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He'll be right back traducir francés

143 traducción paralela
If you could just give me a minute, he'll be right back.
Si vous pouviez juste me laisser une minute, il reviendra.
Well, if you say so, he's all right with me. I'll be back in a minute.
Si tu le dis, alors ça me va. Je reviens.
He'll be right back.
Il revient.
He'll be right back.
N'est-ce pas la chambre de M. Miller?
Oh, he'll be back. It'll be all right, Myra.
Il reviendra!
He'll be right back.
Il va revenir.
And I just want you to know that I'll bring him back, Dorinda. He's going to be all right, Dorinda. Don't worry about it.
Mais je veux que tu saches que je le ramènerai et que tout ira bien, ne t'inquiète pas.
What's he know? Order for us. I'll be right back.
Commande pour deux, j'arrive.
I have to go see Mr. Rademacher. He has something for me. I'll be right back.
Bien sûr Edmund, on se débrouillera.
Oh, yes, I know you were, but he's been called out on an emergency but he'll be right back, right back, and I'll go and see if the doctor can see you now, my dear.
Il a été appelé en urgence. Il va revenir. Je demande s'il peut vous recevoir.
Raise him gently. He'll be all right. - You'll get your boy back.
Soulevez-le doucement.
II revient dans une minute pour un autre chargement.
Oh, don't you worry about that. He'll be back, all right.
Te frappe donc pas. ll se ramènera bien.
He'll be right back.
- Il va arriver.
It's all right. I have a feeling he'll be back.
Mais j'ai la sensation qu'il va revenir.
Oh, he had to go to the bank for a few minutes, but he'll be right back.
- Il s'est absenté 10 mn
Oh, he'll be right back.
Il ne va pas tarder.
He'll be back in a minute, and Ben seems to be all right now.
POLLY : Il sera là dans une minute. Et Ben semble aller mieux.
He'll be back right away.
Il revient tout de suite.
Yes, yes, he'll be right back.
Je sais, il revient tout de suite.
He'll be right back.
Il va bientôt revenir.
Uh, he'll be right back, Mr. Eastpoole.
II sera là au plus vite, Monsieur EastpooIe.
I'm sure he'll be right back.
Il va sûrement revenir.
He'll be right back I'm George Campanella.
Il ne va pas tarder. George Camponella, puis-je vous aider?
He'll be right back.
Il va arriver.
It'll be all right as long as I'm back in half an hour. Is he still up ahead, this bootlegger you talked about?
Mais ça va si je rentre dans une demi-heure.
He'll never play golf again because his weight displacement goes back and all his weight is on his right foot and he'll be pushing everything off to the right.
Il ne jouera plus au golf parce qu'il portera tout son poids sur le pied droit et il poussera tout vers la droite.
He'll be right back, I expect.
Il ne va pas tarder.
He'll be back, though, right?
Mais il reviendra. Hein?
He'll be back in a moment, for I trust him as I trust my right arm.
Il sera bientôt là, je lui fais absolument confiance.
He'll be right back.
- Un ami, il arrive.
He'll be right back.
Il revient tout de suite.
Roll the windows up, lock the doors, and if anybody talks to you, Tell them your daddy's inside and he'll be right back. OK?
Monte les vitres, ferme les portières, et si on te parle, papa est à l'intérieur, il revient.
Well, he has to leave. I'll be right back.
Il doit rentrer.
He'll be back right away.
Parti se promener, il va revenir.
- Quick, he'll be back! - All right, let's move!
- Vite, il va revenir!
When, and if the time is right, he'll be back.
Un jour, quand tout ira mieux, il reviendra.
I'll be right back. I haven't seen any place he could turn off.
Je reviens tout de suite.
Um, he'll be right back.
Il revient tout de suite.
So we're hanging out, and I'm all, "Wait. He'll be right back. Let's just wait for him."
Je lui dis qu'il va revenir et on l'attend.
I want you to do me a favour. That phone rings, whoever it is, say "He'll be right back." I'm running out to the car.
Si le téléphone sonne, dis "Il revient tout de suite." Je vais à la voiture.
He'll be all right. He'll be back in a couple of days.
Dans deux jours, il est de retour.
Daddy has gone to buy food for meal He'll be right back
Papa est parti faire les courses.
Don't worry, he'll be right back.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, il revient.
I'll be right back. He has to pick up the kids.
Il doit prendre les enfants.
- And he'll be right back.
- Il va revenir. - La ferme.
As long as he doesn't lead them all back here, we'll be all right.
Tant qu'il ne les ramène pas tous ici, on est en sécurité.
He'll be right back.
Il revient dans une minute.
Service your client right, and he'll be back for more.
Bichonne ton client, il en redemandera.
- He`ll be right back.
- Il est sorti, il revient.
I'll be right back. He does seem... sorry.
Si tu commets la moindre erreur, tu seras viré!

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