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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ S ] / She was my wife

She was my wife traducir francés

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She was my wife.
C'était ma femme.
She was my wife.
Elle était ma femme.
Yes, she was my wife!
Oui. C'était ma femme.
She was my wife when she married Chandler.
Elle l'était toujours quand elle a épousé Chandler.
We had our differences, but she was my wife.
Malgré nos querelles, c'était ma femme.
She was my wife.
C'était mon épouse.
She was my wife.
C'est ma femme.
I said she was my wife.
J'ai dit qu'elle était mon épouse.
- She was my wife.
C'était ma femme.
She was my wife.
Ben... j'aime autant tout vous dire. Ça vaudra mieux.
Doctor, put my wife back the way she was when I married her or I'll take steps.
Retapez ma femme comme elle était quand je l'ai mariée, ou je vous poursuivrai.
My wife spoke while she was under bewitchment.
Ma femme a parlé pendant qu'elle était envoûtée.
I'm sorry, my boy, but you see, we never had any children of our own. And to my wife, Lee was- - Well, you can understand how she feels about it.
Désolé, mon garçon, mais nous n'avons jamais eu d'enfants et pour ma femme, Lee était...
That wave, that impulse was recorded by my wife's brain before she died.
Cette impulsion a été enregistrée par le cerveau de ma femme avant sa mort.
Was I burnt. So I turned around to give my wife a dirty look and she said louder, louder, he didn't hear you.
J'ai regardé ma femme et elle m'a dit :
The funny thing was that when my wife found that in my pocket she thought that I was the one who bought it for you.
Ma femme l'a trouvé dans ma poche... et elle a cru que c'était moi qui l'avais acheté pour vous.
It was my wife's. She bought it in a department store...
Il vient d'un grand magasin.
My wife's estate. She was a French citizen.
Les biens de ma femme, c'était une citoyenne française.
When she told me she wouldn't wait any longer for my wife to divorce me, that she was going to marry that slot-machine operator the next day,
Elle m'a dit qu'elle n'attendait plus que je divorce et qu'elle allait épouser le type des machines à sous.
My wife was not murdered. She killed herself.
Elle n'a pas été assassinée, elle s'est tuée.
I didn't make any formal proposal, Harry. I told her I loved her and she said she was not worthy to be my wife. - "Not worthy."
Je lui ai dit que je l'aimais, et elle m'a dit qu'elle n'était pas digne d'être ma femme.
No, I know it was Friday, because that was the day... my wife told me she was gonna have a baby.
Non, c'était vendredi, parce que ce jour la... ma femme m'a dit qu'elle attendait un bébé.
My wife called them flaming arrows. She was fond of gardening.
Elle aimait cultiver les fleurs.
My wife was waiting for me to get sick, so she could leave me.
Ma femme attendait que je tombe malade pour se débarrasser de moi.
Your creeps have no compunction phoning my house... giving me orders, talking to my wife like she was...
Vos sbires appellent chez moi sans scrupules, me donnent des ordres, parlent à ma femme comme si...
My wife was so different, may she rest in peace...
Ma femme était comme elle était, paix à son âme..
My wife was in very good shape. That's all she had
Ma femme était en bonne santé c'est tout ce qu'elle avait
Once she was... my son's wife.
Autrefois, c'était... ma belle-fille.
No, I was at a dinner party at the Grendon Hotel and by coincidence, I was phoning my wife when she was attacked.
J'étais à un dîner au Grand-Hôtel. Et par hasard, j'appelais ma femme quand elle a été attaquée.
He thought my wife was his dish, and she thought I was Clark Gable.
Il voulait ma femme comme dessert, et elle m'a pris pour Clark Gable.
You see, my son's wife... she was, she had to...
C'est ma belle-fille, elle était...
My wife was on her way to the ghat when she heard he'd fallen down unconscious.
Rien non plus ce matin. Ma femme allait au temple quand elle a appris qu'il s'était évanoui.
What I want to know is... while I was gone did my wife get lonely and forget that she was a wife?
J'aimerais savoir... quand j'étais absent, est-ce que ma femme s'est ennuyée et a oublié qu'elle était mariée?
My wife was hysterical and she wasn't making much sense.
Ma femme était hors d'elle, ce qu'elle disait n'était pas très clair.
When my wife told me that she was going to have a baby... it was the happiest moment I've ever known.
L'idée d'être père mettait le comble à mon bonheur.
McCabe I will guarantee that you could bring in any boy that age tell my wife that it was her son she'd accept him without question.
McCabe... Amenez-lui n'importe quel jeune homme de 17 ans et dites à ma femme que c'est son fils. Elle l'acceptera, sans poser de question.
As a matter of fact, it's possible that my wife won't join me because when I left home she was not well.
Ma femme ne viendra sans doute pas. Elle n'est pas bien.
I was having my dinner and my wife mary went to answer the door, and when she came back, she had such a strange expression on her face.
J'étais en train de dîner, et ma femme, Mary, est allée ouvrir la porte. Elle est revenue en faisant une drôle de tête.
My wife was there, and she's frightened he's coming for revenge.
Ma femme était présente et elle a peur qu'il vienne se venger.
I called my wife at her work, but she was not there
J'ai téléphoné à ma femme à son travail mais elle n'était pas là.
- She was no longer my wife.
- Elle n'était plus ma femme.
And while she was there, my wife became acquainted my father says, with this photographer named Sam Hunt.
Et là-bas, elle aurait fait connaissance... selon mon père, de ce photographe, Sam Hunt.
Do you know that when I first met my late wife she was a student of photography?
Quand j'ai connu ma femme, elle étudiait la photographie.
My wife, she was kind of hoping'it, too.
Ma femme aussi, elle l'espérait.
She was the last person to see my wife.
C'est la derniere personne a avoir vu ma femme.
The wine my wife drank was poisoned, and she died in agony with your name on her lips.
Le vin que mon épouse a bu était empoisonné, elle est morte dans d'atroces souffrances en prononçant ton nom.
If she was my wife, I'd belt her one.
Tu devrais la dresser.
You tell that twist to lay off of my wife. She was at it again.
Dites à cette nana de ficher la paix à ma femme.
My real mother raised me, God rest her soul... and she was a wife to him!
Ma vraie mère m'a élevé, Dieu ait son âme. Elle, c'était une femme pour lui!
I told you, that my wife was guillotined... because she'd murdered my best friend.
Je vous ai dit que ma femme avait été guillotinée... Pour avoir assassiné mon meilleur ami.
My wife existed only six minutes on the operating table, and then she was dead.
Mon épouse ne survécut que six minutes sur la table d'opération, et elle mourut.

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