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Ogre traducir francés

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I feel sorry for that poor boy, shut up alone with such an ogre for a grandfather.
Je plains le petit-fils, tout seul... avec ce vieux croque-mitaine!
He eats like a horse, doesn't he?
Il doit manger comme un ogre.
One thing about these proposals, they give Fanny a whale of an appetite.
Ces demandes en mariage donnent un appétit d'ogre à Fanny.
- Is he an ogre?
- C'est un ogre?
Her sister, who was very the same as she is, was eaten by an ogre.
Sa propre sœur, exactement la même, un sosie, a été mangée par un ogre. Il s'est empoisonné.
Come, come, I'm not a monster you know.
Hélà, hélà... Ne me prenez pas pour un ogre.
I wouldn't want him to think I was on ogre that makes beautiful women cry into their soup.
Je ne voudrais pas faire pleurer les jolies femmes.
I'm not really such an ogre.
Je ne suis pas l'ogre que vous pensez.
- Uh-oh. Here comes the ogre.
- Voici venir "l'Ogre".
- Ogre?
- L'ogre?
- Ogre's my nickname for Pops. - Oh, your father.
Je veux dire, mon père.
You know, " Fee, fie, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman.
"Ha, ha!" dit l'Ogre. "Je sens la chair fraîche!"
And that's an ogre, huh? Some kind of a bogeyman.
Un vrai croquemitaine...
I'll phone you as soon as I get away from the ogre.
Je vous appellerai.
- Anyway, where's the ogre?
- Où est l'ogre?
But of course the ogre wouldn't let me, so I'm off to Spain to wait for him there.
Mais l'ogre n'a pas voulu.
Hey, Hopalong.
Oui, oui, mon petit ogre.
You'd better hurry. The ogre's furious. Who knows what you've done now.
Il est fou furieux, j'ignore ce que tu lui as fait.
O Knight, we've been sold to a cannibal.
Chevalier, chevalier, nous avons été vendus à l'ogre.
And don't let that ogre in there frighten you.
- J'essaierai. Ne laissez pas cet ogre vous faire peur.
Do join us, Lady Mary. I'm not quite the ogre I appear.
Joignez-vous à nous, je ne suis pas l'ogre dont j'ai l'air.
I can always eat. You wouldn't know it, but I eat like a horse.
Tu sais, j'ai un appétit d'ogre.
- Who was talking to you? I just thought the "Duce" had already eaten for everyone.
Non, je croyais juste que le grand ogre avait dévoré la part de tous.
With this in hand, I'll be as strong as an ogre with an iron club.
Avec la bénédiction de l'Intendant!
Oh, she has an enormous appetite!
BARBARA : Oh, elle a un appétit d'ogre!
- Don't be frightened of me. I ain't a wolf, you know.
Je suis pas un ogre, voyons.
I'm not really an ogre, Mrs Spalding.
Je ne suis pas un monstre.
- Come on, he's not an ogre, your father.
Allons, c'est tout de même pas un ogre, ton père.
- You're not an uncle. You're an ogre.
- Vous êtes un monstre.
It's kind of eerie, it's like being in the house of an ogre.
C'est sinistre, on se croirait dans la maison d'un ogre.
Come on. He always ate like a horse, never put on an ounce.
Il a toujours mangé comme un ogre sans prendre un gramme.
But I f ooled him. - What happened, boy? - The ogre tried to eat me.
L'ogre "Curupira" a voulu me manger, madame.
I have a good appetite, I had a good walk today.
J'ai une faim d'ogre, j'ai tellement marché aujourd'hui
You're an ogre, just like my father.
Tu es un ogre, comme mon père.
And devil take the ogre... to St. Helena.
Le diable a emporté l'Ogre à Sainte-Hélène.
So tell us. what fate would you choose for the ogre?
Dites-nous quel sort vous choisiriez pour l'Ogre.
The ogre...
Le monstre...
The ogre is leaving.
Le monstre s'en va.
I said, "I'm sure he's eating because Gianluigi is a big eater."
"ll mange sûrement " parce que Gianluigi, c'est un ogre! "
I really did believe that the ogre would never get out of the dungeon.
J'ai vraiment cru que l'ogre ne sortirait jamais du donjon.
He shouts like an ogre.
- Il parle comme l'ogre.
Me? An ogre?
Pour moi, un ogre?
How hungry are you? Hungry-Man or normal?
Tu as une faim d'ogre ou d'homme normal?
You don't want to get married with the nagging thought "Maybe I should have. " After all he wasn't such an ogre.
Une fois mariée, vous serez tiraillée par le doute.
At this critical point in their relationship... the ogre decided to talk to the little girl.
- A ce point aigu de leur relation, .. l'Oeil décida de parler à la petite fille. Il lui demanda :
But don't worry about her. She whistles like a bird and eats like a horse.
Mais elle siffle comme un merle et mange comme un ogre.
Une faim d'ogre!
The ogre!
Le "Curupira"!
and figure "B" is engaged to figure "D"?
Il faudra amidonner son slip pour qu'il reste debout, mais ça ira. C'est un petit-déjeuner d'ogre!
But figure "A" can't keep his hands off of figure "B," because she's got such a great figure.
- D'ogre? Pourquoi? - Laisse tomber.

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