It disappeared traducir francés
1,183 traducción paralela
Since it disappeared in the vicinity of Temple House and reapppeared in the cavern, there had to be a connection.
Disparue près de Temple House, retrouvée dans la caverne... Il devait y avoir un chemin... souterrain.
It disappeared.
Ça s'est dissous!
After the Grail was entrusted to Joseph of Arimathea, it disappeared, and was lost for a thousand years before it was found again by three knights of the First Crusade.
Une fois le Graal confié à Joseph, il disparut et fut retrouvé par trois chevaliers de la première croisade.
It disappeared!
Hiroshima, tu n'existes plus?
It disappeared.
Je ne le vois pas.
- I dropped a grape in the kitchen and it disappeared.
- Pardon? Je l'ai laissé tomber dans la cuisine et il a disparu.
It disappeared.
Il a disparu.
We were in contact with it for five of those days. Then it disappeared without a trace.
Nous avons été en contact pendant cinq jours, puis il a totalement disparu.
I kept that dog, but it disappeared at last
Je gardais ce chien, mais il a disparu
Something was following me, so I chased it around the corner, and then it disappeared into the vent!
Il y avait quelque chose... Je l'ai poursuivi jusqu'ici et il a disparu dans cette bouche d'aération.
Then it just disappeared.
Puis il a tout simplement disparu.
As far as we can tell, it ended about the time she disappeared.
Il semble qu'il s'arrête à sa disparition.
Five years ago there was a rising against the tyrant but it was an empty palace they stormed on Murillo, his secretary, two children and all the wealth had escaped by ship and from that moment they disappeared from the face of the earth.
Il y a cinq ans, le peuple s'est insurgé contre ce tyran, mais c'est un palais vide qu'il a pris d'assaut. Murillo, son secrétaire, ses deux enfants ainsi que toute sa fortune avaient pris la fuite en navire et ont disparu de la surface de la terre.
It seems just to have disappeared.
Il semblerait qu'elle ait disparu.
Some actresses disappeared recently and Micki has the, uh, the hunch that it's something to do with a cursed object.
Des actrices ont disparu récemment et Micki a l'intuition que c'est lié à un objet maudit.
It can't just have disappeared.
Elle n'a pas pu disparaitre comme ça.
She disappeared with a computer disc had enough evidence on it to bury me in court.
Elle a disparu avec une disquette qui me ferait plonger.
- It disappeared, purely and simply.
Il s'est volatilisé.
It's Ania... She disappeared
Ania... s'est perdue.
I'm telling you, there's something wrong here and the professor knew about it and that's why he disappeared.
Je vous dis qu'il se passe quelque chose de bizarre ici... et le professeur le savait et c'est pourquoi il a disparu.
It's like he, he just disappeared.
C'est comme s'il avait disparu.
Excuse to have disappeared, but it was preoccupied by the miniatures.
Désolée de m'être sauvée. Je m'inquiétais.
If he were caught in it, yes, sir it would seem to us like he'd disappeared.
S'il se trouve à l'intérieur, oui. On pourrait croire qu'il a disparu.
Well it was the last thing Major Briggs said to me before he disappeared.
C'est la derniere chose evoquée par le Major Briggs avant sa disparition.
She'll love it. Why are the police searching the chateau? Is it true you two had a fight the day she disappeared?
Vous vous seriez disputés le jour de sa disparition?
It was as if he disappeared.
C'était comme s'il disparaissait.
He came into the joint that night and then just disappeared. That was it.
Il est passé au bar ce soir-là, puis il a disparu.
Thing disappeared right in front of him, and that's only the half of it.
Il a disparu juste devant lui, et c'est seulement la première partie.
Stop it. "... seventeen-year-old girl disappeared from a small town. " OK.
Stop! "Une fille de 17 ans disparaît d'une petite ville."
It came out of the forehold this morning just after we docked and disappeared into the slums.
II est sorti de Ia cale ce matin à Ia mise au quai, et s'est enfoncé dans Ia ville.
Mmm-hmm. For all we know, that star could have disappeared a million years ago, and it's taken the light from it a million years to reach us.
Pour autant qu'on sache, elle peut avoir disparu il y a un million d'années, et sa lumière a mis un million d'années à nous atteindre.
But when she disappeared, I... I just never thought it would happen.
Quand elle a disparu, je n'avais pas envisagé ça.
But it seems to have disappeared.
Mais ça n'a plus l'air d'être le cas.
Michael, it... just disappeared.
Michael, il a... disparu.
You disappeared once before, my friend. I suggest you do it again.
Il faut peut-être recommencer.
Your brother? All these months he's disappeared, haven'tyou reported it?
Mais... ton frère... ça faitdes mois qu'il a disparu et tu ne l'as pas déclaré?
Poverty was eliminated on Earth a long time ago and a lot of other things disappeared with it... hopelessness, despair, cruelty...
La pauvreté a été éliminée sur Terre il y a longtemps et bien d'autres choses ont disparu avec elle. Le désespoir, la cruauté...
Witnesses report the funnel materialized spontaneously, directly over Amanda's home, destroyed it and disappeared.
Des témoins dirent que la tornade se matérialisa spontanément, juste au-dessus de la maison d'Amanda, la détruisit et disparut.
It's been four days now since Travis Walton disappeared without a trace.
Cela fait quatre jours que Travis Walton a disparu sans laisser de trace.
I don't think it bothered her a bit when her father cleaned out the bank accounts and disappeared.
Ça ne l'a pas touchée que son père s'en aille en vidant le compte.
Queen of Purple Dragon is the Holy Lady of Persia's Ming Sect She's disappeared for many years It's believed that she's gone to Persia
La Reine du Dragon Violet a disparu depuis des années.
Jerry Jempson has disappeared, face it, the no-hitter is over.
Jerry Jempson a disparu, admets-le, le match sans coup sûr est terminé.
It just disappeared. It's a ghost car!
C'est une voiture fantôme!
It reached a critical mass point and imploded and then disappeared from normal space.
Elle a atteint un point de masse critique et a implosé, avant de disparaître de l'espace normal.
It... It has disappeared again, sir.
Elle... elle a encore disparu.
- It has disappeared once again, sir.
- Il a encore disparu.
It's no good, the signal's gone. It just disappeared.
C'est inutile, le signal a tout simplement disparu.
If I could see a body, if there were wreckage, I'd accept it, but my mother has just disappeared.
Si je voyais son corps, ou une épave, je l'accepterais, mais ma mère a disparu.
Depuis que Zorbin a disparu il y a trois mois, tu as fait de son grand numéro de magie une plaisanterie.
It has also disappeared.
Disparu, lui aussi.
One day, after several months had passed the deafness disappeared just as mysteriously as it had begun.
Puis, quelques mois plus tard, sa surdité disparut. Tout aussi mystérieusement qu'elle était arrivée.
disappeared 257
it didn't work 351
it didn't matter 54
it didn't hurt 23
it didn't 412
it didn't take 23
it didn't help 17
it didn't make sense 16
it didn't feel right 16
it didn't happen 86
it didn't work 351
it didn't matter 54
it didn't hurt 23
it didn't 412
it didn't take 23
it didn't help 17
it didn't make sense 16
it didn't feel right 16
it didn't happen 86