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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I care about him

I care about him traducir francés

447 traducción paralela
What do I care about him? is us.
Lui, c'est une ordure.
Not that I care about him, but I'd be better off that way.
Pas que je me soucie pour lui, mais c'est mieux de cette façon.
What makes you think I care about him?
Pourquoi voudrais-tu qu'il m'intéresse?
I was confused and angry, and I care about him deeply.
J'étais troublée, furieuse, et je l'aime beaucoup.
It's not like I care about him. I don't wanna see him go to prison.
Je me fiche de ce type, mais je ne veux pas qu'il aille en prison.
I care about him deeply, and I know you do too.
Je l'aime profondément, et vous aussi.
Well, don't worry about him. I'll... I'll take care of him.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour lui, je vais m'en occuper.
I don't care about him.
Je me fiche de ce type.
- I don't care about him.
- Je me moque de cet homme.
I don't care about him now, it's my self-respect.
Ce n'est pas lui qui compte maintenant, c'est mon amour-propre.
He's going to tell me about your 3 convictions and I'm going to tell him I don't care.
Il évoquera vos trois condamnations... Je répondrai que je m'en fiche.
Stop telling me about Jonathan, I'll take care of him.
Je me chargerai de lui.
I don't care because I just don't care about him anymore.
Parce que je ne l'aime plus.
It's no use, Lucy... I don't care what you say about him.
Lucy, peu m'importe ce qu'on en dit.
Oh, I don't care about him.
Je me fiche de lui.
- Oh, I don't care about him.
- Keath?
- I don't care about him.
Quel rapport?
Don't worry about that. I'll take care of him.
J'en fais mon affaire.
I don't care what they call him, what anybody says about him.
"Attends, je veux t'embrasser." J'étais impatiente, j'ai couru à l'intérieur.
I gather you don't care too much about him.
Vous ne tenez pas à lui?
I don't care about him!
Il ne m'intéresse pas!
- Don't worry about that stuff, sir. I'll bring it in just as soon as I've got him taken care of. Help!
Je monterai nos bagages dès qu'on se sera occupé des gosses.
He doesn't care about them. I have to tell him to feed them.
Ces poissons, il s'en fiche pas mal.
Listen, Thomas, you've had a quarrel with Amerio and you've killed him, but that isn't a reason to make this worse for yourself. I don't care about Amerio, you hear, I don't care.
- Thomas, tu t'es bagarré avec Amerio et tu l'as tué, OK, mais c'est pas une raison pour en remettre.
Yeah, but I think I'll talk to Dr. West about him because he's the one who's taking care of him.
Oui, mais j'en parlerai au Dr West parce que c'est lui qui le soigne.
But I don't care about him.
Mais je me fiche de lui.
My son! The only person I gave a care about in this whole world, and you killed him.
C'était la seule personne au monde qui comptait pour moi et vous l'avez tué.
I don't care about him.
J'étais curieuse.
I don't care about him!
Une manigance!
- Marco can think what he wants, I still care about him because he really deserves it.
- Marco peut penser ce qu'il veut... Je tiens encore à lui parce qu'il le mérite vraiment.
I don't care about him.
Je ne me soucie pas de lui.
- You don't have to worry about him. I'll take care of you.
Ne t'en fais pas pour lui.
I don't care about him.
Pas grave.
Right now I'd worry about taking care of him. And fast.
Pour l'instant, je m'occuperais de lui à votre place.
I`m in love with him, but he doesn`t care about me Damn!
Je l'aime, mais il n'en a rien à cirer.
WEll, I don't care What you think about him, What your sixth sense is.
Je me fiche de ce que tu penses de lui, de ton sixième sens.
If you are talking about this specific boy, I lost interest in him long ago, and I don't care to see or hear about him, With his character, you may be well suited for him,
Si tu fais allusion à ce garçon, de toutes façons je ne suis plus intéressée à le voir et à en entendre parler, Tu lui conviendras mieux,
I'm saying that he knows our values... and he knows that we care about him.
Je dis qu'il connaît nos valeurs et qu'il sait que nous tenons à lui.
I know you don't care about him that much.
Je sais que tu tiens pas à lui à ce point-là.
I wondered how he could care so much for his dad who'd almost killed him and I didn't care about my own who hadn't touched me since I was three.
Comment pouvait-il se soucier autant de son père qui l'avait presque tué, moi qui ne me souciais pas du mien qui ne m'avait pas touché depuis tout petit.
I do not care about him.
Je m'en fiche de lui.
Maybe you don't care about what you're doing to him, but I do.
Tu te fiches peut-être de lui, mais pas moi.
I don't care about him, but I would like to help her.
Lui, je m'en fous mais elle, j'aimerais l'aider.
Everyone thinks I murdered him for his money. I don't care about the money.
Vous pensez tous que j'en voulais à son fric, mais je m'en fous.
I don't care about his money, I love him!
Je dois lui dire que je me fiche de son argent, que je l'aime!
I think your father's a wonderful man. I don't care what the newspapers say about him.
Votre père est fantastique, malgré ce que disent les journaux.
I don't care about you or him.
Je ne veux ni vous, ni lui.
But all I know about him is his background. He has no job, he has very expensive tastes, he has no friends or relatives who care to see him and people seem to think he killed his father.
Il n'a pas d'emploi, il a des goûts très dispendieux... il n'a ni amis ni parents qui daignent le voir... et on semble penser qu'il a tué son père.
I don't care about him, it's you I'm worried about.
Je me fous de lui, c'est de toi dont je me soucie.
I don't care about him anymore.
Je me fiche de lui, maintenant.
I thanked him and thanked him... and we listened together... like a couple of people who care about each other... and for the first few minutes, he didn't do anything.
On a écouté ensemble Comme un couple... des gens qui s'aiment

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