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He wouldn't say traducir francés

504 traducción paralela
Say, lady, I wouldn't bet on that horse if I was you.
Hé, madame! Je parierais pas sur lui!
That may have been his liquor, but when you say he wouldn't do the same for me as I did for him, it's... it's a lie!
Cet alcool lui appartient peut-être. Mais quand vous dites qu'il ne ferait pas pour moi ce que j'ai fait pour lui...
- Did he tell you where he was going? - He wouldn't say.
- Votre père a-t-il dit où il allait?
I should say he stood about 5'11 ", wouldn't you, Doc?
Il devait mesurer 1,80 mètre.
He wouldn't listen to anything you had to say.
Il ne vous écouterait pas.
He wouldn't say that.
Il ne dirait pas ça.
I know he wouldn't... he couldn't do the things you say he did.
Je sais qu'il ne serait pas capable de ce que tu dis!
He wouldn't say his name.
Il n'a pas voulu dire son nom.
Well, maybe he wouldn't be if you'd say "hello".
Il le serait peut-être moins si tu lui disais bonjour.
Wouldn't you think the sensible thing to do is to say he took the car?
Le plus intelligent serait de dire qu'il a pris la voiture.
I heard him say a couple days ago he wouldn't sell a head to nobody this spring.
Il me le disait encore il y a deux jours. Il n'en vendrait pas, ce printemps.
I wouldn't undertake to say what exactly... but he was kind of in a mess.
Je ne sais pas quoi exactement. Mais il était dans un drôle d'état.
But suddenly I knew he wouldn't. I knew he wouldn't say a word.
Et soudain, j'eus la certitude qu'il n'en parlerait pas.
He wouldn't say how Long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can Help.
Il n'a pas donné d'heure mais son temps étant précieux il ne tardera pas.
Hey, Al, bright boy says he wouldn't say what he thinks it's all about.
Le gros malin veut pas dire ce qu'il pense.
- He wouldn't say.
- Il n'a rien dit.
I wouldn't want to say he's prejudiced'cause I'm clean-minded, I am.
Ne croyez pas à des préjugés, je ne pense pas à mal.
No, just a few questions. - If it were serious, he wouldn't say.
- L'inspecteur te le dirait pas.
He showed remarkable foresight in this, wouldn't you say?
Il se montrait là fort prévoyant, non?
He wouldn't say no now that he's broke, but he hated me before.
Bien sûr... Il dirai pas non, maintenant qu'il n'a plus rien! Mais avant, il ne voulait pas de moi!
Knowing Eugene, you wouldn't say he was the type of man to be mixed up in that, would you?
Eugène n'était pas du genre à se fourvoyer.
He wouldn't know what to say to Ulrich.
Il ne saurait parler à Ulrich.
If something should have happened to him... Let's say he drowned himself in the river. That would solve everything, wouldn't it?
S'il lui était arrivé quelque chose, qu'il se soit noyé dans le fleuve, ça résoudrait tout, n'est-ce pas?
I'll tell him he was right to say the day was coming when money wouldn't mean a thing to me.
Je lui dirai qu'il avait raison. Il m'a garanti que bientôt, l'argent n'aurait plus d'intérêt à mes yeux.
He hoped I'd speak badly of Russia so he could say no. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. I hope there's not a dishonest man wearing your shoes.
Si quelqu'un pouvait aller en Russie pour un bon travail, que lui conseilleriez-vous?
He wouldn't say nothing, no matter how much it hurt.
Il ne dira rien... N'est-ce pas?
I tried to make him understand I wouldn't say anything, but I guess he wasn't listening.
Je lui ai dit que je ne dirais rien, mais je crois qu'il n'écoutait pas.
Say, your brother wouldn't be wearing blue suede shoes, by any chance, would he?
Votre frère ne porte pas des chaussures de daim bleu, par hasard?
He used to say, "I wouldn't be one of those silly society gadabouts... if they promised me I could live forever."
Il disait : "Plutôt mourir que d'être mélangé à ces pantins"!
For instance, Wally Eberhard was in twice... and called three times, but he wouldn't say about what.
Par exemple, Wally Eberhard est venu deux fois... et a appelé 3 fois pour quelque chose, sans vouloir expliquer.
He wouldn't say anything until I started to phone his mother.
Il ne voulait rien me dire... jusqu'à ce que j'ai voulu appeler sa mère.
He wouldn't say no, would he?
Je ne l'imagine pas refuser.
You'd rather say he was a lunatic, wouldn't you, Mr. Konarski?
Vous préférez dire qu'il était un fou, Souhaitez-vous pas, M. Konarski?
Now, I'd say he's a hard man to... get along with, now, wouldn't you?
C'est vraiment difficile de bien s'entendre avec lui, non?
I don't know who they were. He wouldn't say.
Il ne voulait pas en parler.
He wouldn't listen to a word I had to say.
Il n'a même pas écouté.
He wouldn't want me, he would say I was...
Il ne voudrait pas de moi. Il me traiterait de...
I guess you wouldn't say he was exactly normal.
Il n'est pas tout à fait normal.
I wouldn't say he worked at it.
Je ne dirais pas qu'il y travaille.
He wouldn't even say good night, in case it was taken as an official comment on the future of mankind.
Il n'a pas pipé. "Au revoir" pourrait être une déclaration!
Well, I'd say that's because he was run some, wouldn't you?
Peut-être est-ce parce qu'il a beaucoup galopé, non?
Oh, no. She wouldn't say yes till he came to the house.
Elle ne lui a dit oui que lorsqu'il est venu chez elle.
He wouldn't say his name.
Il n'a pas dit son nom.
Morticia, wouldn't you say he's behaving rather strangely?
Morticia, ne trouves-tu pas qu'il se comporte étrangement?
He wouldn't say, Martin.
Il n'a rien voulu dire.
Yes, well, as you say, if he were sick he'd be here, wouldn't he?
Oui, comme vous dites, s'il était malade, il serait ici, n'est-ce pas?
Either way, murder or suicide, I'd say he deserved it, wouldn't you?
Meurtre ou suicide, je dirais qu'il le méritait, pas vous?
Well, I... I wouldn't say that he was ugly.
Je n'irais pas jusque-là.
You wouldn't say that if he was here.
T'oserais pas dire ça devant lui.
Oh, I wouldn't say routine. He's a fine workhorse.
Il fait bien plus qu'exécuter le travail.
John told us... Matt and me... that he wouldn't marry Joey unless we could say... that we approved the marriage with no reservations whatever.
John nous a dit- - à Matt et à moi- - qu'il n'épouserait pas Joey à moins qu'on puisse dire... qu'on approuve ce mariage sans aucune réserve.

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