Look at you all traducir francés
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Look at you all shot up because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
Il t'a tiré dedans parce que je n'ai pas pu me la fermer.
Go on, get out, get out of my life and let me sleep at night please,'cause you don't really love me you just keep me hanging on on, on, on... all right, everybody, take five. we would just like to say that although we find ourselves on opposite sides, we hope you enjoy our number and we look forward to seeing yours...
Cinq minutes de pause.
( crying stops ) huh, look at that... well, you're a miracle worker, Alan oh no...
And when he died... all he left us was alone. Regardez. T'es un faiseur de miracles.
{ Look, } Michael, when we all calm down here, maybe at some point in the future, you change your mind, why don't you give give me a call?
Michael, on va tous se calmer, et peut-être que plus tard, vous changerez d'avis, n'hésitez pas à m'appeler.
Oh. Look at you. You're all clean.
Regarde-toi, tout propre.
If she gave you any look at all, it was a "you suck" look.
Son regard te disait plutôt "t'es nul".
when i look at you, that is all i see, just so you know.
Quand je te regarde, c'est tout ce que je vois.
Do you mind if I take a look at the purse? Not at all.
- Je peux voir dans votre sac?
Look at them. Are you all right?
- regarde-les.
Look at all this work you're doing just to have me around again.
Regarde tous tes efforts pour que je traîne à nouveau avec toi.
Oh, hey, oh, look at you all over the place.
Regardez comme c'est rempli!
Forget where my office is, Coop, the one with all the marital aids - and books you sneak in to look at during lunch? - No, I was just...
Tu as oublié mon bureau et les bibelots que tu mates en cachette?
Okay, let's talk about what I mean by "proof", because when I use that word, I mean some physical evidence that we can all look at, you know, and go, "ahh!".
OK, parlons de ce que j'appelle des "preuves" car quand j'utilise ce mot, je parle de preuves matérielles que l'on peut voir, tu sais, et dire, "ah"!
Well, look at you, using your powers, being all superhero.
Ouais, regardez vous, utiliser vos super pouvoirs, vous prendre pour des héros.
Well, look at you, using your powers, being all superhero.
Ouais, regardez vous, à utiliser vos pouvoirs, être tous des supers héros.
Well, look at you, using your powers, being all superhero.
Regarde-toi, t'utilises tes pouvoirs, tu joues au super-héros.
Well, look at you. Doing things all out of order.
Regarde-toi, tout faire dans le désordre.
If you look also at the people that Obama has put on his appointments list, it's all Wall Street.
Les gens qu'Obama a promis de nommer, ils sont tous de Wall Street.
You were all different, and look at him today.
Vous étiez tous différents, et regarde-le aujourd'hui.
Look, if there's anything you need at all...
Si je peux faire quelque chose...
All the books also say that you should be married with 2.2 kids and look at your life.
J'ai lu que tu devrais être mariée et avoir 2,2 enfants. Tu t'es vue?
Look at all the stories you could be doing here.
Vous avez ici une mine de sujets.
You look at me like there's something wrong with me all the time.
Tu me regardes comme si je n'allais pas bien. Tout le temps.
No one's connected you to your father yet, so maybe you didn't know what was going on, but when I look at you, all I see is guilt.
Mais quand je vous regarde, je vous vois coupable. Vous avez tort.
As I look at you right now I see a grown woman who has seen all the magic in the world come true tonight.
Mais maintenant... je vois une femme qui a vu toute la magie du monde devenir réalité ce soir.
You know, every time I look at that, all I think about is everything football meant to me and my family and especially my old man.
Chaque fois que je regarde ça, je pense à... tout ce que le football signifiait pour moi, ma famille, et surtout mon père.
You look at the extended outlook and you see all these flakes, but they're only going to be scattered light snow showers, so most of our accumulations will be tonight and a little bit more tomorrow.
Du côté des prévisions à long terme, on aperçoit des masses de nuages qui se dirigent vers les Grands Lacs, mais qui ne devraient pas causer de pluie. Donc la plupart des précipitations auront lieu ce soir...
All the places we've been to, you never look at women.
Partout où on est allés, tu n'as jamais regardé les femmes.
Look at you, all grown-up.
Te voilà adulte.
God damn, would you look at all the gators around here?
Bon Dieu! Regardez tous ces alligators!
L-Look at you two, all back from Saint Croix.
Regardez-vous, tous les deux, de retour de Sainte-Croix.
Now before I sign the paperwork that will save the city why don't you all take a look at my first campaign ad for governor?
Avant que je ne signe le contrat qui sauvera notre ville, que diriez-vous de visionner mon nouveau spot publicitaire?
You know, all life came from the sea. I mean, look at us.
- Tu sais... toute la vie a commencé dans l'océan, je veux dire regarde nous!
Look at all you ants.
Regardez ces fourmis.
We didn't have The Gallery in order to look into your souls. We had The Gallery to see if you had souls at all. Do you understand?
Nous n'avions pas la Galerie pour étudier vos âmes, Vous comprenez?
- Look at all you... - Dude!
Ici aussi, il y a du sable.
You're the heartbeat of this place, always have been. Rita, look at me, all at sixes and sevens.
Rita, regarde-moi je suis très tendue
I couldn't let you look at it, that's all.
Je voulais t'épargner ça.
I don't know Phillip sometimes, sometimes you just look at everything and it's all just different.
Parfois... parfois tu regardes les choses et tout est simplement différent. Tu vois?
[Music Playing] I'm crumbling.
"I just look at you" "Baby, that s all" "l'm crumbling"
You know, look at earthquakes and floods, and-and tornadoes, and all the bad shit that happens- - why don't you think that we're a part of all of that too?
C'est vrai, regardez les inondations, les tremblements de terre et et les tornades et toutes les autres saloperies qui nous tombent dessus. Pourquoi on ne serait pas un peu responsable de tout ça, aussi?
Look at you, all pressed and pretty.
Regarde toi, débordée et mignonne.
Look, if you care at all about Vicki's cell phone... you'll stay away.
Si le cellulaire de Vicki te tient à cœur, ne t'en mêle pas.
See how they all look at you?
Regarde comme ils te regardent tous?
But if you look around at all these people taking their lives for granted, eventually they all found something positive from their experience.
Mais si vous regardez autour de tous ces gens prendre leur vie pour acquis, Finalement ils ont tous trouvé quelque chose de positif de leur expérience.
Go get him, Bobby. Look at you, sitting all nice and pretty for me. Tell you what.
Bobby! sagement assis à m'attendre. t'auras pas une chance sur le ring.
I mean, if you got it all with you... you gotta let me take a look at the whole pile.
Si tu as tout avec toi, tu dois me laisser jeter un oeil à toute la pile.
All you have to do is look at pictures of her... in her performance in Master Class in 1996.
Regarde les photos d'elle lors de son spectacle aux Master Class de 1996.
"prime focus" will take its cameras behind the curtains As I am healed by the visitor doctors, Giving all of you a firsthand look at their miracle cures.
"Prime Focus" va vous montrer ce qu'aucune autre caméra a filmé, alors que je suis traité par les médecins V, vous donnant un aperçu de ces remèdes miraculeux.
Look at all you have.
Regarde tout ce que tu as.
Yeah. You know, here I am trying to make you feel like you don't have to take care of people all the time, and look at you right now.
Je voulais que tu réalises que tu n'as pas à t'occuper des autres constamment, et regarde-toi.
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
look at us 558
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at them 596
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at this picture 28
look at you go 18
look at this view 22
look at the bright side 75
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66
look at them 596
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at this picture 28
look at you go 18
look at this view 22
look at the bright side 75
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66