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He'll kill her traducir francés

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He'll kill her if we don't get to her. We must not be too late.
- Il la tuera si on ne la trouve pas.
But he'll kill her.
Il la tuera!
When a man tells me that he'll hurt her I must kill him. Understand? - No.
Si un homme menace de la livrer à la police, Si un homme menace de la livrer à la police,
When her father finds out, he'll kill her.
Quand son père l'apprendra, il la tuera.
He'd say, "Give me the money, you can have her, then I'll kill you."
"Donne-moi les 300 millions... " tu auras ma femme, ensuite je te tuerai ".
Don't let him go, he'll kill her!
Ne le laissez pas aller, il va la tuer!
They'll invade us. Perhaps they'll kill the King before he kills her.
Ils tueront peut-être le Roi avant avant qu'il ne la fasse exécuter.
If he's done anything to her, I'll kill him, that's all.
S'il l'a touchée, je le tue.
If the captain sees her, he'll kill her.
Si le capitaine la voit, il la tuera.
She is trapped in the Grotto of the Falcon where the monster lives and he'll kill her if he comes back.
Elle est dans la Grotte du Faucon. Et le vautour va la tuer, s'il revient.
Egan will know immediately and he'll kill her.
Egan le saura, et ils tueront la petite.
If you don't do exactly as that man said, he'll kill her.
Si tu ne fais pas ce qu'il dit, il la tuera.
Mr. Macbeth loves Mrs. Macbeth so much that he'll do anything to please her, even kill.
M. Macbeth aime tellement Mme Macbeth qu'il ferait n'importe quoi pour elle, même tuer.
If he takes her home, I'll kill them both!
Se la porta a casa sua li ammazzo tutti due!
He'll kill her!
Il va la tuer!
He'll kill her.
Il va la tuer! Il est fou!
He'll kill her!
Elle sait tout!
Her too. - It's horrible. He'll kill us all.
C'est atroce, on nous tuera tous.
He'll get what he wants and then kill her!
Vous ne comprenez pas! Il va obtenir ce qu'il veut et ensuite, il la tuera!
- l'll kill her! He wants to kill my child!
- Il veut tuer mon fils!
Some day he'll kill her.
Un jour il va la tuer.
When he came back, she was married He tried to kill his passion for her with another love
A son retour, elle etait mariee ll a essaye d'etouffer sa flamme avec un autre amour
No, no, he'll kill her himself.
Non, non, il va la tuer lui-même.
If he sees me or I lose him, he'll kill her.
S'il me voit ou si je le perds de vue, ils la tueront.
The bad news is he'll probably kill her cos he thinks she's me.
La mauvaise nouvelle : il va la tuer car il la prend pour moi.
- If it gets back to Turek, he'll kill her.
Si Turek l'apprend, il la tuera.
You said yourself that he'll kill her as soon as he doesn't need her.
Et il la tuera quand il n'aura plus besoin d'elle.
He breaks her heart I'll kill him.
Mais s'il lui brise le cœur, je le tue.
He'll kill her the same way he killed his boss at the gas station.
Il la tuera comme il a tué son patron de la station-service.
- He'll kill her.
- Il va la tuer.
He'll kill her!
Il la tuera!
He'll kill her.
Il la tuera.
If her father catches us, he'll kill her.
D'accord, Milhouse.
Because, if Santee finds out, he'll kill her.
Si Santee l'apprend, il la tuera.
Shouting things like, "I'll kill you", before he took her to that party tonight.
Il lui a dit "Je vais te tuer," avant qu'ils sortent ce soir.
- I'll kill him if he hurts her.
- Je le tuerai s'il la touche.
If he touches her, I'll kill him!
S'il la touche, je le tue.
- He'll kill her.
- Il la tuera.
He'll try to kill her, too.
Il essaiera de la tuer aussi.
Says we gotta go back by day's end, or he'll kill her.
Si on n'est pas rentrées ce soir, il la tue.
They can, but a protective mechanism he'll kill her if separate,
- Tu ne peux pas? Si, mais il y a une sécurité. Si je la déconnecte, elle meurt.
- He'll kill her.
Il va la tuer.
If he can't turn her, he'll kill her.
Mais Eric l'en empêchera. S'il ne peut pas la convertir, il la tuera.
And when I looked him in the eye and told him if he ever touched her again, I would kill him, he knew. He knew that he would never exist for me again.
Quand je lui ai dit que s'il la touchait, je le tuerais il a su ll a su qu'il n'existait plus pour moi
Drags her to the laundry room, says he'll kill her.
Il la traîne à la buanderie et menace de la tuer.
If he starts dating her again, I'll kill myself.
S'il ressort avec elle, je me flingue.
If we call the cops, he'll kill her.
Si on fait ça, il la tue.
- He'll kill her if I don't get him this number.
- Il la tuera s'il a pas son numéro.
Fuck, you don't understand! He'll kill her!
Vous ne comprenez pas, il va la tuer.
- First he'll kill her, then I'll save her
- Il la tuera, puis je la sauverai
- He tried to kill her.
- ll a tenté de la tuer.

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