Six of them traducir francés
611 traducción paralela
Now understand, it took six of them to throw me out.
Il en a fallu 6 pour me jeter dehors, compris?
$ 1 apiece. - Yeah, and there's six of them, too.
Et y en a six.
- Six of them. They got a hideout in Kansas City.
6 sont dans une planque à Kansas City.
- Six of them, poor kids.
- Six d'entre eux, pauvres gosses.
There were about six of them.
Il y en avait six...
All six of them have been sent back home.
Les six sont encore chez moi.
Six of them were strangers to us.
Six d'entre eux nous étaient étrangers.
But there are six of them.
- Mais il sont six!
Yeah, six of them. Three for each of ya!
Oui, trois pour chacun de vous.
Just six of them.
Ils n'étaient que six.
Go down to Porter's hardware store and get six of them.
Va à Porter m'en prendre six.
Thirty-two people had had contact with her, and within four days, before the disease could be correctly diagnosed and contained, twenty-six of them had died, and they died suddenly, violently and horribly.
Une femme était morte, de pneumonie, croyait-on. 32 personnes l'avaient approchée. En 4 jours, avant qu'on diagnostique la maladie, il y eut 26 victimes, mortes dans d'atroces souffrances.
In the morning, six of them lay dead.
Au matin, j'en ai trouvé six, tués.
Today at noon, six of them will be lined up against a wall in the square where our men were murdered.
Aujourd'hui à midi, six d'entre eux seront porté sur la place... là où ils ont assassiné nos hommes.
Take any six of them, my wife included throw them up in the air. The one who sticks to the ceiling, I like.
Prenez-en six, n'importe lesquelles, y compris ma femme, jetez-les en l'air, celle qui reste collée au plafond sera la bonne.
Yeah... six of them.
Oui, j'en ai six.
- I found out that six of them had been friends of Mr. Stanford White. - Hmm.
J'ai trouvé que six avaient été les amis de M. Stanford White.
There were six of them.
Il contenait six de ces grigris.
- There are six of them.
Ils sont six! D'accord!
Catched six of them trying to get across Goodman's Creek into free territory.
Ils essayaient de passer en Territoire Libre.
Why, they'll have them out of deepwater in 6 months.
Dans six mois, nous serons débarrassés de ces gens.
If I had the price, I'd been outside of six stacks of them already.
Si j'en avais les moyens, je serais déjà assis en train de manger.
You get one out of six for taking care of them. Oh!
Tu prends soin de six, tu en reçois un.
Six or seven of them?
Ou sept?
Whoever brings them back... will be given a reward of six weeks furlough.
Les deux condamnés ont fui. Verrouillez tout et fouillez partout.
Once, there were six of us. Now I represent them all.
On était 6, je les représente.
There're a lot of them out here. Of course, there's only five or six poisonous kinds, but there are a lot of the long, squirmy, slippery, slimy ones.
Seules cinq ou six espèces sont venimeuses, mais il y en a de longs et glissants qui se tortillent.
About six blankets. Feather bed on top of them. Hot toddies.
Six couvertures... et un édredon... avec un grog bien chaud.
Six of them!
- Six!
Six of them!
Six en tout!
Six little Indian boys playing with a hive a bumblebee stung one of them and then there were five.
"Six petits Indiens jouèrent avec une ruche. " Un bourdon piqua l'un d'eux, il n'en resta que cinq.
Maybe 500 or 600 of them.
- On en aura cinq ou six cents.
- A thousand men go searching for gold. After six months one of them's lucky. One out of the thousand.
- Sur 1 000 gus qui cherchent, au bout de 6 mois, y a un veinard.
One of them contained six bottles of whisky.
Elles contenaient six bouteilles de whisky.
In those six miles there's probably thousand of guys and every one of them was taught to shoot at uniforms like this.
Dans ces six milles il y a au moins des milliers de gars et chacun est entraîné pour tirer sur des uniformes comme ceux-là!
You offer them a fortune for a few coconuts and they refuse to work yet they go out and kill themselves for six pieces of stone.
On leur offre une fortune pour quelques noix et ils refusent, pourtant ils vont affronter la mort pour six bouts de pierre.
Anyway, there I stood halfway around the world from Hollywood and Vine in a little graveyard near Rapallo, Italy watching them bury the Contessa Torlato-Favrini in ground she'd never heard of six months ago with a stone statue to mark the spot
J'étais donc là, à des dizaines de milliers de kilomètres d'Hollywood, dans le petit cimetière italien de Rapallo. Je les regardais enterrer la comtesse Torlato-Favrini dans une terre dont elle ignorait tout il y a six mois, avec une statue pour indiquer l'endroit.
Not that I placed any evil construction on it then... but now I find myself quite unable... to continue thinking of them as two young music lovers... listening steadily to the phonograph for something like six weeks.
Pas que j'y ai vu du mal à l'époque... mais maintenant, je suis incapable de les imaginer en tant que mélomanes... passionnés qui auraient écouté de la musique ensemble pendant six semaines.
Fifty six, you owe me thirty of them.
Tu me dois 30 de ces années.
They were paroles. We fought for six years to earn them- - those of us who were still around for the graduation.
Cette mise en liberté sur parole... on s'est battus 6 ans pour la mériter!
- I'm afraid you are... and the reason I say that is I have here a list of six South Bay tradesmen... who are prepared to swear that you asked them... to pay Mrs. Rath's monthly bills so that you could get a kickback.
Moi? - Oui, hélas. J'ai une liste de six commerçants du quartier qui jurent que vous demandiez qu'on gonfle les factures de Mme Rath à votre profit.
If six Chinamen get off a train at Las Vegas, and two of them are found floating facedown in a goldfish bowl their only identification, two telephone numbers one, Plaza 0-0000 and the other, Columbus 0-1492 what time did the train get to Palm Springs?
Mais il y a un piège. 6 hommes descendent du train á Las Vegas. On en retrouve deux flottant entre deux eaux dans un aquarium.
Is he one of them?
Fabrizio. C'est l'un des six.
And there are six long days of mischief for them before you get them again. Aha!
Et six longs jours par semaine, ils s'écartent du droit chemin.
She's got about six tonnes of sweet peas. She'll be out buying black market water for them.
Madame donnerait un bras pour ses pois de senteur.
I got six clocks, and none of them work.
J'ai six réveils et aucun ne marche.
Six weeks in that stinking, filthy hole and there won't be enough left of them to hang.
Six semaines dans ce trou sale et répugnant, et il ne restera pas grand-chose d'eux à pendre.
We'll take all the extra supplies and make six parcels out of them.
On va prendre les provisions et en faire six paquets.
A mob of six million people, and every one of them a stranger.
Six millions d'habitants et tous des inconnus.
Ten of them at six o'clock.
Dix autres avions, à six heures!
And around them, six inches of lead.
Ces murs de béton armé ont une épaisseur de 50 cm, et sont entourés d'une couche de plomb de 15 cm.
six of one 24
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17