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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ R ] / Read between the lines

Read between the lines traducir francés

154 traducción paralela
She writes that she's happy, but I can read between the lines.
Ses lettres optimistes cachent quelque chose.
Well, I guess maybe I can read between the lines, Billy but I wanna hear you say some more.
Je crois que je peux lire entre les lignes. Mais dis-en d'autres.
- I can read between the lines.
- J'ai pas dit ça. - Je comprends à demi-mot.
A woman must learn to read between the lines, my dear.
Sachez lire entre les lignes.
'Cause that's what people will read between the lines.
Car c'est ce que les gens liront entre les lignes.
Can't you read between the lines what I'm saying?
De quoi? Ce n'est pas grave.
Maybe you should have read between the lines.
Il fallait savoir lire entre les lignes.
Course you have to read between the lines.
- Il faut lire entre les lignes.
But you read between the lines, didn't you?
Mais tu lis entre les lignes.
You ought to read between the lines by now.
Vous devriez finir par saisir les nuances.
I read between the lines and saw a caught-in-bed scenario.
J'ai lu entre les lignes, j'ai vu un autre flagrant délit.
He may not show it yet but if you read between the lines of his...
Il cache bien son jeu mais entre les lignes.
I can read between the lines, kiddo.
Je sais lire entre les lignes, petit.
Read between the lines, my foot.
Lire entre les lignes, mon œil.
I read between the lines.
J'ai reconnu l'esprit.
Hey, can you read between the lines?
Hé, peux-tu lire entre les lignes?
Well, from what I read between the lines, she liked to live in the fast lane.
D'après ce que j'ai pu voir, elle aimait vivre dangereusement.
I read between the lines.
Je lis entre les lignes.
Sometimes you gotta read between the lines.
Parfois, il faut savoir lire entre les lignes.
Read between the lines.
Lisez entre les lignes.
- Christ, man. Can't you see what's happening? Can't you read between the lines?
Vous savez pas lire entre les lignes?
Read between the lines, Jack.
Lis entre les lignes.
Read between the lines and it looks like a lot of black-bag stuff.
Ça sent le renseignement à plein nez.
You have to read between the lines.
Faut savoir lire entre les lignes.
Read between the lines, you fool!
Essayez de lire entre les lignes.
Read between the lines.
Si on lit entre les lignes.
Read between the lines, bitch.
Lis entre les lignes mon chou.
Oh, Miss Jordan. As an actress, you really must learn... to read between the lines.
Melle Jordan... étonnant qu'une grande comédienne, ne sache pas lire entre les lignes.
It's just that if we don't communicate honestly, then we read between the lines and tend to get everything screwed up.
Mais si on communique pas franchement, on lit entre les lignes et on fout tout en l'air.
- I read between the lines.
Est-ce que j'ai dit ça?
You gotta learn to read between the lines sometimes.
Enfin... il faut lire entre les lignes.
I read between the lines.
J'ai lu entre les lignes.
As a child, you could read between the lines and... you could add all your imagination.
Quand on est enfant on peut vraiment lire entre Ies lignes... et y apporter toute son imagination.
I wanted to read between the lines. And at that time, it was possible.
Je voulais lire entre Ies lignes et à l'époque, cela était possible.
I can read between the lines.
Je sais lire entre les lignes.
Read between the lines, Mr. April.
- Rends-toi à l'évidence,
That's why we try and read between the lines.
C'est pour ça qu'on lit entre les lignes.
Read between the lines, Ms. Jones.
Comprenez-moi bien, Mlle Jones.
Once you've been here a while, you learn to read between the lines.
Et quand on connaît l'hôpital, on apprend à lire entre les lignes.
If it is instantly clear that a person, place or profession is not for you, is it better to ignore your better judgment and read between the lines or should you judge a book by its cover?
Si on sent qu'une personne, un endroit ou un emploi n'est pas pour nous, vaut-il mieux ignorer son jugement et lire entre les lignes ou doit-on se fier aux apparences?
Just read between the lines.
Faut lire entre les lignes.
You gotta read between the lines.
Il faut lire entre les lignes.
Read between the lines, Theo.
Lis bien entre les lignes, Théo.
Read between the lines!
Lis entre les lignes!
If you don't take his phone call, he may read between the lines.
Si vous ne prenez pas son coup de fil, il pourrait lire entre les lignes.
You gotta read between the lines, darlin'?
Tu dois lire entre les lignes, chéri.
What did you mean by asking him to read between the lines?
Que vouliez-vous dire en lui demandant de lire entre les lignes?
I sort of read it between the lines.
- J'ai lu entre les lignes.
You know how I like to read in between the lines.
J'adore lire entre les lignes.
# # If you read between the lines # # # # You'll know that I'm # #
Dawn Schiller s'enfuit avec John en Floride.
Learn to read between the goddamn lines.
Lisez entre les lignes.

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