramener et le nourrir... et... le vêtir... et l'aimer...
And I've screamed horrible things to him... a seven-year-old, because he doesn't want... to get in the car at the end of the day.
Et moi qui lui ai crié des choses terribles... à un gosse de 7 ans, parce qu'il refuse... de monter dans la voiture après une longue journée.
I just thought I'd better lug him in the car and get on to here as quick as I could, so that's what I did.
J'ai juste pensé qu'il valait mieux le mettre dans la voiture et venir ici le plus rapidement possible, et c'est ce que j'ai fait.

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