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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ K ] / Keep it that way

Keep it that way traducir francés

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- Well, keep it that way.
- Ne me le gâche pas.
Keep it that way the rest of the number.
Que ça reste comme ça tout du long.
I always keep it that way.
- Comme toujours.
This parish always has been above the fever line. They aim to keep it that way.
Cette région est tenue en dehors de la zone contagieuse.
We're going to keep it that way, huh?
On va le garder ainsi, hein?
Let's keep it that way, huh?
Tenons-nous-en à ca.
You see that you keep it that way, especially at the house.
Il doit toujours en être ainsi. Surtout dans la maison.
Look, miss, we hardly know each other, so suppose we keep it that way.
Nous ne nous connaissons guère, restons-en là.
Waiter, fill up your tray keep it that way
Garçon, remplis ton plateau et continue ainsi
Let's keep it that way for just a little while longer.
Restons-en là, un peu plus longtemps.
That he wants me to help him keep it that way.
Qu'il veut que je l'aide À ce que cela continue
Understand? We're the only ward that has a rug. It's clean, and we mean to keep it that way.
C'est le seul tapis de l'hôpital, il doit rester propre.
I'd like to keep it that way.
J'aimerais que ça reste ainsi.
We aim to keep it that way.
C'est notre but.
Let's keep it that way.
Ca me convient.
To me, you're a face and a number, and let's keep it that way.
Tu es qu'une gueule et un numéro.
But to keep it that way, you gotta keep me.
Mais pour continuer, il faut que tu me gardes
We'll keep it that way.
Restons-en là.
Say, Marty... now that you got all this stuff straightened out... who's gonna keep it that way?
Dites, Marty, maintenant que vous avez remis un peu d'ordre, qui va continuer à le faire?
- Twice. Nobody knows that except the killer, your husband, and now you. So, let's keep it that way.
Le tueur, votre mari et vous êtes les seuls à savoir.
We'll keep it that way.
Que ça reste ainsi.
Okay, keep it that way.
Bien, continuez ainsi.
Keep it that way, stick a pin in it
Please.It has been such a delightful breakfast, Miss Hudson let us keep it that way
Je vous en prie. Le déjeuner fut merveilleux. Continuons ainsi.
Keep it that way. It's wonderful. Doubles the applause.
Ça relance les applaudissements.
Let's keep it that way.
Continuez, alors.
I want you to keep it that way.
Je veux que tu restes comme ça.
Let's keep it that way.
C'est mieux ainsi.
Keep it that way.
Sans rien changer.
I'm showing you the targets but you'll be the only man in the squadron who knows, so... keep it that way.
Je vous montre les cibles mais vous serez le seul homme dans l'escadron à savoir, alors... que cela reste ainsi.
We are friends. I'm going to keep it that way.
Nous sommes bons amis.
You just keep it that way,'cause I'm gonna talk about my girl all night long.
Continuez de m'écouter... parce que je vais parler de mon amour toute la nuit.
I want to keep it that way.
Je veux qu'elle reste dans cet état.
I aim to keep it that way. You're ticking in your head to bait me.
Restons-le, mais arrêtez de me provoquer.
- I wanna keep it that way.
Mais j'aimerais que ça continue.
Let's keep it that way.
Tenons-nous en à ça.
Then, keep it that Way until you leave, I beg you.
Je vous en prie, jouez ce jeu jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'en aille.
Let's keep it that way, shall we?
Eh bien, continuez.
Let's keep it that way.
Que ça ne change pas.
Once the door's open, you can keep it that way.
De cette façon, impossible de rester enfermé.
And I intend to keep it that way.
Et j'ai l'intention qu'elles le restent.
But you, you just couldn't keep it that way!
Mais ce n'était pas suffisant pour toi.
Keep it that way.
Et j'entends que cela dure.
I've got to keep that marriage story alive, Charlie. It's the only way I can stop lin from marrying Montgomery.
Cette histoire de mariage peut empêcher Linda d'épouser Jim.
That's why we keep a lookout part way through to tell us when it clears.
On a un veilleur qui nous dit quand ça s'éclaircit.
That's why you wanted me out of the way yesterday at the inn. Pretended you loved me, tried to keep me overnight so you could... it's a lie, that's all.
C'est pour ça que tu voulais m'éloigner à l'auberge, que tu faisais semblant de m'aimer pour...
That's the way it is always... get a job and give him a little money to keep his mouth shut.
C'est toujours comme ça - travailler et lui filer du fric pour qu'il la ferme.
- It's best that you keep out of his way.
- Mais évitez-le.
It's easy to be that way if you've nothing to keep you home.
C'est facile d'agir ainsi, quand rien ne vous retient à la maison.
Keep playing that way, you get so you can't bring it up where it belongs.
Je plaçais l'embouchure trop bas sur la lèvre inférieure.
♫ I keep wishing it could be that way ♫
Se pourrait-il Que je puisse un jour

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