Seven of nine traducir francés
224 traducción paralela
"As I'm sure you are well aware," "seven of nine of these Supreme Court justices" "are themselves Southern slave owners."
Comme je suis sûr que vous le savez, sept des neuf juges de la Cour Suprême possèdent eux-mêmes des esclaves.
Report to the Astrometrics Lab.
Seven of Nine, rendez-vous au laboratoire astrométrique.
Seven of Nine requested a duty assignment.
- Seven of Nine veut être affectée.
That's where Seven of Nine comes in. She's offered to work with you.
- C'est là qu'elle entre en jeu.
Seven of Nine, you told me you wouldn't make any more attempts to contact the Borg.
"LA FETE DE L'HONNEUR" Vous m'avez dit que vous ne contacteriez plus les Borgs.
is a little cumbersome.
Seven of Nine, c'est un peu long.
I have been Seven of Nine for as long as I can remember.
Je suis Seven of Nine depuis aussi loin que je m'en souvienne.
Thank you, Doctor. Actually, you can thank Seven of Nine.
- Remerciez plutôt Seven of Nine.
It is for us. "His function on this crew is diverse." That's what Seven of Nine said about you.
"ll assume plusieurs fonctions au sein de l'équipage", a dit Seven.
I've assigned Seven of Nine to work with you.
- Seven of Nine vous assistera.
Working with Seven of Nine is starting to get a little awkward.
J'ai de plus en plus de mal à travailler avec Seven of Nine.
Could the Doctor's program...? Seven of Nine, this is the Doctor.
Seven of Nine, ici le docteur.
Tuvok to Seven of Nine.
- Tuvok à Seven of Nine.
Seven of Nine, of Uni-Matrix Zero One.
Seven of Nine, adjonction tertiaire de l'unimatrice 01.
But you may call me Seven of Nine
Vous pouvez m'appeler Seven of Nine.
Seven of Nine said, that we've lacked the cohesion of a collective mind. That one day it would divide us and destroy us.
Seven of Nine a dit que notre manque de cohésion causerait notre perte.
Seven of Nine, stop what you're doing.
Seven of Nine. Arrêtez ce que vous faites.
Seven of Nine...
Seven of Nine.
Seven of Nine could help us with that.
Seven of Nine pourrait nous aider.
Which is the last thing Seven of Nine would want.
- Ce qu'elle ne voudrait pas.
Lieutenant Torres, Ensign Kim, you remember Seven of Nine.
- Vous vous souvenez de Seven of Nine.
My designation is Seven of Nine... but the others are gone.
Ma désignation est Seven of Nine. Les autres ont disparu.
Seven of Nine attacked Neelix in the Mess Hall and three other crewmen on Deck 2.
Seven of Nine a attaqué Neelix et deux autres personnes sur le pont 2.
Janeway to Seven of Nine.
Janeway à Seven of Nine.
Seven of Nine.
Seven of Nine.
We've just seen Seven of Nine.
Nous avons vu Seven of Nine.
I'm determined to find something here that might shed some light on Seven of Nine's actions.
Je suis résolue à trouver un élément expliquant la conduite de Seven.
The Doctor analyzed the data from Seven of Nine's last transport.
Le docteur a analysé les dernières données de téléportation de Seven.
This graphic represents the matter conversion data from Seven of Nine's last transport.
Voici les données de la dernière téléportation de Seven of Nine.
The dormant nanoprobes in Seven of Nine's cells have reasserted themselves. Taken over blood cell production, and they're growing new Borg implants.
Les nanosondes dormantes se sont réveillées, ont envahi les cellules du sang et fabriquent de nouveaux implants borgs.
Seven of Nine, grid nine-two of subjunction 12.
Seven of Nine, grille 92 de la sous-jonction 12.
I've been trying to retrace Seven of Nine's footsteps... her actions during the last few days, but I'm still no closer to understanding what's happened.
J'essaie de reconstituer les actions de Seven of Nine de ces derniers jours. Mais je ne comprends toujours pas mieux ce qui s'est passé.
Tuvok is with Seven of Nine.
Tuvok est avec Seven of Nine.
Ensign Kim and Seven of Nine have merged Starfleet and Borg ingenuity to create this new technology, and I'm sure I speak for the entire crew when I say... thank you.
L'enseigne Kim et Seven of Nine ont allié ingéniosité borg et Starfleet pour créer ceci. Et je suis sûre de parler au nom de tout l'équipage quand je vous dis : "merci."
Seven of Nine can go take a look.
Seven of Nine ira voir.
Seven of Nine to Tuvok.
- Seven of Nine à Tuvok.
Hold them off as long as you can.
Passerelle à Seven of Nine.
The wallet of the gentleman in two fifty-three, five, seven and nine... is in your possession. I knew it very well when you took it out of my pocket.
Quand vous l'avez retiré de ma poche, ça m'a chatouillé.
Rude in my speech, and little blessed with the soft phrase of peace, since these arms of mine had seven years'pith till now some nine moon wasted they have used their dearest action in the tented field and little little of this great world can i
Rude est mon langage, il ne connaît guère les joliesses de la paix. Car depuis l'âge de sept ans, hormis mon inaction récente, le champ de bataille fut mon terrain d'élection.
Jean Carter, age nine years, seven months, of Jamestown, with intent to commit an act or acts of gross indecency.
Jean Carter, âgé de neuf ans sept mois de Jamestown, avec l'intention de commettre un ou des actes de grossière indécence.
Ten of hearts, three of diamonds, three of spades, six of clubs, jack of spades, ace of hearts, seven of hearts, nine of clubs, ten of clubs, king of diamonds, queen of spades...
Dix de cœur, trois de carreau, trois de pique, six de trèfle, valet de pique, as de cœur, sept de cœur, neuf de trèfle, dix de trèfle, roi de carreau, dame de pique...
Among nine of them... two ran away and seven are here. They're in the city and will be caught soon.
Ils ne sont plus que 7 en ville, on finira par les trouver!
Seven of the nine remained till 2 in the morning.
Sept d'entre eux sont restés jusqu'à 2 h du matin.
Those old cards are really expensive, but I sold everything I could... but we got seven of the nine all-time Cubs.
Ces vieilles cartes sont chères. J'ai vendu ce que j'ai pu, sur les 9 cartes des juniors on en a 7.
Since nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, the second was defined as the equivalent of nine billion, one hundred and ninety two million, six hundred and thirty one thousand, seven hundred and fifty eight radiation cycles of the caesium atom.
Depuis 1958, la seconde est définie comme l'équivalent de 9 milliards, 192 millions, 631 mille, 758 cycles de radiations d'un atome de caesium.
And what is the greatest fraternity in this great nation of ours... in this year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven?
Et quelle est la fraternité la plus géniale de notre grande nation... en l'an de grâce 1967?
So what does it say to you that in the past seven weeks... fifty-nine percent of this country has begun to question your family values?
Quel effet cela vous fait-il que depuis 7 semaines, 59 % du pays doute de vos valeurs familiales?
You have a deeper love of this country than any man I've ever known... and I want to know what it says to you that in the past seven weeks... fifty-nine percent of Americans have begun to question your patriotism?
Car vous aimez ce pays plus profondément que quiconque. Dites-moi quel effet ça vous fait que depuis 7 semaines, 59 % des Américains doutent de votre patriotisme?
In my line of work, if you don't know what something really is... ten, nine, instead of what it looks like, eight, seven, you don't mess with it, six, five, or you could get yourself killed.
Dans mon travail, quand on ne sait pas vraiment ce qu'est une chose... et qu'on sait seulement à quoi ça ressemble... on ne s'amuse pas avec ça... ou on peut se faire tuer.
Tuvok to Seven of Nine.
One more thing- - your designation, "Seven of Nine"
Votre désignation :
nine 2113
niners 17
niner 143
nineteen 143
ninety 241
nine o'clock 53
nine years old 40
nine years later 16
nine years ago 48
nine hours 25
niners 17
niner 143
nineteen 143
ninety 241
nine o'clock 53
nine years old 40
nine years later 16
nine years ago 48
nine hours 25
nine days 21
nine years 87
nine months 63
nine months later 25
nine hundred 19
nine minutes 30
nine months ago 29
nine seconds 18
nine millimeter 28
nine times 24
nine years 87
nine months 63
nine months later 25
nine hundred 19
nine minutes 30
nine months ago 29
nine seconds 18
nine millimeter 28
nine times 24
nine times out of ten 28
seven 3061
seventeen 198
seventh 49
seventy 282
seven o'clock 59
seven hundred 20
seven seconds 28
seven years old 38
seven years ago 127
seven 3061
seventeen 198
seventh 49
seventy 282
seven o'clock 59
seven hundred 20
seven seconds 28
seven years old 38
seven years ago 127