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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / How does he know

How does he know traducir francés

554 traducción paralela
How does he know?
Comment le sait-il?
- Saks? How does he know?
- Comment le sait-il?
How does he know I'm here?
Comment sait-il que je suis ici?
How does he know that we are here?
Comment sait-il que nous sommes ici?
How does he know what's good and what's bad?
Comment il saurait le bien du mal?
- How does he know?
- Il le sait?
How does he know they're lost? He didn't know.
Comment sait-il qu'ils sont perdus?
How does he know you got psychology?
Comment sait-il que t'as des trucs psychologiques?
How does he know how long 15 seconds is? You can't judge that.
Comment peut-il savoir que ça fait 15 secondes?
How does he know all that?
D'où sort-il tout ça?
- Well, how does he know I can write? - Well, he knows he can't.
- Il sait qu'il ne peut pas écrire.
Hey, Kaoru. Your father, Mr. Mikami, how does he know my boss?
Kaoru, comment ton père connaît-il mon patron?
How does he know what's gonna happen, throwing two together like that?
Comment peut-il savoir ce qui va se passer entre son sauveteur et elle?
How does he know that?
Comment sait-il cela?
- Well, how does he know that?
- Comment le sait-il?
How does he know that?
- Comment sait-il cela?
Well, how does he know I've got any?
Il sait que j'en ai?
How does he know you're here?
Comment a-t-il pu savoir que tu étais là.
How does he know? He doesn't even know me!
II sait pas, il me connaît pas!
Does he know how you feel about it?
Sait-il ce que vous en pensez?
Well, you know how it is. We have to entertain the people he does business with, and I guess that's what it is tonight.
Tu sais bien que nous sortons souvent avec ses relations d'affaires.
You know how he does on the telephone.
Tu sais comme il est au téléphone.
- Does he know how to work it?
- S'il sait s'en servir!
- How much does he want? - I don't know.
- Combien il veut?
How much does he know?
Que sait-il au juste?
This is his home. He may know the underground. How does one get there?
Il vit à Francfort, connaît des gens, peut-être des clandestins.
How much does he know?
Le docteur sait?
- How much does he know? - About what?
- Est-ce qu'iI sait?
He's quit his job. How did he find out? What does he know?
Que sait-il et comment?
How much does he know about you and Mrs. Wendice?
II est au courant de vos rapports?
- How does he know about the ad system? - I don't know.
- J'en sais rien, mais si c'est l'un de vous qui a parlé, il peut retenir sa place au Père-Lachaise.
How does a guy know what he wants to be, especially someone like me?
Comment serais-je qui je veux être, surtout moi
Gunner Thorgerson alive, I don't know how he does it.
Gunner Thorgerson, vivant. J'ignore comment il fait.
Does he know about us, how we were?
Il connaît notre passé?
How does he know you're here?
- Comment sait-il que tu es ici?
I don't know how he does it, I really don't.
Je ne sais vraiment pas comment il fait.
How does he know?
Comment il sait ce que ça signifie?
Not only does he know how to steal state secrets, but he understands the meaning of the gods as well.
Il sait voler les secrets d'État, mais aussi interpréter la parole des dieux.
It's on the route now. Don't know how he does it.
Il a dû la marquer sur son itinéraire.
What does he know how to do?
Mais a-t-il étudié? .
♪ I don't know how he does it ♪ ♪ But he lives like a king ♪ ♪ And he dallies and he gathers ♪ ♪ And he plucks and he shines ♪
Je ne sais pas comment Mais il vit comme un roi ll badine, il butine Il plume et il embobine
- How does he know?
- Comment il le sait?
Does he know how much you love him?
Sait-il que vous l'aimez?
And the Allied High Command is working just as diligently to discover what preparations Hitler has made and how much he does know.
L'état-major des forces alliées est aussi déterminé à découvrir les plans d'Hitler et combien il en sait.
You know how he does.
Tu sais bien comment il fait.
How much does he know?
Que sait-il?
Steed, how much does he know?
Steed, que sait-il au juste?
He's with Monseigneur. You know how he is, he does exactly as he pleases.
Vous savez comment il est, il n'en fait qu'à sa tête.
This Captain Ferraday how much does he know?
Le commandant Ferraday, que sait-il au juste?
He does not know how.
Il ne sait pas comment.
But how does he get away with it? That's what I'd like to know.
Mais il se démerde pas mal.

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