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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ K ] / Khao

Khao traducir francés

68 traducción paralela
Khao, my old friend. Nice to see you.
Khao, cher ami, ravi de vous voir.
Yes. Khao, I suggest we step inside.
Khao, je vous propose d'aller à intérieur.
You buy me back from Khao and finance my trip to the Lost City. Carrie Newton.
Me racheter à Khao et financer...
Khao, my old friend, I just realized I owed you some money.
Khao, mon ami! Au fait, je vous dois de l'argent.
Yeah. He cut his wrists open in a hotel room on the Khao San Road.
Il s'est ouvert les veines dans un hôtel sur la Khao San Road.
He come from the village Khao Nang Buad.
Il vient du village "Khao Nang Buad".
I never thought, you would leave Khao Nang Buad.
Je ne pensais pas qu'un jour, je quitterais Khao Nang Buad.
Is the temple here as good as the one in Khao Nang Buad?
Est-ce que ce temple est aussi bien que celui de Khao Nang Buad?
Lamai, this is my brother, Khao.
Lamai, mon frère. Je te présente Khao.
This is Khao and his gang.
C'est Khao et sa bande.
Khao's my friend and I assure you that he can be trusted.
Khao est mon ami. Je réponds de lui.
Khao's in charge of this heist.
C'est Khao qui commande.
We wanted to get drunk before going to town to party. Lamai asked Khao...
On a bu des coups au village de Sak, à Lopburi, et Lamai a demandé à Khao...
This means that Khao is the boss, right?
Alors ce Khao est le chef.
You're Phairin Samoechan. Khao's wife.
Vous êtes Pairin Smerjan, la femme du bandit Khao.
But the other monks might know Khao.
Mais les autres moines peuvent connaître le bandit Khao.
Novice monk, did you plunder with Khao?
Moine novice, avez-vous aidé Khao?
Were you in the same class as Khao?
Etiez-vous dans la même classe que Khao?
Khao, the police worked their way up to Yong.
Khao, les flics sont remontés jusqu'à Yong.
How would I know where that bandit Khao is?
Comment pourrais-je savoir où est le bandit Khao?
What about Khao?
Et Khao?
Khao lives in Ayuthaya.
Khao était à Ayuthaya.
Khao and Baen, you two go first.
Khao, Ban, partez devant.
Khao, why is it so quiet?
Khao, pourquoi c'est si calme?
Do you want to bargain with me? When I told you to get rid of Khao after the robbery, you didn't even managed to do that!
T'as même pas été foutu d'éliminer Khao et sa bande après le pillage comme je te l'avais demandé!
Khao, come on out!
Khao! Montre-toi!
The person who really betrayed you wasn't Khao.
Khao ne t'a pas trahi.
Even your friend Khao informed on you.
Même ton pote Khao t'a balancé.
Where's Khao?
Où est Khao?
So you thought you knew me well, Khao?
Tu croyais bien me connaître, Khao?
I didn't have a choice, Khao.
Je n'ai pas le choix, Khao.
Khao Lak?
Khao Lak?
Khao Lak! Were you on the boat?
Vous étiez sur le bateau?
I left her holding a tree in Khao Lak.
Je l'ai laissée accrochée à un arbre à Khao Lak.
In Khao Lak? Oasis Hotel, Khao Lak.
L'Oasis Hotel à Khao Lak.
It's Khao Lak!
C'est Khao Lak!
He was staying at the Khao Lak Oasis.
Il séjournait au Khao Lak Oasis.
- Khao Lak looks very bad.
- Khao Lak est en très mauvais état.
Khao Lak is over an hour away.
Khao Lak est à une heure d'ici.
At Khao Lak Oasis, the occupancy was around 300.
Au Khao Lak Oasis, il y avait 300 personnes.
I had to leave him just north of Khao Lak.
J'ai dû le quitter juste au nord de Khao Lak.
The Swedish father of three last saw his youngest son being carried away after the giant wave devastated the bay at Khao Lak on Boxing Day.
Ce père suédois de trois enfants avait vu son fils pour la dernière fois alors qu'il était emporté par l'énorme vague qui dévasta la baie de Khao Lak le lendemain de Noël.
They're... they're clearing land in Khao Lak.
Ils dégagent des terrains à Khao Lak.
I was up in Khao Lak just after it happened, and I saw things... I hope I never see again.
Je suis allé à Khao Lak juste après le tsunami, et j'ai vu des choses... que j'espère ne jamais revoir.
I was in this village today just beyond Khao Lak.
J'étais dans un village aujourd'hui, au-delà de Khao Lak.
Where my good friend Mr. Khao will take care of you.
Mon bon ami, M. Khao, s'occupera de toi.
Khao here was saying he's going to make sure you catch the boat that comes here from the States next month. Dobbsy...
le mois prochain.
Now, as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by Mr. Khao, who doesn't know his armpit from his elbow...
Comme je le disais, juste avant
- Khao Lak.
- A Khao Lak.

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