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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I really appreciate that

I really appreciate that traducir francés

460 traducción paralela
I really appreciate that!
C'est un geste très appréciable!
I really appreciate that!
Je vous en suis reconnaissant.
– I really appreciate that.
- Je te remercie.
Listen, I wanna thank you for taking the time to talk to me, I really appreciate that.
Ecoutez, je tiens à vous remercier d'avoir pris le temps de discuter avec moi.
I really appreciate that, Wilma.
Vraiment, Wilma.
I really appreciate that.
Je suis vraiment touché.
Now, that's nice of you. I really appreciate that. But it won't be necessary, Lieutenant.
J'apprécie beaucoup mais ce n'est pas nécessaire.
Time. I really appreciate that.
C'était le moins que je pouvais faire.
I really appreciate that.
J'apprécie beaucoup.
I really appreciate that.
C'est vraiment sympa.
I really appreciate that.
Je t'en suis reconnaissant.
I really appreciate that coming from you, Mr. Travalian.
Venant de vous, M. Travalian, ca fait chaud au coeur.
Thanks. I really appreciate that.
Merci, Eddie. C'est très gentil.
I really appreciate that.
Je te revaudrai ça.
Hey, thanks for coming down. I really appreciate that.
Merci d'être venu, c'est très gentil.
Well, I really appreciate that you gave it a try, Sam.
C'est vraiment gentil d'avoir essayé, Sam.
- I really appreciate that. I really do. But...
J'apprécie vraiment ça, vraiment.
- I really appreciate that, Bob.
- Merci beaucoup, Bob.
I really appreciate that.
C'est très gentil à vous.
- I really appreciate that. - Come on. Let's go.
Je t'en suis reconnaissant
Thanks, I really appreciate that, but I think I can handle this myself, guys.
Merci, c'est gentil, mais je peux me débrouiller.
- You okay? - I really appreciate that.
Je vous suis reconnaissante.
Thank you, sir. I - I really appreciate that.
Merci, je vous suis très reconnaissant.
I just want you to know that sometimes, you have to feel like you're losing things to really appreciate them
Je veux juste que tu saches que, des fois il faut sentir qu'on peut perdre les choses pour voir qu'on y tient vraiment.
Your eyes really did look sad! I appreciate your comforting words, but you have to clearly point out my flaws for my acting to improve so that I can become a good actor.
Ton regard semblait vraiment triste! Mais tu dois indiquer clairement ​ ​ mes défauts
Now, I appreciate your work, really, that is...
J'apprécie vraiment votre travail...
Probably a symptom of approaching senility, but I must confess that I really don't appreciate this morbid humor.
Peut-être est-ce la sénilité qui me guette, mais je dois avouer que je n'apprécie guère cet humour morbide.
"Oh, really, Sanji! I appreciate that!"
" Merci, Sanji, c'est gentil.
I really appreciate that a lot.
" Pas pour regarder le visage d'Emila
Hey, I'd really appreciate that.
J'apprécierais énormément.
- Oh I'm sure the little bastard will really appreciate that.
- Oh, je suis sûre que ce petit batard sera apprécier ça.
We really appreciate it. Look, I have to go. Hop on that gas.
On l'apprécie vraiment.
Hey, I want you to know that I really appreciate this... Just me and you, no roommates.
Andrea, je voudrais que tu saches que vraiment j'apprécie ce moment, juste toi et moi, sans colocataire.
I really do appreciate all that you'vE been doing to help locate steven.
J'apprécie tout ce que tu fais pour essayer de retrouver Steven.
Well, I really appreciate it That's a real compliment!
Merci infiniment, c'est un vrai compliment.
I really appreciate this now that I'm on a budget.
J'apprécie vraiment, maintenant quej'ai un budget serré.
It's very good of you and I want you to know that I really appreciate it.
C'est un très beau geste, que j'apprécie.
I would really appreciate it if this would be something that you and I could keep between us.
J'apprécierais énormément que vous puissiez garder ça entre nous.
Now, it's really important that I impress these people, so I'd appreciate it if you'd kind of leave me alone with the Brubakers.
Je dois absolument impressionner ces gens, alors je vous demanderais de me laisser tranquille.
Really very supportive, and I appreciate that.
Merci d'avoir joué le jeu. Vous étiez parfait!
Well, I really do appreciate that, Marty.
J'en suis conscient.
I know that you're trying to be helpful, and we all appreciate it, but focusing on other people's problems is really just a way of avoiding your own.
Je sais que tu veux te rendre utile et nous l'apprécions. Mais te concentrer sur les problèmes des autres est vraiment... une façon d'éviter les tiens.
Look, before we get started, I just want to say that I really appreciate what you're doing for me.
Avant ^ de commencer je voulais ^ dire que j'apprécie votre ai ^ de.
There are two words that I really do not appreciate! One is "great," the other "success."
Et s'il y a deux mots que je n'aime pas, c'est bien "grand" et "succès".
And I gotta tell you guys that I really appreciate the hard work and effort that you've given to me, to the coaches and to the Hilltoppers.
Et il faut que je vous dise que j'apprécie vraiment la peine et les efforts que vous avez fournis pour moi, pour les entraîneurs et pour les Hilltoppers.
- I really appreciate you coming. Oh, that's okay.
Merci d'être venue.
I wonder if you appreciate how unique that imagination of yours really is.
Je ne sais pas si vous appréciez pleinement le caractère unique de votre imagination.
Captain... I want you to know that I really appreciate your recommending me.
Capitaine j'ai été très touchée que vous me recommandiez.
Now if you want to hate me for that, fine, but I'd really appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.
Si tu préfères m'en vouloir pour ça, très bien. Mais je ne veux pas l'entendre.
Uh, I appreciate that, Monique, but this is an appointment that I really can't miss.
J'apprécie, Monique, mais c'est un rendez-vous que je ne dois pas manquer.
That was getting pretty ugly. Look, I appreciate your concern for his welfare, but you really shouldn't be hanging around watching over him.
Votre sollicitude me touche mais vous devriez cesser de lui tourner autour.

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