Questioned traducir francés
2,121 traducción paralela
So the police never suspected or questioned you?
La police ne vous a pas suspecté, ni questionné.
The police never questioned your brother, isn't that correct?
La police n'a jamais interrogé votre frère, n'est-ce pas, Mme Lewis?
State cops, they questioned me about Kerrigan.
Les flics m'ont questionné sur Kerrigan.
He was there when the cops questioned me.
Il était là quand les flics m'ont interrogé.
Those were the state cops who questioned me.
C'était les flics qui m'ont interrogé.
It's only'cause you guys questioned my handicap.
- Il est passionné. - Parce que vous doutez de mon handicap.
Badly injuring his father. he was questioned and cleared.
Il a accusé son père et a été relaché.
If he is to be questioned, we do it on my terms.
S'il doit être questionné, ce sera selon mes conditions.
I didn't tell you everything the day you questioned me.
Je ne vous ai pas tout dit, l'autre fois.
Okay, I'm gonna send a copy of this to our questioned-documents unit.
Je vais en envoyer une copie au département scientifique.
Booth questioned those eco-terrorist freaks.
Booth a questionné ces monstres écoterroristes.
Chief, you have never questioned my judgment before.
Chef, vous n'avez jamais douté de mon jugement auparavant.
Olivia questioned me. Ugh!
Olivia m'en a posé.
Thigpen is questioned, case is never closed.
Thigpen est interrogé, le dossier, jamais bouclé.
They've already been questioned.
Rassemblez-les. - Ils ont déjà été interrogés.
- He has not yet been questioned
- Non. On l'interroge.
He should have been questioned, but the institution put it off
On aurait dû l'interroger. L'administration a reporté.
- How should I know? Brix says they have more on Kodmani. He must be questioned again
Si vous savez où il a pu aller, vous lui rendrez service en parlant.
Dragsholm questioned Raben about what happened in Afghanistan
On a arrêté l'association. On a besoin d'aide, dépêche-toi.
Kodmani must be questioned again.
Il faut réinterroger Kodmani.
Kodmani has agreed to being questioned, on one condition.
Kodmani a accepté qu'on le réinterroge, à une seule condition.
Since you were on the scene, you're going to be questioned by the OCC tonight.
Vous étiez présents et vous serez donc interrogés.
Hey, you ever been questioned by the OCC? Yeah.
- Tu as déjà eu affaire à eux?
We questioned her.
On l'a interrogée.
- Søgaard refuses to be questioned
- Sogaard refuse de venir. - On l'a assez dérangé.
You and Søgaard were questioned
Tu as été interrogé, Sogaard aussi.
Some to be watched, others questioned, none to be exhumed!
- Certains sont à interroger. Nul besoin de les exhumer.
All Team Ægir's officers are to be questioned Fine.
- J'entendrai tous les officiers.
After they've questioned you, go home and stay there, until further notice
Après, vous rentrerez chez vous et y resterez jusqu'à nouvel ordre.
He wants to be questioned, immediately.
Il veut qu'on l'interroge.
They've already questioned him.
J'y vais. Ils l'ont interrogé.
- I questioned him about those bruises.
- si je l'interrogeais là-dessus.
He believes me. Colonel Jarnvig is being questioned because he helped you escape.
On l'interroge pour vous avoir aidé à échapper aux Renseignements.
And I never questioned anything.
Etje n'ai jamais posé de question.
I'm so sorry I was detained. I was questioned by authorities about an apparent crime against one of your coworkers.
J'étais questionnée par les autorités... sur un crime apparent contre un de vos collègues.
Your people questioned her a couple of months ago.
Votre bureau l'a interrogée il y a 2 mois.
They're afraid she's gonna be questioned about Danielle's murder.
Ils craignent qu'on l'interroge sur le meurtre de Danielle.
So when it came to light, my loyalty was questioned. And I was ordered to kill him.
Quand ça a été découvert, ma loyauté a été remise en question, et on m'a ordonné de le tuer.
- You see, no one questioned authority.
- Personne ne contestait.
No one questioned the decisions of management.
Personne ne contestait les décisions de la direction.
He's the ex-military guy we questioned tonight.
C'est l'ancien militaire qu'on a interrogé hier.
My manhood is being questioned right now.
Ma virilité en prend un coup.
Have you ever questioned yourself?
Vous avez vraiment essayé le dialogue?
Stay seated till we land at which time you will be questioned by Homeland Security.
Restez assis jusqu'à l'atterrissage puis vous serez interrogé.
He never questioned Spanish authority over the New World or royal authority.
Il n'a jamais contesté l'autorité royale sur le Nouveau Monde.
Miss Reed is being questioned as we speak.
Mlle Reed est interrogée en ce moment même.
65 known members of the opposition have been arrested and are being questioned.
65 membres connus de l'opposition ont été arrétés et sont questionnés en ce moment.
65 known members of the opposition have been arrested and are being questioned.
65 membres de l'opposition ont été arrêtés. On les interroge.
She's being questioned again.
Elle est réinterrogée.
They must all be questioned
- Ouais.
They're being questioned.
Nous les interrogeons.
question 535
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question number one 20
question is 362
question for you 31
question one 39
question two 29
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question number one 20
question is 362
question for you 31
question one 39
question two 29