Laugh all you want traducir francés
81 traducción paralela
You can laugh all you want, but... We have been married for two years and I haven't...
Tu riras sans doute, mais depuis 2 ans que nous sommes mariés,
Laugh all you want, but it was a close call.
Je l'ai échappé belle. C'est un maladroit.
Just laugh people, laugh all you want...
Riez tant que vous voulez, mes frères. Riez tout votre content. Rire n'aidera pas ce jeune homme.
Go ahead, laugh all you want, but he was there, and I was there, and he is very real.
Allez-y, riez tant que vous voulez, mais il était là, et j'étais là et il est très réel.
You know what? Ha, ha, ha, Mike. Laugh all you want.
T'es un rigolo, Mike.
Laugh all you want.
Vous pouvez rire.
Laugh all you want. I'm the one who's gonna be on TV, looking all buff.
Mais moi, je vais passer à la télé, je serai une vedette.
Laugh all you want.
Ris tant que tu veux.
Laugh all you want, but my mom couldn't do it, and neither can I.
Rigoles tant que tu veux, mais ma mère n'a pas pu y arriver, et moi non plus.
Go ahead, laugh. Laugh all you want.
Allez-y, riez.
Laugh all you want, but she left me a message saying she'd like to go out again.
Rigole, mais elle m'a laissé un message pour qu'on remette ça.
Laugh all you want, but in 10 minutes we'll have younger-looking skin.
Rigole! Dans 10 mn, on aura une peau visiblement rajeunie.
Yeah yeah. you know what? Laugh all you want.'cause I'm done.
C'est ça, riez tout votre saoul, parce que j'arrête tout.
You can laugh all you want When you see my present... you will be gaping!
Quand vous verrez mon cadeau vous resterez bouche bée!
It was just like, "Whatever, man. " Laugh all you want, redneck, I'm on my way to your girlfriend's house. "
Et moi, "Rigole toujours, trouduc, ta nana m'attend!"
Laugh all you want but all I see is a guy who doesn't have to go out of bed to go to the bathroom...
Très bien. Riez si ça vous chante.
- Laugh all you want, but...
Ça va?
Go ahead, laugh all you want.
- Vas-y, ris tant que tu veux!
Laugh all you want. But I got the next five years oftrees lined up.
Riez, mais j'ai ma rangée de sapins pour les 5 ans à venir.
Laugh all you want, Sam, but you're the target demo.
Marre-toi autant que tu veux, Sam, mais tu fais partie du public visé.
Okay, well, laugh all you want you genius, but there's a new sheriff in town and there's big Ed... interference.
OK, rigole tant que tu veux, gros malin, mais il y a un nouveau boss et Ed n'est plus là pour te sauver.
Go ahead and laugh all you want.
Rigole tant que tu veux.
You laugh all you want. Yeah. Ah-ha.
Allez-y, marrez-vous.
All right, laugh all you want, but this is my lucky St. Patty's Day suit.
Riez si vous le voulez, mais c'est mon complet chanceux de la Saint-Patrick. Ouais.
Fine, laugh all you want.I just thought maybe you couldtalk to nate for me.
Très bien, rie autant que tu veux. Je pensais juste que peut être tu pourrais parler à Nate.
Laugh all you want, but that psychic's put 22 perps behind bars.
Marre-toi tant que tu veux, mais ce medium a mis, 22 perpètes derrière les barreaux.
Laugh all you want but I'm still getting that job.
Rigole tant que tu veut mais je veut toujours ce job.
You can laugh all you want, but I was up to my knees in that shit, and here I am.
Vous pouvez rire, mais j'étais dans cette merde jusqu'au cou et je suis encore là.
Laugh all you want. You mark my word, Tess Mercer - -
Riez tant que vous voulez, mais retenez ceci.
You know, laugh all you want, but growing up in this family where it's all about family, I was always scared that I was gonna be the only one never to have that.
Moquez-vous, mais en grandissant dans cette famille, où tout tourne autour de la famille, j'avais peur d'être le seul à ne pas en avoir.
Well, you can laugh all you want, but the man is a legend.
Eh bien, tu peux rire autant que tu veux, mais cet homme est une légende.
Laugh all you want, they're not for sale.
Vous pouvez rire, je ne les vends pas.
Laugh all you want, but I think Ethel and I really have something.
allez-y. on se comprend.
Laugh all you want while you can.
Riez tant que vous voulez pendant que vous pouvez.
Oh, laugh, laugh, laugh all you want.
Allez-y, marrez-vous.
You weren't funny at all. I just want to laugh.
Non, j'ai juste envie de rire.
You can do all the whining and explaining you want, and I'll just laugh in your face.
Tu auras beau gémir et dire... ce que tu voudras après, je te rirai au nez.
- All I want you to do is laugh.
Je veux juste que tu ries.
All I want you to do is laugh.
Ris, c'est tout.
You can mock and laugh at them all you want, but all I can do is hide.
Tu peux railler et rire d'eux autant que tu veux mais moi je ne peux que me cacher
Laugh all you want.
I got a fake laugh with your name all over it. Now I want you to meet my mother-in-law, Sylvia Walker.
Tu t'en es bien remis quand les gosses t'appelaient "Harceleur de Culs Truman".
You can laugh at me all you want, but I am serious.
Riez tant que vous voulez, mais je suis sérieuse.
- Laugh all you want,
Ris tant que tu veux.
You know what? Laugh all you want.
Tu sais quoi?
All she wants to do is talk and cry and laugh and look at pictures, and all you want to do is climb into your own darkness by yourself.
Tout ce qu'elle veut, c'est parler, pleurer, rire et regarder des photos, et toi, tu préfères t'enfermer ta douleur.
Now dance with Taani all you want get to know her better, make her laugh give her heaps of happiness so that she forgets all her pain and becomes your fun-Ioving Taani forever.
Maintenant, danse autant que tu veux avec Taani apprends à la connaître, fais la rire apporte-lui du bonheur afin qu'elle oublie toute sa douleur et fasse qu'elle soit heureuse pour toujours.
You look scared a few times, smile so girls want to fuck you and then laugh your way all the way to the next Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Parfois l'air apeuré, des sourires pour les faire fantasmer, et t'es dans la course pour le prochain Spielberg.
All right, well, laugh if you want.
Riez si vous voulez.
Laugh all you want.
Laugh at me, all you want...
Moque-toi autant que tu veux.
all you want 32
you want some tea 39
you want me to come 17
you want to see me 30
you want to talk to me 36
you want to die 96
you want something 175
you want some 400
you want to play 93
you want to kill me 68
you want some tea 39
you want me to come 17
you want to see me 30
you want to talk to me 36
you want to die 96
you want something 175
you want some 400
you want to play 93
you want to kill me 68
you want it 343
you want more 86
you want me to stop 34
you want me to leave 56
you want some of this 80
you want to go home 38
you want me to help you 28
you want me to do it 47
you want something to drink 85
you want to go there 27
you want more 86
you want me to stop 34
you want me to leave 56
you want some of this 80
you want to go home 38
you want me to help you 28
you want me to do it 47
you want something to drink 85
you want to go there 27