Lots of them traducir francés
568 traducción paralela
Well. Lots of them should have been from what I read in the papers.
Beaucoup l'auraient mérité à ce que j'ai lu dans les journaux.
You tell Fleming I want lots of them.
Dis à Fleming que j'en veux des tas.
Oh, lots of them.
We need those men. Lots of them. I know.
On a besoin de ces hommes.
- I can get snakes, lots of them.
- J'en trouverai des tas.
I learned lots of them.
J'en ai appris plein.
We don't need it. We've got lots of them.
Nous en avons tant!
I printed lots of them.
- J'en ai imprimé plein.
Anyway, I want you to have some x-rays taken, lots of them.
Nous allons faire beaucoup de radios.
- Buy her some dresses, lots of them.
- Achète-lui beaucoup de robes.
Lots of them do.
Beaucoup le deviennent.
Another and another and another. Lots of them.
Vous pourriez placer tous vos articles!
It's probably a Czech or a Pole. There are lots of them here.
Ce pourrait être un réfugié tchèque ou polonais.
Dig holes, lots of them, revetments for our planes, shelter trenches.
Creusez beaucoup de trous... des revêtements pour nos avions, des tranchées.
Oh, of course. I've lots of them.
Bien sûr, j'en ai plein.
Lots of them have copies of the Gazette with them.
Beaucoup ont un numéro de la Gazette avec eux. Oui.
I ´ ve got plans, too, lots of them.
J " ai aussi des tas de projets, des tonnes.
They're young, too, lots of them.
Lls sont jeunes, eux aussi, pour la plupart.
What I heard is that they ask God to kill them, but He doesn't listen to them, that's why there are lots of them in good health.
J'ai entendu dire qu'iIs demandent à Dieu de Ies tuer, mais comme Dieu ne les écoutent pas, iI y en a plein qui se baladent en pleine forme.
♪'Cause lots of them been traveling for quite a spell ♪
Vu qu'ils en ont tous plein le dos
African daisies and yellow roses, lots of them.
Pâquerettes d'Afrique et roses jaunes, en quantité.
Lots of them haven't all their marbles.
Il y en a beaucoup qui ont perdu la boule.
There's lots of them there... but they're all sayonara.
Il y en a plein. Tous sayonara.
Lots of them.
Tant de cachets!
You are to write and lots of them.
Ils recevront des lettres, des tas de lettres.
- Lots of them.
- Des tas.
- Sure, lots of them.
- Oui, plein.
Our "Morning in Kyeongseong" and here Mr.Kang Hyun Min, no, from now on, Kim Woo Jin ( the role's name ), you will give lots of love to them, right?
Notre " Un Matin de Kyeongseong Vous leur donnerez beaucoup d'amour pas vrai?
- L'll give you lots of them if you call me dad.
Vous en aurez tant que vous voudrez si vous m'appelez Papa.
I've played in lots of competitions, but I never saw you at any of them.
J'en ai fait plus de dix de parties de championnat, et je n'y ai jamais vu une figure comme la tienne.
But we've had lots of them.
Mais on en a bu plein.
Without personalities, you haven't got a chance. I'll have personalities, all right, lots of them.
Mais des vedettes j'en ai.
I've picked up lots of girls on the road, but none of them ever was like you.
On n'en voit pas tous les jours.
You take lots of girls and you make them sleep in a hog sty all night and then don't tell them where their breakfast was coming from - they wouldn't take it lying down.
Essayez de faire dormir une autre fille dans une porcherie sans qu'elle sache si elle petit-déjeunera le lendemain matin, vous verrez si elle acceptera.
Father's had lots of offers to sell them, but he never would.
On en a offert des sommes folles à papa...
There's lots of yellow stones in the river. Tarzan says he doesn't want them.
Il y a beaucoup d'or dans la rivière, et Tarzan ne le veut pas.
During the war, I had lots of dreams, and I thought about them a Iot, but never told you.
Pendant la guerre, j'ai fait des projets. Longtemps ça m'a travaillé, sans que je te dise rien.
Lots of soldiers. No good dancers among them?
Il y a des soldats qui dansent bien?
Lots of them have.
Tell them to eat lots of greens if they can get them.
Dis-leur de manger des légumes s'ils en trouvent.
I've had lots of chances and let them slip.
J'ai laissé passer de nombreuses chances.
Why don't you bring them here? We got plenty to eat. Lots of room.
Pourquoi ne pas les avoir invités ici, on a tout ce qu'il faut!
They're all the same to you. But lots of men can tell them apart.
Il y a des hommes pour qui toutes les femmes ne sont pas identiques.
My friend, according to the boys, all takes are easy but as a lawyer, I make lots of money getting them out of jail.
Les gars disent toujours ça. Comme avocat, j'ai fait fortune en les défendant!
Lots of things I meant to say, should've said them last night.
J'aurais dû te dire certaines choses hier.
- What do you mean? There were lots of pretty girls around, and he didn't even look at them.
Il y avait plein de jolies filles et il ne les a même pas regardées.
I've taught them lots of tricks you see
Je leur ai appris mille tours
Interesting. I get lots of ideas in my dreams, then I wake up and forget them.
En rêve, j'ai de merveilleuses idées, mais je les oublie.
- Oh. Lots of hot coffee and scrambled eggs with chives, the way I like them.
Plein de café et d'œufs brouillés avec de la ciboulette, comme je les aime.
Gorilla. Lots of them.
Des gorilles... en quantité...
More money in your stores. Lots of jobs for some of you, if you want them.
Ça fait marcher le commerce et bosser ceux qui veulent.
lots of love 47
lots of things 77
lots of people 60
lots of times 48
lots of 23
lots of money 54
lots of stuff 21
lots of reasons 16
lots of it 103
lots of blood 19
lots of things 77
lots of people 60
lots of times 48
lots of 23
lots of money 54
lots of stuff 21
lots of reasons 16
lots of it 103
lots of blood 19
lots of luck 17
lots of' em 19
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
lots of' em 19
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20