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Sports illustrated traducir francés

118 traducción paralela
Make an interesting article for Sports Illustrated.
Ça ferait un bon article dans L'équipe.
I brought you Sports Illustrated.
Je t'ai apporté L'Equipe.
He was on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Il a fait la une de "Sports".
I kind of got an inkling when I saw the cover story of Sports Illustrated.
J'en ai eu une petite idée en voyant la couverture de Sports Illustrated.
And now comes the tricky part because People, Sports Illustrated and TIME, they're all the same size.
Et là, c'est le plus dur, car People, Sports Illustrated et TIME, ils font tous la même taille!
- Do you have, like, Sports Illustrated?
- Vous avez comme " sports illustred?
Hope you end up on the cover of Sports Illustrated... or maybe a cereal box.
J'espère que tu finiras en couverture de Sports Illustrated... ou peut-être sur une boîite de céréale.
Okay, give her a Sports Illustrated, and tell her I'll be right there.
Donne-lui L'Équipe et dis-lui que j'arrive.
They were shooting the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue right in the hotel pool.
Ils photographiaient le spécial bikinis de "Sports Illustrated" à la piscine.
Will Garth ever get his Sports Illustrated football phone?
Garth aura-t-il son téléphone-ballon?
My Sports Illustrated football phone...
Mon téléphone-ballon!
My Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue...
Le numéro "Spécial maillots".
Yes, he received a Sports Illustrated football phone.
Oui, il a bien reçu son téléphone-ballon.
Back in 1965... Sports Illustrated said I would be the next Arnold Palmer.
En 1965, les journaux disaient que je serais le nouvel Arnold Palmer.
People couldn't see it, it was so fast Sports Illustrated got a slow-motion camera, they clocked the punch and the punch flew at 4 / 100ths of a second.
Personne n'a eu le temps de voir. Sports Illustrated l'a filmé au ralenti. Le coup est parti en 4 / 100 de seconde.
And I sold my soul so I could be a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model.
Et moi, j'ai fait pareil pour devenir un mannequin de rêve.
I never lost my Sports illustrated swimsuit phone.
J'ai encore celui de Sports Illustrated.
Write me a check for Sports Illustrated, will you?
Tiens, fais-moi un chèque pour que je reçoive Sports Illustrated.
Ever read Sports Illustrated?
Tu as lu La Vie du Sport?
"Sports lllustrated" bought it!
"Sports Illustrated" vient de l'acheter!
Here's your "Sports lllustrated."
Voilà ton "Sports Illustrated".
Nothing. "Sports lllustrated" used to be good, now it's bad.
- Rien. J'aimais "Sports Illustrated", maintenant j'aime plus.
Just, when that piece of crap comes out in "Sports lllustrated,"
Sauf que dès que son article sera publié dans "Sports Illustrated",
I hear he got into "Sports lllustrated."
Parait qu'il va être publié dans "Sports Illustrated".
Correct me if I'm wrong, Raymond, but hasn't that been a lifelong dream of yours to get into "Sports lllustrated"?
Dis-moi si je me trompe, Raymond, mais c'était pas l'un de tes plus grands rêves d'être publié dans "Sports Illustrated"?
Hey, "Sports lllustrated," huh?
"Sports Illustrated", hein?
Forget about "Sports lllustrated."
Parlons-en de "Sports Illustrated".
What, the "Sports lllustrated" guys, yeah?
Qui, les types de "Sports Illustrated"?
I just did the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swim Cap Issue.
Il m'a suffi de faire la couverture de Sports Illustrated en bonnet de bain.
Here's your pillow, sir. And your Sports Illustrated.
Voici votre oreiller et votre magazine de sport.
Like, did you ever see Paulina in her first Sports illustrated layout?
Comme... Paulina, le mannequin pour maillots de bain.
Sports Illustrated?
Sports Illustrated?
I'd see you sittin on that couch, sneakin'peeks at her while she vacuumed with the same look you have for your Sports lllustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Je te voyais assis sur ce canapé, en train de la mater quand elle passait l'aspirateur, avec ce même œil que tu as en lisant l'édition spéciale bikinis de "Sports Illustrated".
- Sports Illustrated?
- Sports Illustrated?
You'll have your first Sports Illustrated cover.
Ta 1ère couv'de Sports Illustrated!
Come on, get this shot for Sports Illustrated.
Prenez des photos pour Sports Illustrated!
You know that editor from Sports Illustrated that you have been shamelessly flirting with on the phone for... a month now?
Tu te rappelles le rédacteur de "Sports Magazine" avec lequel tu flirtes sans pudeur, au téléphone, depuis un mois maintenant?
These include the swimsuit issue of "Sports lllustrated,"
Ceci inclus le numéro spécial maillots de bain de "Sports Illustrated",
Why would Sports Illustrated even publish an issue that's not a swimsuit issue?
"Sport illustré" ne devrait publier que des numéros "bikinis".
- Sports Illustrated.
- Mais qu'est-ce que tu lis?
- You can do it on Sports Illustrated.
- Un magazine ferait l'affaire.
I mean, sure I'll flip through a Sports Illustrated if it's already in the bathroom... and I'm already happy to see it.
Je feuillette Sports Illustrated si il est dans la salle de bain... Et je m'en satisfais déjà, mais ça s'arrête là.
Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, she's the cover.
Dans le numéro spécial maillots de bain de Sports Illustrated.
'Sports lllustrated'isn't a book. "
"'Sports Illustrated'n'est pas un livre d'histoires ".
You got a Sports Illustrated shoot in an hour.
On a une séance photo avec Sports Illustrated dans une heure.
I got them from Sports Illustrated.
Tirés de Sports Illustrated.
Eliot was in Sports Illustrated.
Eliot est dans Sports Illustrated.
- You seen my "Sports lllustrated"?
Tu as vu mon "Sports Illustrated"? TOUT LE MONDE AIME RAYMOND
Six - Six Sports Illustrated swimsuit models are from Floripa.
Six des plus jolies top modèles sont originaires de Floripa.
Yeah, it would seem much cooler if it didn't have sports illustrated pasted on the side.
Ouais, elles auraient l'air plus cool s'il n'y avait pas "sports illustrés" écris sur le côté.
I got a package from one of your ex-wives, subscription renewal notice from Sports lllustrated... and this, from Beecher.
J'ai un paquet d'une de tes anciennes femmes, une demande de réabonnement pour "Sport Illustrated", et ça de la part de Beecher.

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