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I really appreciate it traducir francés

1,020 traducción paralela
You know, I really appreciate it, Rube.
Tu as droit à ma reconnaissance, Ruben.
Master Chao, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
Maître Zhao, je vous suis très reconnaissante de m'avoir secourue.
Well, thanks for the try, guys. I really appreciate it. It just happens everybody in camp was busy.
En ces temps troublés, ils ont besoin d'un peu de répit.
I really appreciate it.
Merci pour tout, mon frére.
I really appreciate it.
C'est très sympa de ta part. Merci.
OK, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.
Tout ce que je peux faire.
I really appreciate it.
J'apprécie vraiment.
Listen, cliff, I hope you don't Mind me saying this to you, but I really appreciate it if you
J'espère que ça ne te dérange pas, mais... j'apprecierai que tu n'appelles plus mon fils avorton.
Well, you've been extremely helpful, Mr. Obermann. I really appreciate it.
Vous avez été extrêmement serviable, Je vous en suis très reconnaissant.
I really appreciate it.
- Avec toute mon affection.
I really appreciate it.
Tu as été chic.
You and Joy have done all you can, and I really appreciate it.
Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait, vous et Joy.
Look, I really appreciate it.
Well, I really appreciate it That's a real compliment!
Merci infiniment, c'est un vrai compliment.
I really appreciate it.
Je te remercie.
I really appreciate it.
Je suis très touché.
I really appreciate it. - Thanks a lot.
Vraiment, j'apprécie.
It's very good of you and I want you to know that I really appreciate it.
C'est un très beau geste, que j'apprécie.
I really appreciate it.
Je vous remercie.
I know you came here to help me, and I really appreciate it... and it's really sweet, and it's really not working.
Je sais que t'es venu m'aider et j'apprécie beaucoup... et c'est vraiment gentil et ça ne marche vraiment pas.
Well, thank you. I really appreciate it.
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
I really appreciate it a lot.
J'apprécie vraiment beaucoup.
I really appreciate it.
Je l'apprécie.
I'd really appreciate it if you kept quiet about it, didn't mention it to anybody.
J'apprécierais votre silence, n'en parlez à personne.
I'd really appreciate it.
Je vous en prie.
Flo, I really don't need anybody making speeches for me... so I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me out of your jokes, okay?
Je n'ai pas besoin qu'on me présente au public. Je vous saurais gré de m'exclure de vos blagues.
Now, that's nice of you. I really appreciate that. But it won't be necessary, Lieutenant.
J'apprécie beaucoup mais ce n'est pas nécessaire.
I really appreciate it.
C'est très bien!
Please, I'd really appreciate it.
S'il te plaît, tu serais fort aimable.
I'd really appreciate it.
Merci du fond du cœur.
I'd really appreciate it.
Merci d'avance.
I appreciate it, I really do.
Son geste me touche.
I was really winging it, and I appreciate it.
J'improvisais totalement. Merci encore.
We really appreciate it. Look, I have to go. Hop on that gas.
On l'apprécie vraiment.
If you wouldn't tell him where she is, I'd really appreciate it.
Si vous pouviez ne pas lui dire où elle est ce serait chouette.
And I... I'd really appreciate it...
Et j'apprécierais vraiment...
Thanks. I really don't know why you're doin this, but we sure do appreciate it.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu fais ça, mais on apprécie.
I'd really appreciate it.
Cela me rassurerait.
You've really been a great help, and I appreciate it no end.
Vous avez été d'une grande aide et je l'apprécie énormément.
Someday I hope you'll appreciate how much I really did enjoy it.
J'espère qu'un jour vous comprendrez à quel point j'ai passé un bon moment.
I'd really appreciate it.
Je vous en serais très reconnaissant.
Listen, I'd really appreciate it if you could give me directions back onto the expressway.
Aurais-tu la bonté de m'indiquer la direction de l'autoroute?
Really, I appreciate it, y'all. Okay now.
Je l'apprécie vraiment, tout le monde.
I would really appreciate it if this would be something that you and I could keep between us.
J'apprécierais énormément que vous puissiez garder ça entre nous.
It'll be on your desk tonight, and, sir... I really would appreciate action by the time I return from Fort Baxter.
Il sera sur votre bureau ce soir et j'aimerais avoir une réponse d'ici mon retour de Fort Baxter.
Now, it's really important that I impress these people, so I'd appreciate it if you'd kind of leave me alone with the Brubakers.
Je dois absolument impressionner ces gens, alors je vous demanderais de me laisser tranquille.
Well, I really appreciate that you gave it a try, Sam.
C'est vraiment gentil d'avoir essayé, Sam.
Oh, honey, if it can wait until morning, I'd really appreciate it.
Si ça pouvait attendre demain, j'apprécierais.
Velvet, if you could take me to the bus station... in the morning, I'd really appreciate it.
Velvet, si tu pouvais me déposer demain à l'autocar... ça serait super.
- J'apprécie réellement.
I would really appreciate it.
J'apprécierais vraiment.

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