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It wouldn't hurt traducir francés

455 traducción paralela
If I did, it wouldn't hurt you.
Si je le faisais, ça ferait mal.
It wouldn't hurt you to try and see if you could.
Tu pourrais essayer.
You know, it wouldn't hurt me to rush around a little less, only...
Ça me ferait du bien d'être un peu moins occupée, mais...
It wouldn't hurt to try for a while anyway. I can always quit when I get enough money.
Je pourrais essayer et m'arrêter quand j'aurai assez d'argent.
Looked like it wouldn't hurt him.
Ça ne lui ferait pas de mal.
It wouldn't hurt to try, would it? I could arrange it.
Tu pourrais essayer, je peux arranger ça.
It wouldn't hurt you to take orders from your grasshop your conscience, if you have one.
Ça ne te ferait pas de mal d'obéir à ta saute à ta conscience, si tu en avais une.
But, doc it wouldn't hurt to see what Mrs. Walters can do, would it?
Mais, Docteur... ça ne ferait de mal à personne de voir ce que fait Mme Walters?
Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a few roses on it.
On pourrait peut-être le piquer de quelques roses...
It wouldn't hurt him.
Il n'en serait pas plus mal.
- It wouldn't hurt her much.
- Sans douleur.
Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt nothing.
Je ne pense pas que ce soit dangereux.
You told me it wouldn't hurt.
Vous m'avez dit Que cela ne ferait pas mal
- It wouldn't hurt to check it. You might get your name in the paper.
c'est pas pour une enquêter de plus, Vous pourriez écrire un article.
It wouldn't hurt anything to hear what the guy has to say, would it?
Et alors? rien n'empêche d'écouter ce type?
It wouldn't hurt just to take her along.
- Ça ne fera pas de mal de l'emmener.
I told her it wouldn't hurt.
J'ai pensé qu'elle aurait pas mal.
It wouldn't hurt to give him a position.
Il mérite un petit coup de pouce.
That's too easy, don't you see! It wouldn't hurt.
Elle n'aurait blessé personne.
And it wouldn't hurt you to help me with the trailer.
Et ça ne te ferais pas de mal de m'aider avec la caravane.
He wouldn't say nothing, no matter how much it hurt.
Il ne dira rien... N'est-ce pas?
- No, it wouldn't hurt.
- C'est une bonne idée.
Because it wouldn't hurt to do.
Attachez-le quelque part et entrez.
A little music wouldn't hurt none, would it?
- De la musique, ce serait bien.
It wouldn't have hurt me to come to his church once in a while.
Ca ne m'aurait rien coûté de venir à son église.
It wouldn't hurt you to work inside for once.
Ca te ferait du bien de peindre à l'intérieur.
A bomb would blow him and his records and the barge to kingdom come, yet it wouldn't hurt anyone else.
Une bombe l'enverra lui et ses dossiers au paradis. Sans blesser personne d'autre.
It wouldn't have hurt her to have had some shocking experience when she was little. Something rather nasty she saw in the attic.
Si seulement elle avait eu un choc dans son enfance, une chose affreuse, aperçue dans le grenier.
It wouldn't hurt her to make a decision.
Elle devrait se décider.
It wouldn't hurt you to speak.
On peut parler.
I guess it's dark enough, I can go outside now, it wouldn't hurt my eyes none.
Il fait sombre. Je n'aurai pas mal aux yeux!
Truth is, it wouldn't hurt you to miss a few meals.
Ça te ferait pas de mal, de bouffer un peu de vache enragée.
It wouldn't hurt anybody. Look.
Regarde, rien de méchant!
Sergeant, it wouldn't hurt if... it wouldn't hurt if what? Well, i only meant to suggest, sir, that if perhaps we placed an extra guard in the box with the president... the president has enough guards!
Vous feriez bien de faire attention à juger les situations avec précaution, ou bien vous ferez du surplace dans les 20 années à venir.
It wouldn't hurt to assume at times... a desire for peace from the communists.
Admettons que le monde communiste aspire à la paix.
It wouldn't have hurt you... ... to have found out what the gentleman wanted.
Ca ne t'aurait pas fait de mal de savoir ce que ce monsieur voulait.
It wouldn't hurt, huh?
Ça ne fait pas mal, hein?
It wouldn't hurt to be polite to each other.
Nous ne perdrions rien à être aimables.
It wouldn't hurt you heathens none to come in, too.
Ça te ferait pas de mal de venir aussi.
If other mothers realised how seriously a child could be hurt out there they wouldn't permit it either.
Si les autres mères savaient à quel point ce jeu est dangereux, - elles seraient d'accord avec moi.
It wouldn't hurt me if it is.
Ça ne me ferait aucun mal.
It wouldn't hurt us if a congressman or a senator saw how effectively we can work when we have to.
Ainsi des parlementaires... jugeraient de notre efficacité.
- It wouldn't hurt!
- Ce n'est pas dommage!
_ It wouldn't hurt to ask.
- Ça ne coûte rien.
_ It wouldn't hurt to hear it.
- Allez-y toujours.
Wouldn't hurt if I took my hat off, would it?
Je peux enlever mon chapeau?
I was very young. I thought it wouldn't hurt us to wait.
J'étais jeune, je croyais que ça ne nous ferait pas de mal d'attendre.
It wouldn't hurt to take some yourself.
Vous êtes malade aussi.
But if you took it out, wouldn't it hurt?
Ce sera sans douleur?
It wouldn't hurt to dicker a little.
Il est temps de marchander.
It wouldn't hurt you. It'd just make you friendly.
Ça vous aurait juste rendue gentille.

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