Got to admit traducir francés
847 traducción paralela
We've got to admit that nature can't be beaten.
Il faut admettre que la nature est imbattable.
You know, I got to admit your whiskers attract me.
Vous savez, je dois admettre, votre duvet m'attire.
But I've got to admit, me and the kid is pretty chummy.
Mais j'avoue que je m'entends bien avec Iui.
Got to admit, though, I feel a mite sorry for that young'un.
Je dois dire que je suis un peu désolé pour cette jeune dame.
I don't know as I could speak For him but I've got to admit that the crops are good.
Je ne sais pas ce dont je pourrais parler sur lui, mais je dois Admettre que les récoltes sont bonnes
I got to admit that jim treats her about like she was a pup.
Je dois admettre que Jim la traite Comme si elle était un chiot
I've got to admit, Jefty's got the top end of the bargain.
Je dois l'admettre, Jefty a fait une affaire.
You got to admit, it's a great thrill.
Reconnais que c'est merveilleux.
- You've got to admit, it'd be a novelty.
- Admets que ce serait innover.
- You've got to admit it was a good idea.
- admettez que c'était une bonne idée.
It's a sin and a shame, but I've got to admit it, I am.
C'est une honte mais autant l'admettre. C'est vrai. – Qui est-ce?
Well, you got to admit it was a good try, amigo.
Reconnaissez que c'était bien tenté, amigo.
You've got to admit my men have kept their six-guns cased.
Mais mes hommes ont gardé leurs armes à l'étui.
You got to admit this is not normal
Il faut admettre que ce n'est pas normal.
At a party or at a ball I got to admit, she's nothin'at all
Dans une reception, J'avoue qu'elle est moins que rien
Well, you lost us our horses, but I got to admit you do real good with that rifle.
J'avoue que vous vous servez assez bien d'un fusil.
Well, of course not. But you've got to admit it's an absolutely safe spot.
Mais j'y ai une situation de père de famille.
I got to admit it's just.. It's just a little overwhelming.
Il faut reconnaître que c'est intimidant.
Well, I got to admit, it helped me a lot.
C'est vrai que ça m'a aidé.
Well, you've got to admit it works pretty good.
Vous devez admettre que ça fonctionne pas mal.
But above all else I don't want him to know that I'm as full of doubts as I've got to admit I am.
Mais surtout, je ne veux pas qu'il connaisse tous mes doutes.
No, I've got to admit... I had an ideal marriage.
Je dois avouer que mon couple était parfait.
That's what I felt, but... I've got to admit I'm beginning to think there's something... to this education bit, too.
C'est ce que je pensais, mais je dois admettre que je commence à penser que l'éducation n'est pas inutile.
I got to admit I feel kind of silly.
J'avoue que je me sens un peu idiot.
You got to admit, boss, it is big, but she shakes it well.
Elle a des rondeurs, c'est vrai, mais elle sait les faire bouger.
A joke which, even if it weren't mean, almost killed four people, you've got to admit it.
Plaisanterie qui a failli tuer 4 personnes.
You've got to admit you've upset a lot of people.
Avoue que t'as été pénible
That is a cut above a bullet in the back, you got to admit.
Ça vaut bien plus qu'une balle dans le dos.
I got to admit the Morrisons didn't look much better.
Mais je dois reconnaître que tu leur as bien rendu la pareille.
Now, Darrin, you've got to admit that it's pretty catchy.
Darrin, tu dois reconnaître que c'est accrocheur.
You know, I've got to admit that I was expecting the worst. But Mommy looked the picture of health and happiness in her gray dress.
Vous savez, je m'attendais au pire mais ma mère avait l'air très en forme dans sa robe grise.
And you've got to admit it's pretty extreme, hiring a private detective when your husband's been gone just one night.
Et avouez que c'est assez extrême, d'engager un détective privé quand votre mari n'a disparu que la veille au soir.
Larry, you've got to admit that I did remember every detail of his account.
Larry, reconnais que je me suis souvenu de son dossier parfaitement.
I know I got no call to ask for much but even so, You've got to admit You ain't dealt me no cards in a long time.
Je devrais pas demander... mais avoue que Tu m'as pas donné de jeu.
But I think you've got to admit that what counts are results.
Mais je pense que vous conviendrez que ce sont les résultats qui comptent.
Lassie, I've got to admit it.
Gamine, je dois l'avouer.
It isn't the best break in the world, I admit. But.. you've got to grin and bear it.
Je sais que ce n'est pas marrant, mais il faut courber l'échine et tenir.
I hate to admit it, but I haven't got a leg to stand on. Now, let's... Hey, wait a minute!
Je ne sais vraiment plus sur quel pied danser.
I have to admit, it sounds impossible but we got to do it.
C'est vrai que ça semble impossible... mais il faut y arriver.
You've got to accept it or admit he's right.
Admettez qu'il a raison.
Now I admit I was a little provoked about not being consulted then I got to thinking maybe we ought to come to this port so as you and me could have a talk.
J'admets être froissé de ne pas avoir été consulté, mais j'ai réfléchi et cette escale est nécessaire. Alors bavardons-en.
But you haven't got the guts to admit that you're being bad just to be noticed, have you?
Mais tu n'admets pas... que tu es mauvais juste pour te faire remarquer.
You have to admit she's got a lot of the right things to put in the right places.
Elle doit mettre les bonnes choses au bon endroit.
Then we got married, and you were too kind to admit that it was a mistake.
Puis nous nous sommes mariés, tu étais trop fier pour admettre tonerreur.
But you've got to admit that as the only doctor in town...
Je n'ai rien fait.
She's got to you... admit it!
Elle t'a eu, avoue-le!
You've got a lot of Cupid in you but, I must admit, Cupid picked a strange place to hide.
Il y a du Cupidon en toi, mais il s'est caché dans un drôle d'endroit.
Tell him that Don Camillo hasn't got him the petrol pump and has gone back to Rome because he was ashamed to admit it!
Bien joué! Laissez-le tremper une heure, ça suffit.
Well, got to admit they're doing a fine job.
Tu dois admettre qu'ils font du bon boulot.
- I understand. I slept with her I admit, but you got to know this. No matter how much you blame me and hate me..
Et tant pis si tu m'en veux à mort et si tu veux me frapper et si tu veux me descendre après, mais c'était pas uniquement ma faute, et autre chose encore.
- Got to admit, it's tempting.
- Avoue que c'est tentant. Bon.
got to run 48
got to go 423
got to 47
got to say 57
got to hand it to you 21
got to be 28
got to be kidding me 19
admit 17
admit it 794
admittedly 124
got to go 423
got to 47
got to say 57
got to hand it to you 21
got to be 28
got to be kidding me 19
admit 17
admit it 794
admittedly 124
admit what 28
admit what you did 23
got them 50
got that right 36
got that 323
got the money 16
got this 24
admit what you did 23
got them 50
got that right 36
got that 323
got the money 16
got this 24