I'll let you in traducir francés
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In return, I'll let you live.
En échange, tu auras la vie sauve.
What's the address? I'll let you know as soon as you can move in,
C'était dans la salle de bain.
That's quite all right. You'll let me know about those Confederates, won't you? Oh, yes, of course, I'll get in touch
Bien sûr, je me renseignerai chez des vendeurs spécialisés.
Let me sit next to you and I'll tell you... what they'll do Thursday in the fort they're building.
Situ me laisses m'asseoir prés de toi? Et si je te dis ce qu'ils feront jeudi. Combien que tu paries que je te le dis?
Let me be your guide in Donnafugata. I'll show you Baron Mutolo's house.
Si vous voulez visiter Donnafugata... je pourrai vous montrer la maison du baron Mutolo.
I'll let you know when I'm leaving, but if you keep nagging me, then I'll just leave in secret!
Si tu me laisses faire, je t'indiquerai le jour du départ. Si tu fais des histoires, je partirai sans rien dire.
I'll let you in on a little professional secret :
Je vais te dévoiler un secret :
I'll let you in on it, Dee Dee.
Je vais te faire une confidence.
I'll thrust my knife in your moldy chaps, and you play the saucy cuttle with me. God let me not live, but I'll bury your ruff for this.
Je ne peux pas tolérer cela!
Let him dig in and fight like a man. I'll help you pack.
Laissez-le se battre, je vous aiderai à plier bagages.
I'll set you on fire! - She was just about to let me in!
Peut-être qu'un jour, tu regretteras pas de l'avoir respectée.
No, give me your word that, whatever happens tomorrow and whatever state I'm in, even if I'm dying, you'll let me leave.
Pourrons-nous vous la rendre, camarades?
I've known the captain a long time, so if I ask him, he'll let you guys stay in steerage.
Le capitaine est un ami de longue date. Il vous trouvera une place en fond de cale.
I have 50 cents here for you if you'll let me know... when anybody you've never seen before here in El Paso comes to town.
J'ai 50 cents pour toi si tu me préviens... dès que tu vois arriver quelqu'un que tu n'as jamais vu à El Paso.
- I know, let it loose in La Estrella, you'll see.
On le lance dans le bar. - Tu crois?
I know you have my best interest at heart, so I'll forget the girl... and just let her disappear out of my life, and I'll drown myself in mywork.
Je sais que tu as mon intérêt à coeur, donc je vais l'oublier... Ia laisser disparaître de ma vie... et me noyer dans mon travail.
I'll let you out in two or three days.
Je te ferai sortir dans deux ou trois jours.
I'll never let you die in such a place.
Jamais je ne vous laisserai mourir dans cet endroit. Quoi?
You seem in a hurry. I'll let you use it.
Je vous laisse la place.
I'll let you in for 1 / 3. 1 / 3 of what?
Autant vous le dire.
Well, I'll be in touch with you if you'll let me.
Eh bien, je resterai en contact, si vous le voulez bien.
If you don't tell me why you're really here, I'll let them in.
Si vous ne me dites pas pourquoi vous êtes ici, je les fais entrer.
Let me in for one minute, and I'll tell you.
Laissez-moi entrer et je vous le dirai.
I'll let you in as soon as I can.
Vous le verrez dès que possible.
No, I'll fight you with every breath in my body before I'll let you take my child!
Je me défendrai bec et ongles avant de perdre mon fils!
Hey, you know something... I'll bet you that's why Brutus wouldn't let me in the truck. He knew that little pooch was in there.
C'est sûrement pour ça que Brutus m'empêchait de monter dans le camion.
Here, I'll let you in.
Je vous ouvre.
I'll let you in.
Je vais t'ouvrir.
Bein'she's in there by her little old lonesome, I'll let you have her for free.
Puisqu'elle s'ennuie, là, toute seule, elle est à vous.
I'll let you in on a little something. Belonged to a Cook County commissioner.
Et de plus, elle appartenait à un inspecteur des Wagons-lits.
Where? I'll let you know in about six months.
- Je te le dirai dans six mois.
I'll let you in.
Je vous ouvre.
Let it continue on its way. In return, I'll give you a contest you'll remember.
Laissez-le partir, et je vous promets une partie de chasse inoubliable.
You're not gonna stand there and let them kill you. If I put a weapon in your hand, you'll fight, won't you?
Si je vous mets une arme dans la main, vous allez vous battre, non?
I'll tell you what, Jim Boy, let's go over to your office and discuss this in a rational way, shall we?
Ècoute, Petit Jim, allons dans ton bureau pour en discuter raisonnablement, d'accord?
If I let you in, you'll sell me encyclopaedias.
Si je vous laisse entrer vous allez me vendre des encyclopédies.
All right, put some money together, I'll let you in the back way.
Allez, on contribue tous. J'vous fais entrer par derrière.
I'm calling the commissioners and I'll let you know what OUR decision is in an hour.
J'appelle la commission, et je vous fais part de leur décision dans une heure.
I'll never let you waste time in the kitchen again!
Je ne te laisserai plus perdre ton temps en cuisine.
If you're havin? a good time, let the captain know and I'll have him steam around in circles!
Si vous vous amusez bien... dites-le au capitaine, et je lui demanderai de faire des boucles.
I'll come down and let you in.
Je descends.
I doubt if he'll let you in.
Je pense qu'il ne vous ouvrira pas.
I'll let you in on what people call this school.
Je vais vous dire comment les gens appellent cette école.
You let me drag him in, I'll make him talk.
Laissez-moi l'amener, je le ferai parler.
Let me come in and I'll show you that it's a fake check.
Laisse-moi entrer et je te montrerai que ce n'est pas un échec.
I'll let you in on a secret.
Je vais te confier un secret.
Boy, let your horse rest. I'll lend you a mount and you can ride with me. - I gotta fetch in a mare.
Mon gars, si tu veux laisser ton cheval se reposer, je t'en prêterai un pour m'accompagner, je vais chercher une jument.
Listen, why don't you let me park the car, and then you endorse the cheque and I'll go in and cash it.
Je gare la voiture, tu endosses le chèque et je vais le toucher.
You'll find this ploy somewhere in your manual, I'm sure. It's called "sit it out and let somebody else do the dirty work."
Ça doit figurer dans le manuel, à la rubrique "Comment faire trimer les autres?"
- I'll let you know in two months.
Je vous le dirai dans deux mois.
What I would like you to do is stand in front of the screen and I'll let you know what to do in a minute.
Mettez-vous devant l'écran et je vous dirai quoi faire dans une minute.
i'll let you in on a little secret 34
i'll let you know 490
i'll let you 24
i'll let myself out 36
i'll let her know 52
i'll let you know how it goes 17
i'll let him know 63
i'll let them know 31
i'll let it go 19
i'll let you get back to it 16
i'll let you know 490
i'll let you 24
i'll let myself out 36
i'll let her know 52
i'll let you know how it goes 17
i'll let him know 63
i'll let them know 31
i'll let it go 19
i'll let you get back to it 16
i'll let you go 65
i'll let you live 18
i'll let you get back to work 29
i'll let you two catch up 16
i'll let you two talk 20
you inspire me 23
you interested 92
you inspired me 36
you invited me 32
you insult me 33
i'll let you live 18
i'll let you get back to work 29
i'll let you two catch up 16
i'll let you two talk 20
you inspire me 23
you interested 92
you inspired me 36
you invited me 32
you insult me 33
you in or out 26
you in position 17
you in 251
you invited him 23
you in a hurry 21
you in here 72
you included 30
you in trouble 32
you in there 200
you in the back 16
you in position 17
you in 251
you invited him 23
you in a hurry 21
you in here 72
you included 30
you in trouble 32
you in there 200
you in the back 16