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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I agree with him

I agree with him traducir francés

221 traducción paralela
And I agree with him.
- je l'approuve.
Dr. Murchison always argued we did not do enough in that direction, and I agree with him.
Le Dr Murchison affirme que nous n'allons pas assez dans ce sens. Je l'approuve.
You heard what my husband said. I agree with him.
Vous avez entendu mon mari?
I agree with him, each man for himself.
Il a raison, chacun pour soi.
- I agree with him.
Je suis d'accord avec lui.
Your Honor, I submit that if the subject to be debated... is Mr. Horn's sanity, for once I agree with him... only a jury could determine that.
Votre Honneur, si l'enjeu est la santé mentale de M. Horn, je suis d'accord : seul un jury peut en décider!
Anyway, I agree with him.
Et il a raison.
I agree with him.
Je suis d'accord avec lui.
I agree with him!
- Je suis d'accord avec lui!
The captain is right. I agree with him.
Le capitaine a raison. Je suis d'accord avec lui.
I agree with him completely.
Je suis tout à fait de son avis.
For once, I agree with him.
Pour une fois, je suis d'accord.
I agree with him. About bullfights.
Moi, je suis d'accord en ce qui concerne les corridas.
I agree with him.
Et je suis d'accord.
I do. - I agree with him.
- Je suis d'accord avec lui.
I told you to go slow, Gwang Soo. Lastly, he may say preposterous things sometimes, but you should just agree with him.
Gwang Soo.
Well, I do agree with him that Dr. Vollin is a little mad.
Je suis d'accord avec lui que le Dr Vollin est un peu fou.
It was a nice gift, but Charles didn't think he ought to take... such an expensive present, and I'm inclined to agree with him.
C'est gentil, mais Charles ne peut accepter un cadeau si précieux. Et il a bien raison.
My fiancé that was, that is he thinks we better call it a day, and I quite agree with him.
euh, mon ex-fiancé... Enfin, il préfère rompre et je suis bien d ´ accord là-dessus.
I'm inclined to agree with him.
Je suis plutôt d'accord avec lui.
I'll fool him. I'll pretend to agree with him.
Je vais le berner, Je feindrai d'être d'accord avec lui.
Your brother didn't agree with me, but I managed to convince him.
Votre frère n'était pas d'accord, mais j'ai réussi à le convaincre.
Well, he thinks we ought to call it a day, and I quite agree with him.
Enfin, il préfère rompre... et je suis bien d'accord.
- But you agreed with him? - Of course I didn't agree with him.
- Tu étais d'accord avec lui.
Oh, sure, of course you do, but I thought maybe there might be a few things you didn't agree with or might want him to change.
Oh, bien sûr, Bien sûr, vous le savez, mais je pensais qu'il pourrait y avoir quelques points sur lesquels vous n'étiez pas d'accord et qu'il faudrait changer
Marshal Pilsudski adored number 13. But I didn't agree with him on some issues.
Pilsudski adorait 13, mais je ne suis pas d'accord avec lui sur toutes les points.
I can't agree with him about Mr. Leffingwell.
Cependant je ne suivrai pas son exemple.
I didn't agree with him on those points.
Je ne suis pas d'accord sur ses points de vue.
I'm forced to agree with him.
Je suis forcé de lui donner raison.
I do not agree with him.
Je ne suis pas de cet avis.
- Green doesn't strike me as the type. - Well, I agree with you. All the same, I'd like you to keep an eye on him.
Je ne sais pas, il y a eu des vols ces temps-ci, mais Green n'est pas un voleur.
I couldn't agree with him more.
Je suis tout à fait de son avis.
George didn't think that was logical. I have to agree with him, carol.
M. Forstmann, où irez-vous lorsque le bébé sera né?
I'm inclined to agree with him, Doctor.
Je suis tenté de penser comme lui, Docteur.
A very well-known doctor has a new theory on childbirth and I happen to agree with him wholeheartedly.
Un médecin a une nouvelle théorie sur l'accouchement et je suis entièrement d'accord avec lui.
Well, for once, I'd agree with him Barbara.
Pour une fois, je serais d'accord avec lui Barbara.
- And I could not agree with him more, sir!
Et je suis totalement d'accord avec lui!
I agree with the public opinion that says to kill him!
Je suis d'accord avec les autres, il devrait être tué.
- And I'm inclined to agree with him.
- Et je crois qu'il a raison.
And I suppose you agree with him?
J'imagine que vous êtes du même avis?
Childish. I don't agree with him at all.
Je ne suis absolument pas d'accord.
I don't mind telling him nothing if you agree to stay here until I've had the time to clear some matters with him.
Je veux bien accepter.. .. de ne rien lui dire si vous restez ici.. .. pendant que je regle une affaire avec lui.
I couldn't agree with him more.
Je suis d'accord.
- I have to agree with him.
Je suis d'accord avec lui.
I'm not a filmmaker, but I don't see the connection. Do you all agree with him?
Je ne sais rien du film, mais je ne vois pas le rapport.
The colonel believes when a British female decides to become a nuisance, she can become the greatest nuisance in the world, and I'm inclined to agree with him.
Le colonel pense que quand une femme décide de metter son grain de sel, elle peut être le pire des problèmes, et j'ai tendance à le croire.
- I agree with Frank. - I think we should test him.
Je sais que vous m'entendez.
I'd never have thought you'd agree to go out with him.
Je ne l'aurais jamais cru tu es d'accord pour sortir avec lui.
I don't agree with what you did, but you didn't kill him.
Je n'approuve pas, mais vous ne l'avez pas tué.
Yes, David's with me on a one-year trial basis, but after that if we agree, and the Bureau of Child Welfare allows, I'm going to legally adopt him.
C'est un essai d'un an, mais après, si on est d'accord et le ministère aussi, je l'adopte.
Well, yeah. I would agree with him about that.
J'aurais tendance à partager son avis à ce sujet.

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