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I'll leave you here traducir francés

344 traducción paralela
Okay, I'll leave you here because... farewells makes me too sad.
Bon. Ben ; moi je te laisse là parce que... les adieux, ça me rend trop triste.
I'll leave here when I'm ready. What I'm angry about the most is that my life has disintegrated because of you, a third-rate bottom feeder.
Je partirai d'ici lorsque je serai prête. une raclure de bas-étage.
- Get out of here, leave us alone or I'll tell them you're backing the show. No, no, don't do that.
Laissez-nous ou j'annonce que vous nous financez.
I'll leave Scotland if you'll pledge your word that the queen's to keep her throne and reign here as before.
Vous les avez. Je quitterai l'Ecosse... Si vous jurez que la Reine régnera comme avant.
I'll leave your things right up here, so you won't forget them.
Vos affaires sont ici, ne les oubliez pas.
Now, if you leave her here, I " ll make her a nice new one.
Si tu la laisses ici, je lui en ferai une nouvelle.
I'm not saying you'll strangle your mistress, but you'll rifle my papers if I leave them here, and you'll sleep with Rolande if she loves you.
Je ne dis pas que vous étranglerez votre maîtresse, non. Mais vous fouillerez ma serviette si je l'oublie sur ce bureau. Et vous coucherez avec Rolande si elle est amoureuse de vous.
This conversation is much too witty for me, so, if you don't mind, I'll just leave you two up here to laugh at each other's jokes.
- Votre conversation est trop intellectuelle. Je vous laisse donc tous les 2 rire de votre plaisanteries.
I can't stay here. I'll have to leave you.
Je ne puis rester ici.
If you don't leave here, I'll introduce Officer O'Hara to Mr. Spenalzo.
Sinon, je présenterai O'Hara à Spenalzo!
- No, I'll leave you here.
- On va en ville?
Well, you're going on up, I'll leave you here.
Je vais vous laisser ici.
- I've said all I have to say. You'll say quite a bit more before you leave here.
Vous aurez à m'en dire plus avant de partir d'ici.
I'll not leave here until I have finished with you one way or another.
Je ne partirai pas avant de m'être débarrassé de vous.
I'll probably wind it up before you leave here.
Je finirai avant votre départ.
- I'll leave you here.
- Servez-vous.
I'll meet you halfway. Bring the poochie. Leave the goochie here.
Amenez le toutou, laissez le bidou.
You're right, I'll leave it here.
- Tu as raison, je le laisse.
I should leave you here. That'll teach you not to get us in trouble.
Si je te laissais là, ça t'apprendrait.
If you leave, I'll find her, she's coming right here.
- Vous allez la voir. Elle va venir.
You'll phone this afternoon, though, either way, won't you? And leave word, even if I'm not here?
Appelle-moi dans l'après-midi et laisse-moi un message.
When I'm finished with you, you'll leave Vienna. It should see you through tonight at Sacher's Hotel, if you don't drink too much in the bar. Here's some army money.
Quand ce sera fait, vous aurez bonne mine!
Yeah, leave her here and I'll see that you get through the police port.
Laissez-la ici, je vous ferai passer à travers les mailles.
I'll leave it here for you.
Je la laisserai ici pour vous.
Very well. But don't imagine I'll leave you alone here like that.
- Je ne vais pas vous laisser comme ça.
You'll remain here to cook for me and wash my clothes. And you won't leave this house until I say so.
Tu feras la cuisine, la lessive... tu ne partiras que quand je le voudrai.
Then I would tell you to get a gun or leave town because when I leave here I'll chase you until your heels smoke!
Je vous dirais de prendre un revolver ou de quitter la ville. Parce qu'en sortant d'ici, vous aurez affaire à moi.
I imagine you came here to be alone, so I'll leave you alone.
Je suppose que vous êtes venu pour être seul. Alors je vous laisse seul.
I'll leave you here with my father and Mary.
Je vous laisse en compagnie de mon père et de Marie.
- Cousin Henry won't mind us being one day late... but he'll draw the line at two. - I can't leave you here, Robert.
Je ne peux pas te laisser.
I swear I don't know where I'll go when I leave here There must be a way to reach you
Je te jure que je ne sais oû aller en partant ll doit y avoir un moyen
You'll pay when I leave here
On me paiera les frais quand je sortirai d'ici.
I'll leave you here.
- Je te laisse ici.
Stefano, here's your chance! I'll leave you two to it.
Quelle occasion en or de lui parler, Stefano.
Or I'll leave you here.
- Viens ou je te laisse là!
I'll leave some pyjamas here for you!
Je pose le pyjama ici.
What'll you do? Leave me chained here by my hair until I starve?
Je vais rester enchaînée par mes cheveux jusqu'à la mort?
I'll leave the money here. Yes, thank you, sir.
- J'ai mis le compte.
You can't leave me here, I'll get...
- Vous ne pouvez pas me garder ici. Je vais...
And in spite of all the crap you're into I'll leave my two choir boys here. They'll go to Malesherbes with you.
Je vais tirer ça au clair.et puis malgré tes conneries je te laisse les enfants de choeur, ils t'accompagneront Bd.
Good. Well, I'll leave you here.
Bien, je vous laisse.
I'll leave you here in the other.
Je vous laisserai dans l'autre.
If I leave you here, as soon as I leave, you'll go screaming for the cops.
Si je te laisse ici, tu préviendras la police.
Here, safe and sound, I'll leave you.
Nous volà au port, je vous laisse.
If you wanna ride for home, you leave right now from here. I'll understand.
Si tu veux rentrer chez toi va-t'en maintenant.
I'll leave you here. I must pop upstairs.
Je vous laisse. On m'attend.
I'm glad you're here, Herr Major. Herr Major, if we don't leave the bridge, we'll never be ready to blow it.
Si on ne dégage pas le pont, on ne sera jamais prêts á le faire sauter.
Don't leave me here. I'll take you.
- Je vais te conduire.
And if you don't go with me, I'll have to leave you here.
Et si tu ne m'accompagnes pas, je serai obligé de te laisser ici.
I take my leave of you. Shall not be long but I'll be here again.
Je prends congé, mais avant peu je reviendrai chez vous.
Here, I'll leave you my address.
Ma maison est très ancienne.

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