His birthday traducir francés
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He's really excited about his birthday.
Il a l'air très excité par cette soirée.
His birthday? .
Son anniversaire?
Before his birthday, I hope.
Avant son anniversaire, j'espère.
What's his birthday?
Il est né quand?
See? His birthday.
Son anniversaire.
You see, it's his birthday.
C'est son anniversaire.
His birthday? ! Jumpin'Jimminy!
Son anniversaire?
Jimmy had his birthday three weeks ago, so he doesn't care.
Jimmy a fêté le sien il y a trois semaines. Il s'en fiche.
It just arrived today... on his birthday.
Il est arrivé aujourd'hui... Le jour de son anniversaire.
He even bought my brother the uniform that you donned on the show for his birthday one year.
Il a même acheté à mon frère l'uniforme que tu portais dans la série, comme cadeau d'anniversaire.
All i want is to smile at my boy on his birthday, And i can't even do that. They said it's just gonna take a little while
Je voudrais plus que tout, sourire à mon fils pour son anniversaire, et je n'y arrive même pas.
Son anniversaire est en Décembre...
He loves the books you got him for his birthday.
Il adore le livre que tu lui as offert.
If you'd seen the look in my kid's eyes when I had to leave his birthday party...
Si vous aviez vu le regard de mon fils, quand je suis parti de la fête...
It isn't, and tomorrow is his birthday.
Demain, c'est son anniversaire.
He said today is his birthday and they are going to karaoke.
Il a dit aujourd'hui c'est son anniversaire et ils vont au karaoké.
But only because he has a kart and had his birthday party in an amusement park.
Uniquement parce qu'il a un kart et a fêté son anniversaire dans une fête foraine.
By the way, for his birthday this year, we're gonna get Boo a license plate that says'Byoo'!
Pour son anniversaire, on achetera a Boo une plaque d'immatriculation qui dit "Byoo"!
It's his birthday, he can have any kite he wants.
Comme cadeau, il peut choisir un cerf-volant.
I was buying Constable Butterman a Japanese Peace Lily for his birthday.
J'achetais une Lis de Paix pour l'anniversaire de l'agent Butterman.
What's his birthday?
Sa date de naissance?
He calls Ollie on his birthday and at Christmas and suddenly he comes back into his life and he wants to be a good father.
Il n'appelle Ollie que pour les fêtes et tout d'un coup, il veut revenir dans sa vie?
Sir, Landy told Bourne that his birthday was 4-15-71.
Landy a dit à Bourne qu'il était né le 15 / 04 / 71.
He said he had to kill because it was his birthday.
Il a dit qu'il devait tuer, car c'était son anniversaire.
Wait. He said it was his birthday?
Il a dit que c'était son anniversaire?
She said it was his birthday.
C'était son anniversaire.
It was his birthday.
C'était son anniversaire.
I have no idea, but I overheard my dad saying that he gets one once a year on his birthday.
Aucune idée. Mais mon père dit qu'il y a le droit pour son anniversaire.
My grandson wants a fire engine for his birthday, with a ladder that goes up and a hose that squirts water.
Mon petit-fils voudrait un camion de pompiers. Avec une échelle et des lances qui crachent vraiment de l'eau.
- It's his birthday.
- C'est son anniversaire.
Audrey, it's his birthday.
C'est son anniversaire.
I hope you'll come for his birthday.
- Tu viendras à l'anniversaire? - On verra.
- Uh, it's his birthday.
C'est son anniversaire.
It's because our chief loves fly-fishing, you see? It's his birthday soon, so we're collecting for him.
Je vous explique c'est parce que comme le chef adore la peche a la mouche, vous savez et que c'est bientôt son anniversaire, et ben on s'est dit, pourquoi pas une petite collecte, hein, pour lui faire la surprise!
Pricing Weimeraners, getting a plumber for the house in Bedford, sending Warren Beatty a 60th, yeah, right, birthday card, telling David Sedaris his 5,000-word piece is now a 50-word piece, getting yelled at by David Sedaris,
J'ai trouvé le prix d'un Weimeraner, trouvé un plombier, envoyé une carte pour les 60 ans de Warren Beatty, dit à David Sedaris que son article ne faisait plus que 50 mots, me suis fait insulter par lui,
His cousin Louisa gave it to him for is 15th birthday.
Paco aime lire? Sa cousine Luisa lui a offert pour ses 15 ans.
It's his mum's birthday, I promised.
C'est l'anniversaire de sa mère J'ai promis.
Ouvrir le procès à son 18ème anniversaire. Je sais.
Quand wade est né, dieu m'a dit qu'il ne pourra pas vivre et voir son 18ème anniversaire.
This was Billy's last birthday before his parents were killed in a plane crash.
C'est l'anniversaire de Billy, avant la mort de ses parents.
His 50th birthday.
Son 50e anniversaire.
Crazy puta shot him right in front of his kids during a birthday party... but I needed the work, so I ended up with her.
La pute l'a descendu devant ses enfants à une fête d'anniversaire... mais j'avais besoin de travailler et je me suis joint à elle.
Turns out that campbell's sister filed a missing persons report when he didn't show up for his mother's birthday.
Il se trouve que la soeur de Campbell a déposé un avis de personnes disparues quand il n'est pas venu pour l'anniversaire de sa mère.
- It's not his birthday.
- D'autres cadeaux?
Elton john, he's been on, wants you to be seen at one of his 60th birthday parties
Elton John veut que tu assistes à ses 60 ans.
Once, he put invitations for his sister's birthday party in the trunk of a tree thinking it was a magic mailbox an episode he later duplicated in one of his best films.
Un jour, il a mis les invitations de la fête d'anniversaire de sa sœur dans un arbre, le croyant être une boîte aux lettres magique, une anecdote qu'il a reproduite dans l'un de ses films.
I'd even planned his first birthday party.
Même son premier anniversaire... je l'avais prévu, j'avais même décidé du thème.
I have the honor only on my ancestor's birthday to polish his armor with oil of cloves.
J'ai l'honneur, à l'anniversaire de mon aïeul, de polir son armure avec de l'essence de girofle.
There was a little boy, and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse.
C'est un jeune garçon qui reçoit un cheval en cadeau pour ses 14 ans.
Maybe he'll see his next birthday.
Il fêtera son anniversaire?
Walk away from the Manning case or the kid won't see his first birthday.
Laisse tomber l'affaire Manning ou le petit ne verra pas le jour.
birthday 122
birthday girl 46
birthday party 19
birthday boy 48
birthdays 69
his brother 146
his best friend 29
his body 44
his blood 35
his brain 16
birthday girl 46
birthday party 19
birthday boy 48
birthdays 69
his brother 146
his best friend 29
his body 44
his blood 35
his brain 16