His words traducir francés
1,735 traducción paralela
There's no intent, no imminent act, and no likelihood that his words would be taken seriously.
Il n'y a pas d'intention, pas d'acte imminent, et aucune chance que ses paroles soient prises au sérieux.
- His words, not mine.
- Ce sont ses mots, pas les miens.
Seems they got, in his words, "a 9-foot-tall Swedish chick" assigned to their house.
Ils ont eu, selon ses mots : "une Suédoise de 3 m de haut" qui leur a été envoyée.
You have heard his words, which cannot be altered even to the scratch of a pen.
Vous avez entendu ses mots, qui ne peuvent pas être modifiés d'une virgule.
The White Father in the place called Washington sent word that all the nations of the plains should gather to hear his words.
Le Pére Blanc, à un endroit appelé Washington, donna l'ordre que toutes les nations des plaines se réunissent pour entendre ses paroles.
Let us see if his words are true, and let us test what will happen at the end of his life.
Nous verrons si ses propos sont vérité. Attendons de voir la fin.
He was just mean with his words. Like you.
Il était juste méchant en paroles, comme toi.
"I wouldn't want to go anywhere without my wonderful towel," a freak wormhole opened up in the fabric of the space-time continuum and carried his words far, far back in time, across almost infinite reaches of space, to a distant galaxy where strange and warlike beings were poised on the brink
"Il ne faut jamais aller quelque part sans sa merveilleuse serviette", un trou aléatoire s'ouvrit dans la trame de l'espace-temps, qui ramena ses paroles très, très loin dans le passé, à travers des étendues d'espace quasi infinies jusqu'à une galaxie lointaine
His words have gotten lost, lost and wandering in his mind.
Ses mots sont perdus, ils errent dans sa tête.
Forget about the rest of his words. That money and house thing.
Oublie le reste, l'argent, la maison.
With his words
Avec ses mots
Telling my whole life with his words
Racontant ma vie entière avec ses mots
Singing my life with his words
Chantant ma vie avec ses mots
Telling my whole life Yeah, yeah with his words
- Racontant ma vie entière - Oui, oui avec ses mots
If the Senator feels that we have done violence to his words or pictures and desires to answer himself an opportunity will be afforded him on this program.
Si le sénateur juge que nous avons nul à ses paroles ou à ses images et souhaite répondre personnellement, il en aura l'opportunité lors de l'une de nos émissions.
He then proceeded through an equally tilted review of the day's events with McCarthy dominating his words, actions, attitudes.
Il a ensuite commencé à commenter... avec le même parti pris, les actions de McCarthy, "critiquant ses mots, ses actions, ses attitudes..."
At that time, we said "If theSenator believes we havedone violence to his words or pictures..." "... if he desires to speak, to answer himself... " "... an opportunity would be afforded him on this program. "
A ce moment-là, nous avons déclaré que si le sénateur pensait que nous lui avions nul, s'il voulait s'exprimer, répondre lui-même, nous lui offririons l'opportunité de le faire dans l'émission.
President Eisenhower's concern about the military industrial complex, his words have unfortunately come true.
Les inquiétudes du Président Eisenhower au sujet du complexe militaro-industriel, ses paroles sont malheureusement devenues réalité.
Don't take his words to heart.
Ne prenez pas ses mots au sérieux.
And Ria, after falling for his words..
Et Ria, après chute Pour ses mots..
I don't really remember his words.
Je ne me souviens pas bien...
So this man can say 700 words and he writes with his left hand.
Alors cet homme peut dire 70O mots et il écrit avec sa main gauche.
Those were his great words of support, second only to : "Get off your pity pot, and act like a man!"
C'était ses super paroles de soutien, presque aussi bonnes que : "Arrête de faire la pisseuse et agis en homme"!
Yeah. Someone sure likes to use his big words.
Quelqu'un aime utiliser de grands mots...
His last words.
A ses derniers mots.
No, his exact words were "sharpening pencils."
"À tailler des crayons", pour reprendre son expression.
He tried to talk, he couldn't even say his last words.
Il n'a même pas pu parler avant de mourir.
I think your exact words were, "that guy's worked hard on his yard."
Je crois que tes mots exacts étaient : "Le mec a travaillé dur sur son jardin".
I believe his exact words were, "Rustic, yet romantic."
Rustique et romantique
Because Jake stays with his father part-time, his father lives with you, and in the words of his mother, you are, hang on, I want to get this right.
Parce que Jake vit avec son père à temps partiel, que son père habite avec vous et selon les mots de sa mère, vous êtes, une seconde, je tiens à être précise.
The State of the Union becomes a few words about his agenda from the president, who is a busy guy.
L'Etat de l'Union exprime les grandes directives du Président, à l'emploi du temps chargé.
And collins will recount his exploits as anarchist including his successful reprogramming of the MIT retro-reaIity equipment to seIf-destruct as it broadcasts the words :
Et Collins racontera ses exploits d'anarchiste. Y compris quand il a reprogrammé le matos de rétro-réalité de mit pour qu'il s'autodétruise en diffusant les mots :
However... never mind... in his immortal words... before you forget to remember you must remember to forget...
Cependant... peu importe car comme il le disait... Avant d'oublier vos souvenirs que vous devez vous souvenir d'oublier...
He won't send me packing till he's shown his audience that he's still the boss by giving me a mouthful of words that taste like bullets.
Il ne me virera pas, avant d'avoir montré à tout le monde qu'il est toujours le Boss en m'envoyant des mots qui ont le goût des balles.
Those were actually his last words.
Ce furent ces derniers mots.
Like a duster wipes the words of a blackboard... the disease has slowly wiped out all his memories.
Comme une éponge qui essuie un tableau, cette maladie a fait disparaitre ses souvenirs.
I heard him say, and these were his exact words...
Je l'ai entendu dire, ce sont ses propres mots :
His last words were :
Ses derniers mots furent :
We pulled his ear. You, too, can speak a few words.
On lui a donné quelques conseils, tu lui parleras aussi.
Well, Earl's brother just said his last words.
Le frère d'Earl vient de dire ses derniers mots.
His own words, that's what we need.
Il faut qu'on puisse le citer.
We just used his words!
Ce sont ses mots.
More than 400 years ago, a great citizen wished to imbed the 5th of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words.
Il y a plus de 400 ans, un grand citoyen a souhaité graver le 5 novembre à jamais dans notre mémoire pour rappeler que droiture, justice et liberté sont plus que des mots.
I don't think Dan would have gotten as far as he did without our help. And he, uh, his own words was,
Dan ne serait pas allé aussi loin sans notre aide.
I can't tell you in words what his loss means to me.
" Je ne puis exprimer cette perte avec des mots.
Yes... these are his exact words.
Oui, ce sont ses propres paroles.
And his last words were,
Et ses derniers mots ont été :
In other words, this is like his home, right?
Autrement dit, c'est comme chez lui, d'accord?
During one of his fights he left the famous words,
Lors d'un combat, il a prononcé les fameux mots,
Playfully, I'll reply to his sweet words.
Je répondrai en plaisantant à ses douces déclarations.
His name is Shrinath Vardhan. Lets not cross words with him.
Epées de croisement avec lui nous coûtera chers.
words 313
words to live by 22
words like 23
his wife 438
his watch 21
his wife died 20
his work 33
his wife left him 23
his whole life 20
his what 76
words to live by 22
words like 23
his wife 438
his watch 21
his wife died 20
his work 33
his wife left him 23
his whole life 20
his what 76