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He wanted to kill me traducir francés

155 traducción paralela
He wanted to kill me!
Il a voulu m'assommer.
He wanted to kill me... kill me!
Il a voulu m'assommer.
He wanted to kill me, officer!
Il voulait m'assommer.
I saw him, and that's why he wanted to kill me too.
Je l'ai vu et c'est pour ça qu'il voulait me tuer, moi aussi.
He wanted to kill me.
Il voulait me tuer.
He wanted to kill me, he got tired of waiting.
Il voulait me tuer. Ça le démangeait.
You said he wanted to kill me.
Il voulait me tuer.
He wanted to kill me.
Il a voulu me tuer.
Maybe he wanted to kill me.
Il voulait peut-être me tuer?
He wanted to Kill me.
Il voulait me tuer.
Hagerman killed Templer, and he wanted to kill me too.
Hagerman a tué Tembler.
He wanted to kill me for my money
Il voulait me tuer pour mon argent.
He wanted to kill me!
Tu ne l'as pas vu? Il voulait me tuer!
I'm sure he wanted to kill me.
Je suis sûre qu'il voulait me tuer.
He wanted to kill me, he came at me with the gun...
Il voulait me tuer, il a pointé son arme vers moi...
He risked his life telling you about Tieh He wanted to kill me before you did
Il s'est sacrifié pour que tu saches que Hsiao-Die est ma fille et pour t'éviter de commettre l'irréparable en tuant son père.
I wish I had words, you know? I wish I had words. I can tell you something, like, the other day he wanted to kill me.
Si j'avais les mots, je pourrais te dire...
He wanted to kill me but I didn't let him...
Il voulait me tuer mais je ne l'ai pas laissé...
He looked at me like he wanted to kill me.
Il m'a regardé comme s'il voulait me tuer.
He's crazy, he wanted to kill me!
Je crois qu'il voulait me tuer!
It's not true, I'm telling you he wanted to kill me, he's a monster!
Je te dis qu'il a essayé de me tuer. C'est un monstre!
But I think he wanted to kill me. - You poor thing!
Je suis long à la détente mais je crois qu'il veut me tuer.
If he wanted to kill me...
- Si. Il voulait me tuer.
Fu Chang didn't just rip me off, he wanted to kill me.
Fu Chang ne m'a pas seulement roulée. Il voulait me tuer aussi...
Still doesn't explain why he wanted to kill me.
Mais pourquoi voulait-il me tuer?
He wanted to tell me that he didn't kill Julia Wolf.
Il me disait qu'il n'a pas tué Julia Wolf.
If he wanted to frame Church with the knife... why should he try to kill me when I find it?
Si le couteau devait piéger Church pourquoi me tirer dessus?
I wanted to make you confess... He tried to kill me, and got hurt!
- Je voulais vous faire avouer... ll a essayé de me tuer, et s'est blessé.
When he found he couldn't have me he hated and wanted to kill me.
Il ne pouvait m'avoir, il m'a haï et voulait me tuer.
You spared me a chore. He wanted to kill you.
Là, tu m'as évité une corvée!
If your father wanted to kill me, he'd do it himself.
Ton père m'exécuterait lui-même.
He didn't want me, he wanted to kill communications.
Il en veut pas à moi, mais à nos transmissions.
It's almost as if he wanted to kill someone with it - and me, in particular never seen such hatred
On dirait qu'il veut tuer quelqu'un avec, moi en particulier.
That he wanted me to steal a hundred thousand dollars from the bank. And that if I didn't, he'd kill me and my sister.
Que je vole 100 000 $ à la banque... sinon... il me tuerait, moi et ma sœur.
He was the one who wanted to kill me.
Lui voulait me tuer.
He said he wanted to kill me!
Il a menacé de me tuer.
He told me he was gonna kill me if I made any noise. And he forced me to do what he wanted.
Il a dit qu'il me tuerait, si je ne lui obéissais pas.
Last night he told me he wanted to kill you.
La nuit dernière, il m'a dit qu'il voulait te tuer.
He really wanted to kill me.
Il voulait vraiment me tuer.
He thinks I wanted to kill myself.
Il croit que je voulais me tuer.
He not only wanted to kill! He wanted to punish me as well!
Il ne voulait pas seulement me tuer, il voulait se venger.
If he'd wanted to try to kill me, he would've done it last night
S'il avait voulu me tuer, il l'aurait fait cette nuit.
His name was Owen..... and he wanted me to kill his mother.
Il s'appelait Owen et il voulait que je tue sa mère.
Yee, he said you wanted to kill me
Yee, il a dit que tu veux me tuer.
That's why he got mad But he still wanted to kill me
Il en est tombé malade.
He wanted me to kill him.
II voulait que je le tue.
Oh, man, he wanted me to kill him anyway...
Il voulait que je le tue, de toute façon.
He wanted me to kill him, and then he did it himself!
Il voulait que je le tue, et puis il s'est tué lui-même!
Anyway, he wanted me to kill someone for him - a Japanese officer, who'd killed his family during the war.
De toute façon, il a voulu que je tue quelqu'un pour lui, un officier Japonais qui avait tué sa famille pendant la guerre.
He added 100 francs and said, "It's OK." I wanted to kill him.
Il me dit : "Ça va, c'est bon." Je l'aurais tué.
I thought he wanted to kill me.
Il voulait me tuer.

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